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My visit to the Catholic church....was not good....

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I was thinking of going to a Presbyterian church which is pretty close to my house.... Here is the website....but they do not mention what their services will be for Easter Sunday.... http://www.orgsites.com/fl/palmswestpresbyterianchurch/ I don't think they update their website very often, LOL! What do you think about a Presbyterian church?

I don't know anything about Presbyterian and maybe this was pointed out above, but I'd keep in mind that in many churches, a *whole lot* (a whole whole lot!) more people show up on Easter (and Christmas, etc.). So for Easter I'd advise that you (a) pick a church with a congregation on the smaller side, and (b) expect that the service or mass likely will not come across as it would on an ordinary Sunday. I hope you have a lovely Easter! :)

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After almost two hours I'd have wanted to walk out too. Unfortunately I usually can't. If I'm at mass dd is altar serving.


We were already in the vestibule as my 14 month old is at the stage where she won't sit quietly during Mass.


This was our first Tridentine Latin Mass for Palm Sunday and I have to say it's probably going to be our last while we've got little ones. Next year we're going to go to our parish's N.O. English Mass.

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I was thinking of going to a Presbyterian church which is pretty close to my house.... Here is the website....but they do not mention what their services will be for Easter Sunday.... http://www.orgsites.com/fl/palmswestpresbyterianchurch/ I don't think they update their website very often, LOL! What do you think about a Presbyterian church?



WOW, Tammy.......Easter Sunday would probably be even more daunting than Palm Sunday. That being said, I applaud your determination.


As I postd earlier, Presbyterian is where we find ourselves b/c we have great respect and admiration for the Pastor and we think they have a fabulous children's program at our Church. Now, on Easter Sunday, there is likely no Sunday School or Children's Church (a fancy name for Sunday School that occurs at the 2nd service so as not to confuse folks by having a 9:30 AND an 11:00 Sunday School).


Just about anyplace will be packed with people so you might want to be aware of that - and many of those folks may not have seen each other for months - so a visitor may feel 'unknown' and 'left out' - but that may or may not be the case - just wanted you to be aware of that.


A larger Church may have MORE services, so less crushing crowds, AND they will likely have their usual contingent of greeters/hosts/hostesses on hand.


A smaller Church may bump to fewer services so they may have one service with tons of folks - but b/c they are smaller, your visit may not go un-noticed and you may be welcomed by more than a few 'regulars.'


It just depends.


I looked at the website of the Presby Church you mentioned -- they looked well-organized. They have Sunday School and Chidlren's Church - important for your child as he is the one who needs the good fit.


This is what I would do (and have done in the past): I would call the church and speak to the secretary. I would say that you and your son are thinking of visiting service on Easter Sunday - will there be Sunday School, will there be Children's Church (there may or may not be -- different Churches have different ways of handling Easter).


Think fast and go from there: is there an age-appropriate youth group that is meeting this week that your son might visit (if you and he are so inclined) so he can meet some kids and recognize some friendly faces on Sunday. If not (or if that is not the path you want to take), ask if there will be greeters/hosts/hostesses on Sunday...sometimes we all want to slip in (and out) un-noticed - other times, we think, 'well, this may be a good fit. I might like to come back. Does anyone care about that?'


OR, can the Youth Group/Sunday School (don't even know if you are thinking of SS and forgive me for overstepping if you are not) give you a call prior to Sunday so you can tell her abit about what you are looking for.


Again, forgive me if I am over-stepping - I don't mean to -- one of the 'last' Churches that I phoned for info on Youth Groups for my two dds (who are now married and on their own), the Church Secretary who answered the phone is now my dd31's mother in law (YES!) and that church's former Associate Pastor is my husband.


Please let us know how it goes.

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Thanks Mariann! Yes...I have the number written down and plan on calling tomorrow...since their office is only open from 9am to noon (missed it today). It looks like a smaller church....don't you think? I am actually looking forward to trying this church....I think smaller is better for us, LOL!

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That must be a Southern Baptist thing. Here in our small town Baptists are very unfriendly, dont' like to get involved with the community and keep to themselves. Its usually the Methodists in our area that like the food. LOL!


Oh yeah, we are involved with every other denomination in our community. For instance, my preacher is preaching at the methodist church tonight for Easter week (services nightly), tomorrow the Christian church pastor is preaching, then the methodist church pastor - they are all friends as all congregations are invited and encouraged to attend. :)

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Thanks Mariann! Yes...I have the number written down and plan on calling tomorrow...since their office is only open from 9am to noon (missed it today). It looks like a smaller church....don't you think? I am actually looking forward to trying this church....I think smaller is better for us, LOL!


You're welcome, Tammy. Yes, judging by the number of kids in their photos of their youth group, they are probably not a 1000 member congregation -- judging by the smiles on those kids faces, well, I'd probably walk over broken glass to check out a youth group with kids who look that happy.


Yes, the 9-12 office hours would be a tip that it is not a mega-church -- I have to say that i definitely understand why you are looking forward to trying it -- they have made all effort to be undaunting and unpretentious on their website.


Again, let us know how it goes tomorrow when you call. :001_smile:

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I was thinking of going to a Presbyterian church which is pretty close to my house.... Here is the website....but they do not mention what their services will be for Easter Sunday.... http://www.orgsites.com/fl/palmswestpresbyterianchurch/ I don't think they update their website very often, LOL! What do you think about a Presbyterian church?


I am not sure about Presbyterian. S. Baptists almost alwasys do an Easter Cantata around here. (no preaching) We also observed the Lord's Supper last night as part of Easter week.

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Thanks Mariann! Yes...I have the number written down and plan on calling tomorrow...since their office is only open from 9am to noon (missed it today). It looks like a smaller church....don't you think? I am actually looking forward to trying this church....I think smaller is better for us, LOL!



Oh, and I wanted to add this, owing to the Easter season, even if you only attend the Church you are looking at for Easter Sunday and decide to go elsewhere after that, their website does make them look manageable for Easter, IYKWIM. They look like a good place to get your feet wet - or dc's feet wet - :D

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Thanks Mariann! Yes...I have the number written down and plan on calling tomorrow...since their office is only open from 9am to noon (missed it today). It looks like a smaller church....don't you think? I am actually looking forward to trying this church....I think smaller is better for us, LOL!


Do call and find out when the services are on Easter - our church is fairly small and normally has just one Sunday service, but Easter is the one Sunday there are two, and neither is at the time of the "regular" one.


Just wanted to chime in too that it's nice you're doing this for your son. I mentioned in an earlier post that the only church we attended when I was growing up was a brief time at an Episcopalean church - that was actually because I asked to go. My very religious Seventh Day Adventist grandmother had come to visit and we'd gone to services at a SDA church - I thought the Sabbath School was fun and wanted to go regularly. So my mom went 'church shopping' to find something that would meet my needs but that she felt okay with (ie she wasn't crazy about SDA). I think she was worried that if she didn't meet my needs then I'd grow up and join a cult. :lol:


As and adult I'm the only member of my immediate family that attends a church (albeit a liberal one), but ironically almost all of my extended family are conservative/evangelical Christians.

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He was going to an Assembly of God church....I think Pentecostal. The problem is....there are none of those close to me....but it might be worth the drive. I remember going to a Methodist church as a young adult....and I really liked that one.


Oh that would be rather different from a Catholic service. I am curious to hear what you make of a Presbyterian service. Good luck in your searching! :)

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Tammy, I don't know if it's too far for you, but my church is doing a big thing for Easter Sunday for the kiddos. They are going to have face painting, balloons, gift bags and a blimp is scheduled to fly over and drop things for the kiddos. It's going to be at Lockhart Stadium in Ft. Lauderdale. http://www.calvaryftl.org/NewsAndEvents/easter10.cfm They are also going to be having regular Easter services in the sanctuary if the whole stadium thing isn't your cup of tea. Just putting it out there in case you might be interested. I really hope that you can find a church home where you and your son are happy and feel comfortable. :grouphug:

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As many have said Easter will be overwhelming w/ how many people show up that don't normally attend church. You also might want to look at a sunrise service if you can get up that early:)


If your son was going to an Assembly of God church in VA, then a more liturgical church will not feel the same for him. However, I wanted to mention that a lot of Catholic churches down that way have LIFETEEN masses on Sunday evening followed by Lifeteen youth ministry. They will differ depending on how great the leaders are; I know of several Lifeteen programs around FL that are phenomenal. I've also seen some that come of more 'cheezy' than anything else. Again, this is true of any denomination. But I really miss the music ministry at Lifeteen masses. It is more modern/charismatic. That is the music ministry I grew up on, and I have such a hard time feeling the Holy Spirit when I hear an organ unless it is accompanied by an out of this world choir. Also, the homily will likely be more applicable to your son depending on his age (I don't think I saw how old he is in the thread.). If you did decide to try that out some day down the road, keep in mind that when Catholics attend mass on Sunday evening, they don't also go on Sunday morning. It is the same liturgy. That is confusing to people from other churches that go to a service on Sunday morning and back again for Sunday evening service.

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Tammy, I don't know if it's too far for you, but my church is doing a big thing for Easter Sunday for the kiddos. They are going to have face painting, balloons, gift bags and a blimp is scheduled to fly over and drop things for the kiddos. It's going to be at Lockhart Stadium in Ft. Lauderdale. http://www.calvaryftl.org/NewsAndEvents/easter10.cfm They are also going to be having regular Easter services in the sanctuary if the whole stadium thing isn't your cup of tea. Just putting it out there in case you might be interested. I really hope that you can find a church home where you and your son are happy and feel comfortable. :grouphug:


Ibbygirl's church is my church as well. I absolutely love every aspect of it and its casual and friendly atmosphere. I thought I would add that if you go to the main website of CCFL you can try the church without attending first. All of the services are archived and available to view for free. All of our pastors are excellent but I would recommend viewing a message from lead pastor Bob Coy to really get a true feel of what our church is all about.


With that said, I will pray that the Lord will lead you to a church home that will be a perfect fit for you and your family and that will help you grow in Him. Remember, always look vertically and not horizontally for your spiritual fullfilment. Man, no matter what the denomination, will often disappoint you but God never will. It is important to always remember that.





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Ibbygirl's church is my church as well. I absolutely love every aspect of it and its casual and friendly atmosphere. I thought I would add that if you go to the main website of CCFL you can try the church without attending first. All of the services are archived and available to view for free. All of our pastors are excellent but I would recommend viewing a message from lead pastor Bob Coy to really get a true feel of what our church is all about.


With that said, I will pray that the Lord will lead you to a church home that will be a perfect fit for you and your family and that will help you grow in Him. Remember, always look vertically and not horizontally for your spiritual fullfilment. Man, no matter what the denomination, will often disappoint you but God never will. It is important to always remember that.





:iagree::iagree: I totally agree with everything Lisa said. Thanks for bringing up the archived studies too, Lisa. I didn't think about that. :) Pastor Bob rocks although I really love Pastor Billy too. I love his Boston accent and could listen to him all day long. lol But I'm going OT again..... ;) Best wishes to you Tammy. :)

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