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Help, how does anybody drink this stuff?

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It's the recommended blend of seed fiber, green super food powder, and vegtable juice from a diet book which I started this morning. In a sincere effort to regain my health, I stirred this up with anticipation. One swallow later, I was gagging on a slurry of grass. It is going to be impossible for me to handle this texture without vomiting. I threw the whole thing out, started over with just the juice and green powder and magaged to get that drunk. An hour later the taste is still lingering in my mouth. It is less than appealing.


My son said, "I feel sorry for Mama". So do I, but I'm determined to see this through and make some real changes. I'm supposed to drink another glass this afternoon! My honest and hopeful question is "how do you get this down?"


thank you,


Edited by bookfiend
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Do you have to take it all together? Can you mix the seed fiber and green superfood powder into a little bit of water and make it a shot? Then follow up with your veggie juice chaser? Hopefully then you wouldn't taste it as much. As far as making it taste better, I make my juices with some tasty fruit (pear, raspberry, blueberry, etc) that covers some of the grassy taste. Can you add some of that?

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Personally, I would chuck the diet book. Eat more fruits and veges. Stick with whole grains. Choose healthy proteins. Drink plenty of water. Eat nuts, avocado, olive oil. Exercise. Get good sleep. Spend some time outside. Take small consistent steps. If you want to add green powder to that, fine. Put it in something you can drink it with. But it won't be the magic bullet.

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Personally, I would chuck the diet book. Eat more fruits and veges. Stick with whole grains. Choose healthy proteins. Drink plenty of water. Eat nuts, avocado, olive oil. Exercise. Get good sleep. Spend some time outside. Take small consistent steps. If you want to add green powder to that, fine. Put it in something you can drink it with. But it won't be the magic bullet.




I think real food will do more good for your health than that concoction will ever do. And by real food, I mean the kind that is free of hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and GMO. The kind that is raised the way it was meant to be raised naturally.


I recently watched Food Inc. and King Corn. Now I'm reading Real Food and The French Don't Diet Plan. Although I haven't made all of the changes I want to make. I can't afford to and can't think of that much all at once. I'm already seeing benefits, including losing 5lbs in two weeks without dieting or exercise.

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Try making a regular smoothie (half a frozen banana, yogurt, milk, or juice, some protein powder that tastes good to you, Stevia, etc.). Once you come up with a mixture that you like, add the required greens and fiber into it in small amounts.


Another option -- you can get empty capsules. Try putting the greens in a capsul and swallowing them that way. Some trouble, but my brother has been doing something similar for years. He has a supplement that he must take in large quantities, and that's how he does it.


My main advice to you: Eat every three hours, and spend five minutes a day working out with weights 5 days a week. Yes, 5 minutes will make a difference. Not an enormous difference, but you might be surprised. And, hey, who doesn't have 5 minutes?

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What is the seed fibre- flax seed? Psyllium? They will certainly add some texture. If its psyllium, you can mix it into plain water and skull it down...it doesnt taste like anything. If its flaxseed...you can put in on your cereal, mix it with fruit...or blend it with your smoothie to make it smooth first Dont leave it for long before drinking, though, because it swells quickly.


I think green powders are a great way to get extra nutrition- if it has much spirulina in it though, its not going to taste very good.I take spirulina intable form- cant stand the taste. I can handle grasses- they taste...grassy. I like fresh orange juice with a tsp of barley or wheat grass powder stirred into it. Its probably an aquired taste, but its doable for me. I think our western food acclimatised taste buds need a bit of stretching, but you have to do it in baby steps.


I would say doing both seeds and green powder in a juice would be a lot for someone to handle, who wasnt already used to that sort of thing. Rather than give up altogether, something would be better than nothing- keep the seeds out and find another way to ingest them? Halve or quarter the amount of powder till you get used to it?

You mght find putting it all in a blender, rather than stirring, gives it an easier texture.


If it makes you feel any better, yesterday I made a disgusting green smoothie. I forgot that the green leaf mix I bought had a large percentge of rocket in it...I love rocket, but I dont like my green smoothies spicy and hot! It really spoilt the joy for me! However, I got it down. I have been known to throw out bad tasting ones- I tried to use grapfruit with the pith and skin once, in a juice...that was undrinkable. Yet lemon with pith and skin is fine. You live and learn.

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I have to mix my green superfood supplement in a blueberry smoothie. That way I can't see the color so much. I can still taste it, but the blueberries really help. I do this every pregnancy for extra nutrition once I'm past the first trimester. I can't stomach it at all in the first trimester. I mix just about everything I can into the smoothie, coconut oil, flax seed oil, greens, protein, fiber, vegetable juice and fruit juice. It's not the yummiest thing around, but I can get it down at least without gagging.

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Yeah, I can't do anything with much texture (a good blender helps!). And I can't do anything that is JUST green. I put A LOT of greens in, but I will not be doing only greens. If something is a seed (and definitely if you're working with flax), grind it in a coffee grinder first. This will make the texture bearable but also make the item useable.


Anyway, I'd just add it to a smoothie. Use a cup or so of frozen fruits and a banana and then a liquid (coconut milk, water, juice, whatever) and blend to smooth.

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I try to incorporate the raw food diet into my routine, not exclusively by any means. I have learned to take the organic veggies (like broccoli which has a lot of bulk and texture) and blend them for a long time before adding the whey protein and organic berries. That has helped, but it took me a while to get the gag reflex under control due to the broccoli texture. I completely relate. I will say that having my raw food smoothie in the morning helps me tremendously, and I can drink it much faster than I could eat a plate of broccoli.

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I think green powders are a great way to get extra nutrition- if it has much spirulina in it though, its not going to taste very good.I take spirulina intable form- cant stand the taste.



I mix 1/2 t of spirulina powder in my green drinks and it's not bad at all. I use 1 large apple, 1 lemon peeled, handful of two different kinds of greens. :)

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Sounds a bit much!

You can learn to just get it down quickly. I have to take a spoonful of psyllium husks nightly for GI symptoms, and I hardly notice it now.

Too bad to gag down real nutrition, though. That makes any diet hard to stick to. Perhaps you can find something more reasonable.

All the best on your way to feeling healthy!

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I'm with Peela: I take my spirulina in tablet form. It's so much more pleasant than drinking it. (I haven't used other green powders, but I would do the same if they tasted yucky to me.)


I like good-tasting green smoothies with actual greens. You can pack a whole lot of baby spinach (for example) into a smoothie and not really taste it at all. I fill my blender with greens, throw in a couple of bananas and some frozen blueberries and add water to the desired consistency. It's super yummy, and more greens than I would eat in a salad.

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Personally, I would chuck the diet book. Eat more fruits and veges. Stick with whole grains. Choose healthy proteins. Drink plenty of water. Eat nuts, avocado, olive oil. Exercise. Get good sleep. Spend some time outside. Take small consistent steps. If you want to add green powder to that, fine. Put it in something you can drink it with. But it won't be the magic bullet.




I do make green smoothies out of frozen fruit and real greens like kale or spinach. i do add a scoop of supergreen food powder to it, also. It tastes better when blended with the fruit.

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Thank you so much for your warm encouragment and excellent ideas! This is a whole food, organic diet with an exercise component; the green food and seed fiber drink is a supplement. I've compromised by putting the fiber on my salad instead of in the drink. So that helps with the texture, and I am able to gulp the rest down. The most surprising thing is that I'm not craving sugar.


I so appreciate your caring answers - thank you sincerely.

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It's the recommended blend of seed fiber, green super food powder, and vegtable juice from a diet book which I started this morning.


I do something very similar. I mix a scoop of Super Seed fiber by Garden of Life with the same brand of greens (1/2 scoop), 1/4 cup pure unsweetened cranberry juice, and about 12 oz of water. I drink it once or twice a day, and I really like it.


Start out easy on the greens and gradually increase the amount. I started out with 1/2 teaspoon. I'm not sure if I could drink it mixed with veggie juice though.


I don't take it for any dietary enhancement, I just feel better if I have extra fiber daily. I love the tart flavor of cranberry (supposed to be good for liver health), and I don't remember why I added in the greens. Maybe for those days I don't eat my veggies.

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