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Wanted: Breakfast Smoothie Recipes

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I use banana, OJ, occasionally canned pineapple and juice, baby spinach, and frozen berries. Sometimes I also add ground flax.


This sounds like what I make. I will also add yogurt. If you don't want to drink a green smoothie then make sure you use dark berries to hide the color. I have one kids who will drink it green but two others who do not need the info that there is spinach in their smoothie.


You cannot taste the spinach.

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I put a little plain kefir or yogurt in the blender along with an orange (peeled), several handfuls of fresh spinach, a cup or so of frozen berries (blueberries or a mix of various berries and cherries), and some flax meal. I add a little water, if necessary, to blend it down.

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We just dump in whatever we have but try to always include something high in vitamin c, something high in vitamin a, something high in antioxidents in general like blueberries or some other small berry and we generally add kefir or yogurt and some kind of nut or wheat germ to give it some staying power. We always add some kind of frozen fruit because we prefer the cold thick icy texture. I almost always put carrots in but that is about the extent of the vegetables for us. Depending on the kind of fruit we sometimes add ginger or cinnamon or some other spice because they are good for your digestion and immune system and cinnamon is supposed to help keep your blood sugar in balance and keep your pancreas and insulin levels working properly.


We just dump whatever in basically, and haven't had a bad tasting one yet.


Reading back through that it sounds more like medication than breakfast :D

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Okay, this morning I posted a request requesting breakfast menu ideas. I got some really good ones. Now I love smoothies for breakfast...but not when it is still cold. So in preparation for warmer weather and fresh fruits and veggies please share your smoothie recipes.






1 TBS ground flax (grind in blender first)

milk & yogurt (substitute juice)

frozen fruit


1 TBS extra virgin coconut oil

1 TBS raw honey or agave nectar


The oil is supposed to be good for helping to absorb nutrients. I never heard or thought of adding spinach, but it is a great idea!

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I usually just throw in what I have on hand. One of the kids favorites involves a large handful of swiss chard (you have to steam this first and get rid of the thick stems or it won't blend proberly), plain yogurt, an avocado, frozen berries, and bit of flax seed oil, and sometimes I throw in some honey.

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We use avocado, aloe juice, cranberry juice, frozen berries, xylitol, hemp powder, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, vanilla, cod liver oil and green powder from Body Ecology. Some of the ingredients change depending on what I have at the moment. We have put sunbutter in it before but use hemp powder most times for protein instead. Anything green is likely to end up in it!

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We make different combinations based on what sounds good that day.


For liquids we use




milk or heavy cream

coconut milk

orange juice concentrate or regular oj














I pick fresh fruit while it is in season, freeze and use that. There are a few fruits like mango that I buy prefrozen. Since you don't have a fearful of fruit already...Costco sells big bags of mixed berried, strawberries and a premixed smoothie bag.

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all I add in a magic bullet cup is...a yogurt...any flavor...a few frozen strawberries or fruits, and a banana with milk. Some days we alternate OJ instead of milk.


This is pretty much what I do. Yogurt, banana, whatever frozen berries I have on hand, a little milk and/or OJ. Except, I don't have a magic bullet, I just use a blender. :D

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