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Going back to Atkins for awhile, need suggestions

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I'm going back to Atkins for a bit and I need some breakfast ideas. I cannot stand eggs all the time and I do not want heavily processed, nitrate and salt saturated meats. So, what can I have for breakfast????


I'm thinking about doing Atkins one day and "low carb" the next. In other words, more traditional Atkins on day 1. On day 2, raw veggies and meat (think salad and grilled chicken). Day 3 would go back to Atkins. Any thoughts on this??


I'm trying to compensate for fluid retention from starting hormone therapy. Also, I need to compensate for anemia (that is why I started the BCPs). So, my thinking is good quality meats and proteins and good quality fresh raw veggies. No lunch meats, processed foods, junk starches, etc. I've been pretty good about my diet, but pastas, potatoes, and ice cream have snuck into it a bit too often. Time to clean it up!!!

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Would I be out of line in suggesting you try Weight Watchers instead? It's a much more realistic/healthy option, I think, being as it doesn't expect you to entirely cut out certain food groups. Just a thought! Feel free to ignore me if that was too presumptuous lol.

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Would I be out of line in suggesting you try Weight Watchers instead? It's a much more realistic/healthy option, I think, being as it doesn't expect you to entirely cut out certain food groups. Just a thought! Feel free to ignore me if that was too presumptuous lol.


:iagree: Feel free to ignore me, too. I agree because tracking points is a great way to manage food sneaking into your diet.

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Weight Watchers does interest me. But, for various reasons, I cannot attend group meetings and my budge will not allow me to pay for a weight loss group. I just need some structure to get my "base" eating and snacking healthier. I only have about 10 pounds to lose, but I do not like the things that are creeping into my diet. I want more protein, more raw, etc. I need snacks. But, I need those snacks to be protein, nuts, fruit or veggies, not chocolate or Starbucks.

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Weight Watchers does interest me. But, for various reasons, I cannot attend group meetings and my budge will not allow me to pay for a weight loss group. I just need some structure to get my "base" eating and snacking healthier. I only have about 10 pounds to lose, but I do not like the things that are creeping into my diet. I want more protein, more raw, etc. I need snacks. But, I need those snacks to be protein, nuts, fruit or veggies, not chocolate or Starbucks.


Not sure if this will help, but here is what I typically eat on WW:


B - 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1 T ground flaxseed, (nature's broom-LOL!) and 1/2 c berries or chopped apple. (4 points)

- 1 cup egg whites, (I use the liquid kind from Costco) with stir fried onion, bell pepper and spinach. (2 points)

- 1/2 cup egg whites, with WW cheddar cheese in a Sandwich Thin, (round bread in deli section). (3 points)

- I also have a soy chai tea with breakfast which is filling, (1 point).


For snacks I eat an apple with WW yogurt, (2 points), 94.7% FF popcorn, (1 point), soymilk smoothie with stawberries and spinach, (2 points) or handful almonds with fruit, (3 points). If I am starving my favorite snack is a Sandwich Thin, (from deli section) with a Boca or Morning Star bean burger, (frozen section) FF mayo and a tomato. The snack is 2 to 3 points depending on the burger you use. I also eat this with a cup of WW 0 point soup before going to a potluck or all you can eat event. It really curbs the appetite. I posted the WW 0 Point Soup recipe last week on these boards.


For dinner I am using the e-mealz.com Walmart points option. The meals are easy and they have the points already calculated for you. Check out e-mealz.com. It includes a menu and 7 recipes for about $1 per week.


Main thing is to track, track, track. It really helps prevent the food sneak ins.


Congrats that you are down to your last 10 pounds. Way to go!

Edited by Ferdie
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I am on a very low carb diet and have been since the beginning of the year. I am having a cold hamburger patty for breakfast. I call them meat cookies (I only call them that cause it grosses my husband out :D ) My key to success has been to always have a variety of meat in the freezer and if I need something crunchy I grab pork rinds or if I need something sweet I have russell stovers sugar free chocolate. Really my breakfasts , lunches and dinners all look the same. I eat a lot of hot wings with franks hot sauce if I need more flavor and I love steak and mushrooms. every couple of days I will have a taco salad or fajita salad. Oh also making your own beef jerky and just having that on hand to travel with has been super helpful.

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I'm doing Atkins right now and I never eat just fried/scrambled eggs because I don't like them. Nothing says you have to have "breakfast foods" for breakfast. Cook some extra meat for dinner and have that for breakfast along with some string cheese,turkey with cream cheese or guacamole spread on it and rolled up, tuna salad spread on some celery, or I sometimes will make a spinach quiche if I'm in the mood for something more breakfasty.


For what it's worth, I used to work for Weight Watchers and while I had success with it for a couple of years, I actually found I ate healthier with Atkins as I added in more vegetables. A dinner of grilled chicken with a salad and some broccoli is more nutritious than the spaghetti I might have eaten on WW. On WW I was able to eat way too much junk food, sugar, and empty carbs.

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:lurk5: I was thinking about posting this very question. If I have eggs more than twice a week, they start to disgust me and I can't look at them for months. I was trying to come up with alternatives as well. How about nut butter and celery? Avocado and cheese? I like the burger idea, with a slice of Swiss on top maybe? How do you feel about soy? Maybe you could incorporate soy in somehow.

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I used to waitress in a coffee shop (20+ years ago!) and I still remember one of the menu options was "The Protien Plate." It was a hamburger patty, a serving of cottage cheese and some tomato slices. :)


How about a BLT as a lettuce wrap? Mayo is allowed on Atkins, if I remember correctly.


Have you tried South Beach? It's a little more balanced than Atkins and you wouldn't have to track your alternating days.


Best wishes!

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I used to waitress in a coffee shop (20+ years ago!) and I still remember one of the menu options was "The Protien Plate." It was a hamburger patty, a serving of cottage cheese and some tomato slices. :)


How about a BLT as a lettuce wrap? Mayo is allowed on Atkins, if I remember correctly.


Have you tried South Beach? It's a little more balanced than Atkins and you wouldn't have to track your alternating days.


Best wishes!


Oooh, cottage cheese! I always forget about cottage cheese, yum.

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I did forget about cottage cheese!! These are great ideas!! I'm noticing sugar crashes over the weekend, that means I've lost track of how many carby things I'm eating. We have certainly had too many baked potatoes and pasta. Lunch today is grilled chicken with raw veggies. The first few days are the toughest. Hoping I'm catching bad habits early and can get back on track quicker.....

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