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We didn't die last night, but it was close....

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Thank you, Lord, for protecting and watching over us!

Question: What could we do for the volunteer fire department that saved our lives? Does anyone know firefighters? I've been told today that they like to eat! :lol: Cookies, brownies, a big cake that says "Thanks!" Ideas?



Some sort of baked goods and Beer are in order. No Doubt you had angels working overtime on that one!




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What a fantastic case of divine intervention! Thank God your family is fine. Stories like this really make me wonder how people cannot have faith. His presence in our lives is so evident sometimes.


I totally believe in the Lord intervening when we need it. I lived with my grandmother from the time I graduated college until I got married, so about six years. Needless to say we are very close. She is 80 but was doing fine living alone. My DH went on a ski trip about two weeks ago so DSD and I decided we'd spend the night at my grandmother's house to keep her company as a suprise to her. (She loves having me stay late to hang out with her and chat. Just like old times she'd say.) That night she had a heart attack. We went to bed at 10 o'clock and she was doing great, at midnight she called my name out and that was all she could do. I called 911 and they rushed her to the hospital and saved her life. Luckily she'll be fine but will need to move to a senior condo rather than her house. I am so amazed that God knew I needed to be there that night! He just knew that she would need help that evening and put me over there. Just like he had those firefighters show up when you REALLY needed them to be there.



:iagree: What a mighty God we serve!!!! I hope this is a testimony many will listen to!!!!

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This is a new thought. And, since I worked for this car dealership/auto body shop years ago, I know how corrupt and politically connected they really are. Stolen cars.... Hmmm..... Now that wouldn't surprise me.


Wow, Jean, you are a brilliant criminal mind, just waiting to happen. :lol:


Yup, that's me! You have an inheritance here just waiting for you. I'll send it to you as soon as I get $5000 to tide me over in expenses. . .:D

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Wow! So glad this story has a good ending.


I didn't read all the responses, but I'm sure anything you do to thank the department will be appreciated. If you are sending a thank you note, why not get those little ones to put their handprints on there? You know it will get posted for all the shifts to see, and what a great reminder of why we are so grateful for the work they do.


Hope tonight and every night is way more peaceful!:grouphug:


I am guessing that the handprints of the little children they saved would indeed be something that would move these men. As much as I'm sure they are gratified by saving adults in their jobs, how much more the little ones. Something they could hang on the wall would be good.


And food--I agree with food!

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I am guessing that the handprints of the little children they saved would indeed be something that would move these men. As much as I'm sure they are gratified by saving adults in their jobs, how much more the little ones. Something they could hang on the wall would be good.


And food--I agree with food!


I think the handprints are a fabulous idea too!

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