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Spring Cleaning - got any planned?

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Spring cleaning for me usually involves reorganizing all the stuff that the kids have unorganized since the last time I organized, if that makes any sense. :tongue_smilie:


I'm starting off with switching out the fall/winter clothes to the spring/summer clothes, and cleaning out dressers and closets. We'll clean and organize the rest of their rooms too.


I was going to do a school room clean out, but with only 2 months of school left I think I'll wait. I'm also planning on a general house clean, dusting all the neglected areas like ceiling fans and bookcases


Is anyone else planning on doing a little spring cleaning this week? Please share your plans--I need the inspiration!

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I'll be spring cleaning for the next two weeks. I found out last night my husband will be home in just a few more than 30 days and we will be at our new duty station 6 weeks after his return. :001_huh:


I cleaned out the kitchen and I'm making a meal plan to use up everything I can before we move. Purged unneeded items and got rid of junk.


Bedrooms--I'll clean out closets, drawers wipe down everything and wash comforters and sheets. Move all furniture and vacuum and mop underneath.


Bathrooms--toss anything that's not being used and wash rugs, towels and shower curtains. Clean everything.


Classroom--clean out closet and donate anything we are finished with. Repackage stuff and make of list of items needed for next year.


Den--clean shrunks inside and out. Donate stuff we no longer need.


In every room we will clean the dustboards, clean the windows inside and out.

Clean the hardwood floors, clean the tile bathroom floors as well as all light fixtures and all kitchen appliances.


It's gonna be super busy around here until hubby gets home. ;)

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I want to scrub my bathroom walls and trade some books in my kids' room (we have too many books so we cycle them like a lot of people do with toys).


I've already super-cleaned the laundry room, gotten a big bag of clothes to donate, and done some organizing.

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Yesterday, I organized ds11's book shelf by removing books he's already read and/or are below his current reading level. While I did that, he sorted his toys, Legos, etc., into the his bins (with supervision and about a hundred attempts to keep him on task, lol). I gathered his outgrown clothes for our friends with a son whose just a size or two smaller than ds. :)


DD 16 cleaned off her dressed and desk, and will cull and organize her book shelves Monday. After that, she'll have to go through her closet and find things that no longer fit, to donate to friends or Goodwill. With any luck, we'll be ready for an IKEA trip on Thursday. The goal is to add an armoire or two, so that her way-too-small but much-too-deep, very poorly organized can be made usable. :)


I love the after effects of spring cleaning, but I sure don't like doing it!



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Oh yes - I can't do the closest yet because it is still COLD. But, I am cleaning the basement and changing the family room to an office. My hubby's office is going to get a cleaning too - somehow his office gets more and more cluttered. I normally just move him down to the basement in the summer and then to the small bedroom in the winter which forces him to reorganize and declutter, but this year he is staying where he is so I am going to clean the bestial room right after I get the basement cleaned for the kids a new play space and our new school room / office finished. :)


Then it should be warm enough to paint. And then to the great outdoors. I love spring.

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Well it would be Autumn cleaning here, and we planned to do that this weekend. My brother was going to come and take the tots out so dh and I could clean the place up, but according to his Facebook status updates, he's gone road tripping instead. Oh well. I sorted the kids clothes a few weeks back and got rid of heaps. I'm aiming to sort their toys and pack some away today. I hope dh will fix the shelf in the lounge like he promised the other week. At the moment all their toys are in a pile on the floor because there isn't really anywhere to put them :glare:



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It's just time to go through virtually my entire house. Of course this is Michigan and I'm not quite comfortable putting away all winter duds yet (but I am washing parkas & snowpants etc).


I do tend to start with books & toys. They can be outgrown, and it's time to purge and prepare for next school year. We're planning a kitchen remodel though, so I'm planning to clear out all the unnecessary stuff there first this year.

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I started with the big bookshelf here too. Dusted, organized, got rid of junk I place on top of the books. I absolutely hate when I do that, but cannot seem to stop myself!

Tackling the basement next. Uggg


We are going from 60-75 here and bottoming back out to snow for a day or so, so waiting on the clothes.

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