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That reminds me: We need to bury the gerbil

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Do you ever get so focused on what's right in front of you that you don't attend to what really needs doing?

My friend once told me I had the Gift of Oblivion. She said that when she was over for dinner and I had a tampon (in the wrapper:glare:) in a basket with other flotsam on the counter. I just got focused on something else, and there it stayed--I completely forgot about it, and it was probably there for weeks.


Oh, and yes, we really do need to bury the gerbil. Pepper has been lying in state in her aquarium-style cage for over a week--we just haven't gotten it together enough to have a funeral...:D

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Oh, I have that. When the last fish in the aquarium died (and was removed), I praised my lucky stars, turned off the lights and said I would deal with the aquarium later. Well, it's about three (?) months later and I still haven't dealth with the aquarium yet. It hasn't been a priority and made it to the top of my list yet and I haven't had a spare day (it's a 50 gallon aquarium, all day project) to deal with it so there it sits.


I got my new rug at least two weeks ago but haven't put it out yet because I can't do it by myself and I can't round up help long enough to do it so it is still in it's package in the floor.


My to-do list is 2 pages long and most projects are several hours long at least. Actually, I have two to-do lists, my daily one that includes things like cooking, cleaning, dinner, laundry, etc. and then the project one. Many days I only manage the daily one and don't get to the other. Even when I do the list never gets any shorter. Some things pop up right at the top of the list and others get added to the end. I think the gerbil would be moving towards the top of the list though. :tongue_smilie:

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Do you ever get so focused on what's right in front of you that you don't attend to what really needs doing?

My friend once told me I had the Gift of Oblivion. She said that when she was over for dinner and I had a tampon (in the wrapper:glare:) in a basket with other flotsam on the counter. I just got focused on something else, and there it stayed--I completely forgot about it, and it was probably there for weeks.


Oh, and yes, we really do need to bury the gerbil. Pepper has been lying in state in her aquarium-style cage for over a week--we just haven't gotten it together enough to have a funeral...:D



The Gift of Oblivion, eh? Cool! I'm glad to know there's a name for it. :lol:


I often have things like this happen...although our pets are all cats, so it would be harder to forget a dead one. But the tampon in a basket thing would be very likely. For me it happens like this: something is out of place and I notice it for a very brief time, maybe only notice it once. After that, it becomes part of the decor and it takes something like having guests to bring it back to my attention.

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I discovered Bubbles the Betta fish in the freezer, months after he expired. The ground was too hard to bury him and then we just forgot.


My dd's betta died when there was snow on the ground, so we put him in the freezer. He became quite the novelty, and she would bring him out of the freezer (he was in a plastic bag) to show new friends. We even moved him when we moved to a new house. He lived on in that freezer for another year or two, until his tail finally broke off from too much showing.


That was about seven years ago, but we'll NEVER forget Tye the Freezer Fish!

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