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can someone recommend proportions for green smoothies?

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I use 1/2 cup soy milk, (reg milk for kids) and 1/2 cup water and 3 cups baby spinach and blend. Then I add 1 scoop protein powder and frozen fruit, (about 3/4 cup or more depending). Try frozen strawberries, blueberries or banana. I also love mango and pineapple with coconut extract. Yum!

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I don't think there really are proportions. Just what ever works for you. If you don't think you can handle a lot of greens, use less. If you don't mind them use more.


I use most of a head of romaine or kale, a banana, some frozen berries or other frozen fruit .5-1 C?, water, coconut oil, ground flax. Just play with it, have fun.

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Follow the link...there should be a video demonstrating how to make a green smoothie. We're working on them here...our smoothies still aren't green but we do put spinach in. We've been experimenting with fruit combos (but a lot of time it's clean-out-the-fridge.


This morning's smoothie had 1 banana (frozen), 1 cut up apple, 1 cut up pear, 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen), 1/2 cup mixed fruit (frozen), a bit of water and a tiny bit of OJ for sweetness. Once these things are blended, we add the spinach.


The video will help a lot. If the link doesn't work, go to happyfoody.com and search for green smoothie video.



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A lot depends. The newer you are, the more fruit or juice you'll likely use. In time, you'll probably use more veggies and water. To give you an idea. Our first one was one we got off youtube. Several months later, I made it for my mom and we almost choked it was so sweet! We just didn't realize how far from that fruity we had gotten!


A good start (per serving) would probably be something like:


3/4 to 1 cup of frozen fruit

2 cups of greens

apple juice to desired consistency


A LOT of people add an apple and/or banana also.

A second kind of green is also a good idea.


If that is too sweet (and it's pretty sweet), substitute some water for juice.

Other subs to do would be milks of some sort for juice.

In time, you might add:

bee pollen

flax or hemp oil



flax seeds (ground!)

seed/nut (ground or not)

dates if you'd like

goji berries


Some people like theirs a bit "chewy."

We go in spurts.

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What *I* want to know is how people make the really PRETTY ones. I think we've had one or two pretty ones EVER. But then you go on blogs and see people with pretty greens, reds, and purples. Ours is usually a GREEPLE color. I'm fine with that, of course, but I'd LIKE some pretty ones sometimes, especially when I'm trying to turn friends (and waitresses and hair dressers and and and) onto them!

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I have one every afternoon. This is what I do, and it makes a nice glass for me and one to lid and keep for my dh to take in his lunch the next day. In my VitaMix, I put:

2 cups water (and handful of almonds if not using almond butter)

2 big dates or squeeze of agave

big handfuls of spinach and kale, or spinach and 1 collard leaf to fill the blender

Blend them a minute, and then add:

1 cup grapes

1 TB coconut

1 TB almond butter (or a handful of almonds into the first blending with greens)

1/2 cup frozen berries or a small mandarin orange (or more grapes)

1 frozen banana

Blend again until smooth...so wonderful!

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It's hard to measure greens and fruits accurately...my stand-by is 2-3 large bananas (often frozen but not necessarly), 2 handfuls of baby spinach, and water- for the family. I wouldnt use juice- too much sugar. You could use kale insead of spinach- it would be healthier but a stronger flavour so I migt back of on the quantity until I knew people would drink it. YOu can use all sorts of things for greens.

If I have mangoes, i will use mangoes. I have used freshly squeezed orange juice too. In fact an instant green smoothie is freshly squeezed orange juice with a tsp of barley or whatgrass powder added per glass. I just had one and it was yum.

For pretty colours and extra nutrition I add various berries. But often the colour ends up a cacky brown or something unappealing- but sometimes it is very pretty! Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, rasberries..whatever I have on hand.

I dont think you can dogreen smoothies "wrongly", but I guess its generally about 2/3 fruit, 1/3 greens, and enough water to make it liquid.

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For a simple green smoothie I throw in two big grabs of baby spinach, two bananas, about a half cup of frozen blueberries and two cups of water. I also make this with other green salad mixes I have around and it's always great, though baby spinach is the mildest green and perhaps the best to start with if new to green smoothies. Yum!

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This isn't low-carb, and it certainly isn't a pretty color, but I love it!


1 banana (frozen, if you like)

1 cup o.j.

2 cups frozen chopped spinach

2 tbsp. cocoa powder

1 large or 2-3 small dates (optional, but delicious)


**Throw in a few berries, if you have them, fresh or frozen (optional)


Blend and enjoy! It looks like brownish-green sludge, but tastes like Chocolate-Orange Heaven!!

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I found a chart on the Vita-Mix website. It shows you different options in three categories and you mix and match to find your favorite green smoothies. The one I use mostly is:


1 cup apple juice

1 orange, peeled

2 cups spinach

1 cup ice.


I also buy spinach and throw the bag right in the freezer, it freezes great. Also, you can take the above and add blueberries and it is really good. Or, if you are out of apple juice, use a whole apple instead.



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