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LOF review from my 10 dd


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my 11 yo INSISTED on reading them in bed all the way through (fractions & decimals & percents). We are now "re-reading" them and doing all the problems.


He also declared, when he discovered that fred's "back story" was in a specific book, "I can't wait to get to Calculus!" :D good, cause I sure can!

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Today after much anxious waiting our Life of Fred books arrived. DD grabbed it and off to the bedroom she went. Next she was asking for a notebook for her answers....does it get any better than that?




I had the same response with my daughter! shes had to read through them immediately!


Now if I can just decide on the rest of her curriculum!


What else are using for Science History etc..?? Just curious as im still trying to decide!

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It was a hit for our younger ds too! He LOVED LoF books!


mamato3--That happened a couple of times with my ds. I heard him laughing and I called, "What are you doing, you're supposed to be doing your schoolwork!" He called back, "I AM doing my schoolwork! I'm working on math!" :D Gotta love that!

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Oh yeah, my eleven year old dd loves it! She is always spilling over with laughter, and repeating the silly little stories after she does her work. She tells her dad when he is around too. My youngest dd, who hates math, wants to know when she can start using the series. :):lol:

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We are going to do Saxon 7/6 M-Th and LOF on Fridays...I think Friday's should be as fun as possible. We take time off when we need it, (harvest, holidays, kite festivals, etc.) but try to stay on school year round with a little lighter in the summer.


I'm just SOOOOO glad that I listened to all the comments on LOF and took the leap. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!

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He also declared, when he discovered that fred's "back story" was in a specific book, "I can't wait to get to Calculus!"

My previously math-hating son said the exact same thing after I read him the beginning of the Calculus book! I wonder how many other families read a Calculus textbook as a bedtime story??? :lol:


We are huge Fred fans here ~ I even gave DH the new LoF Linear Algebra book for his birthday last week, and he was thrilled! I can hear him cackling in his office late at night. :D



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