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Vertigo recently, anyone?

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I was at the hospital Saturday night for vertigo and nausea. I couldn't stop vomiting, and I couldn't stand up. As word has made it around my family and friends, I keep hearing that this is 'going around.' Everyone seems to know a friend of a relative or a relative of a friend who has had the same thing recently, and they are all saying it lasts a long time. :glare:


The hospital couldn't come up with anything, so we are going on the assumption that it is a viral thing in my inner ear, as I had sinus problems that never really went awaya few weeks ago. It really is the most bizarre feeling, though. The anti-vertigo medication makes me sleep, and then I have dreams about being on an airplane or a roller coaster. :D


Anyone else?

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When I was hit with vertigo 3 years ago, I heard the same thing..."everyone" knew someone who was suffering. When I went to the ENT he said he usually sees 2 or 3 cases a month; at that time he had seen 50 in two weeks! The ENT called it viral labrynthitis or vestibular neuritis. It does seem to last several weeks, but it is usually not severe the whole time.


Unfortunately, once you get vertigo, you're more prone to it. I've had at least 3 more episodes of vertigo since the first time, but never as severe or long lasting as the first.


I know several people who suffer, and we all tend to relapse at the same time. I am feeling it a little bit right now with the high pollen count.


One thing I did learn - moving, rather than sitting still, can help. Just don't move to quickly or turn your head sharply. There are some exercises online that can help some people. I'll try to find those and get back to you.


I know it's no fun. :grouphug:

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I would not actually call mine vertigo....but I'll get this dizzy, spacey, head fogged feeling sometimes. Not enough to where the room spins or makes me feel nausous though. I think I've narrowed it down and figured out that I experience it more in the spring and summer. Although, so far, I have not really experienced it this spring. I had one tiny bout for a few minutes last week, but other than that, not yet this year.

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OMG, I had that on sunday. I woke up and the whole room was spinning, ending up vomiting several times and I spent the whoel day on the couch trying not to move. I could only be in certain position or everything would start spinning again. I can still feel it a little but it's pretty mild as long as I don't make any sudden movement.

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I've never had it that severe, but I have had mild-to-moderate and what I would call "background" cases of it frequently over the past 10 years or so. My episodes often coincide with other allergy symptoms, so I'm pretty sure for me that those things are connected.

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I had an episode 2 months ago, and at the time, I thought I was having a stroke or something, it was so bad. I still get twinges occasionally when I'm eating dinner in the dining room for some reason. I must hold my head at a certain angle or something. At least I didn't have any vomiting - I HATE to vomit, and will do anything possible to not vomit. It turns me into a blubbering baby.:blush:

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This has been coming on over a period of years, and now I must sleep propped up with my upper body at about a 45-degree angle to my lower.


The doctor says it sometimes comes with age. She gave me some exercises to try (putting my head at different angles, etc.). Too early to tell if that will help.


Sorry to all you other sufferers!



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Yes, viral, it took a month to completely go away but was much better after the first few days. I couldn't drive for 3 to 4 weeks, luckily I am not an extrovert! My husband took the kids out the first few weekends so I could have some peace. It got worse when I rode in a car.


I still have lingering effects if I do anything really weird, one website said you can have lingering effects for up to a year.


Do you know of any males that have had it? After we told people about it, we found about 6 or 7 others who had had it, they were all female, that got us wondering.

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We were just talking about this at church this morning. I've never experienced this before we moved here. Now, this month, I've had 3 days of spinning world (no vomiting though). We all think it must have to do with the insanely high pollen counts. Oak and mulberry were up at 8000 today - high is anything over 1000. There's also a lot of smoke in the air. I think the combination of the two is what's causing the problems. I've never had allergy problems and don't ahve runny nose or anything now - just dizzy.

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I have vertigo--BPPV: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. I was diagnosed by a neurologist about 5 years ago. She also did an MRI to rule out MS since vertigo (combined with my age--40) can be a sign of the onset of MS. My first episode was the worst, and I saw the neurologist primarily because my Ob/Gyn referred me. I was pregnant at the time and my dizziness wasn't caused by low iron levels. The neuro said that with BPPV I'll likely get about one major episode a year. I've never had vomiting, and my allergies don't seem to trigger the episodes.




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Friday, when I woke up and first sat up the room started spinning for me like I have never experienced before and I instantly started feeling nausous. I thought I had sat up too fast so I laid back down and it didnt' go away for a min or two. All day long I kept getting spells of dizziness and nausea and almost vomitted a couple of time but thankfully never did. It was yucky and scarey. I only had it on Friday though.


My mom started having it a couple of weeks ago and it still hasn't gone away for her yet and she lives in a different state then I do. Her dr. told her that there is a virus going around with those symptoms.



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Is it "the room is spinning around me" or "I'm really light-headed and feel like I might faint"?


My middle ds has been suffering from the latter.


Vertigo is usually "the room is spinning around me", but as the symptoms grow milder, you can feel light headed.


There is a simple test to see if he is having vertigo. Have him stand with feet together, arms straight out front, palms facing the ceiling. Tell him to close his eyes; if he starts swaying or falling he is probably having a balance issue. Just feeling "light-headed" from another cause like anemia would not cause him to fall during the test.

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