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Skin Care for Pre-Teens (especially boys)

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My ds is starting to get breakouts. Nothing major, but I want to get him started on a facial care routine. I bought a Neutrogena facial cleansing bar to use in the shower. I think I need something else, like a toner maybe. What are some brands that would be gentle, budget-friendly, and could be used for preventative care of breakouts?

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We are at the same place! Be careful of cleansing bars, stripping too much oil from the face will trigger the skin to over-produce oil and make the problem worse. We use Cetaphil for the face (you really just want to get dirt off) and a Q-tip diped in Tea Tree Oil for the occasional blemish. Will be listening for other suggestions!

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Well, I like the Proactiv system. It's just three steps (cleanser, toner, and zit cream as necessary). And it works very well. I'm picky about what I put on my face, too. I took Acutane as a young adult, and it had major side effects and thus led me to question medications more closely. Proactiv seems to have the best effectiveness-to-irritation ratio. HTH


And by the way, I think it's nice that you take an interest in his skin. Some parents blow it off as normal and don't problem solve with the child. Acne is a big deal to some children, even if they don't talk about it.

Edited by Quickbeam
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We are at the same place! Be careful of cleansing bars, stripping too much oil from the face will trigger the skin to over-produce oil and make the problem worse. We use Cetaphil for the face (you really just want to get dirt off) and a Q-tip diped in Tea Tree Oil for the occasional blemish. Will be listening for other suggestions!


Thanks for the reminder about too much cleansing!


Well, I like the Proactiv system. It's just three steps (cleanser, toner, and zit cream as necessary). And it works very well. I'm picky about what I put on my face, too. I took Acutane as a young adult, and it had major side effects and thus led me to question medications more closely. Proactiv seems to have the best effectiveness-to-irritation ratio. HTH


And by the way, I think it's nice that you take an interest in his skin. Some parents blow it off as normal and don't problem solve with the child. Acne is a big deal to some children, even if they don't talk about it.


He has such a beautiful (is that okay to say about a boy?) complexion, I want him to avoid outbreak issues as much as possible.


Thank you both for the recommendations, I'll look into both of them.

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We just folded our guy into using the Paula's Choice products which the rest of us already use. (& have been for years)


He had already been using a facewash but wasn't that disciplined about it & I know in the shower he'd often just use water on his face & call it done.


Now he's using the facewash twice a day.


A plain toner is not going to prevent breakouts.


BHA is what is needed as that will exfoliate inside pores. My ds is just starting to use the BHA, just around his nose - each person needs to figure out how fruquently to use it (& what strength; it comes in different formulations). Use too frequently and you get red flakiness. Use too little and the pores get clogged & you get blackheads, whiteheads or pimples. You just try it & see how the skin responds & adjust accordingly.


For any breakouts that get past the prevention routines, a bit of Paula's Choice blemish solution (benzoyl peroxide) does the trick.


BTW, the Paula's Choice acne line has recently been repackaged. Some of the products are still sold in the old packaging in larger volumes at a better price.


I find it quite economical. Wiith 3 (& now 4) of us using these products (we buy 3 different types of cleansers) I usually place a 150$ about every 6 months. (originally I said 3-4 mos but I just checked my bills & I only order twice a year.....:))


You use very little of the products - the little brochure that comes with them has a picture of how much to use. It's a blob the size of a dime for the face cleanser for example.



Edited by hornblower
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I agree with the tea tree oil tip. Works here.


You can also scrub every few days with a paste of brown sugar and olive oil. I use it, too. Just rinse with water after. No soap.


Ds still struggled with a dry scalp - I mean really flaky - until I started rubbing his head with olive oil every night. Sounds strange, but it works, he loves it and asks me to do it. I'm glad to have a little bonding/blessing time with my 6'2" boy. :001_smile:

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I went to the health food store and bought Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean Face Wash with Organic Tea Tree Oil and Awapuhi. If it makes any difference, it is 100% vegan. 8 oz cost me $10. That seems like a lot but it only takes an amount dime size or smaller for my son to clean his whole face. He loves it because it smells woodsy (like a man he says LOL) and with it in a pump it is easy for him to dispense. This bottle is about half full and he has been using it twice a day for about a month now. I have also noticed that his breakouts are smaller and fewer.

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I was going to come to suggest honey. I've been using it for a year now, and my skin has never felt better.


I just keep a little squeeze bottle of it (with a cap) in the shower. I squeeze a nickle size amount in my palm, massage in with my fingertips, and rinse. If you do it in the shower, it's not sticky or annoying at all. I know that some people do a whole honey mask routine, but I'm too lazy for that. ;) If I wear makeup, I'll also wash my face in the evening, but I usually just do it once a day in the shower.


Once or twice a week, I will throw a pinch of baking soda in with the honey before I start to rub it into my face. It works really well to exfoliate, but it dries my face out if I use it more often.

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I was going to come to suggest honey. I've been using it for a year now, and my skin has never felt better.


I just keep a little squeeze bottle of it (with a cap) in the shower. I squeeze a nickle size amount in my palm, massage in with my fingertips, and rinse. If you do it in the shower, it's not sticky or annoying at all. I know that some people do a whole honey mask routine, but I'm too lazy for that. ;) If I wear makeup, I'll also wash my face in the evening, but I usually just do it once a day in the shower.


Once or twice a week, I will throw a pinch of baking soda in with the honey before I start to rub it into my face. It works really well to exfoliate, but it dries my face out if I use it more often.


Cool! I might have to try that. Ds is about at the age that I would trust him in the shower with a bottle of honey. A few years ago he probably would have decorated the shower wall and forgot to rinse it off. :lol::lol:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

After a few years of trial and error and major acne problems, my teen boy has totally given up cheese and will not eat or drink any dairy product that does not specifically say "no hormones." He also avoids all products with soy.


He also uses absolutely nothing on his face and body but warm water. Ever. He discovered that all soaps and cleaning products left a film on his skin that delayed healing, and toners dried his skin which reacted by producing more oil. Now he washes his face twice a day (once in the shower). First he lays the warm wet washcloth over his face to steam open the pores,he light washes with the wash cloth and rinses with warm water. That's it.


The difference is incredible. He is still not completely acne free, but he has come a long way from horrible cysts all over his back and face.

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Cool! I might have to try that. Ds is about at the age that I would trust him in the shower with a bottle of honey. A few years ago he probably would have decorated the shower wall and forgot to rinse it off. :lol::lol:


Mine would be likely to EAT it! If not him, then definitely the little one.

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for body and as a shampoo. It has olive oil, water and sodium chloride - with no chemicals. It's only $5.37 for a 3 pack of 8 oz. bars - much cheaper than any shampoo. Don't leave it in standing water though.


Dd doesn't have that much of a problem with acne, and we haven't been using it that long, so I can't really recommend for acne.






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After a few years of trial and error and major acne problems, my teen boy has totally given up cheese and will not eat or drink any dairy product that does not specifically say "no hormones." He also avoids all products with soy.



We know lots of boys that cleared up when they either quit dairy or cut back and only had dairy without hormones. Teen boys have enough against them without hormones from the outside too.

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