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Do panic attacks get worse with insomnia?

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I am sorry some of you ladies have experienced it, too. It is awful. When I do fall asleep, it seems like I jerk awake every hour or so and get that heart-racing panicky feeling.


I'll try some of the supplements suggestions. I need to exercise but I am so tired during the day...


Thanks for replying

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When I do fall asleep, it seems like I jerk awake every hour or so and get that heart-racing panicky feeling.


I'll try some of the supplements suggestions. I need to exercise but I am so tired during the day...


:grouphug: I have this happen from food allergies, especially if I eat dairy. Exercise does help, even if I have to drink caffeine to get going, it is still worth it.

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Hi ladies! I've had problems w/ anxiety and insomnia for years now - brought on by/related to lymphoma and treatments. I've found yoga & mindfulness to be very helpful. There is a really good book called Wherever You Go There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn that I've found very refreshing. Learning to be in the moment and not stressing or worrying about the past and future has really helped me to get a grip on my anxiety and not take it out on others. (That is a big problem for me - I like to get mad and blame others)


Vitamin D3, and Melatonin have been very helpful too.


My favorite remedy is a good glass of wine and some dark chocolate. :P

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My older dd suffers from panic attacks, insomnia and anxiety. For her, these problems were made worse by her hormones. SHe is now on 20 mg. of Lexapro for approximately 2 weeks before her cycle begins (and a few days into it) and now has barely any problems with either. The gynecologist thought she should try bc pills for hormone control but since she already had giant migraine problems and I had regular migraines which turned into incapicating basilar artery migraines with bc pills, I wouldn't allow it. SHe was not sure the Lexapro would work but it has been like magic. Not only did those problems disappear but almost all her PMDD other problems did too.

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Are they panic attacks, or heart palpitations, irregularites, or fibrillation?


I suspect they feel similar. The question is, does the racing heart make you panic? Or does the panic make your heart race?


Palpitations can very definitely be brought on by allergies, food and otherwise, but they might be symptoms of other things. Or they might just... happen.


For a lot of people, wine and chocolate will bring them on, as will any stimulant like coffee, Coke, etc.


Dehydration is often a trigger. You might want to be sure you're getting enough water.

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