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So, if your 11 year old is having a bout of insomnia, what do you do?

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DS 11 has recently started having trouble staying asleep. He does not appear to be dreaming or having night-terrors. He just can't stay to sleep for very long. I hear him up walking in the halls, etc. We've tried new pillows, getting to sleep on the counch instead of in bed, etc. He likes to fall to sleep to audio books but now we are wondering if that could be giving him to much to think about and his subconscious wakes him up from "working" on some theme of the story.


Anyway, this has been going on for a couple of weeks. He's getting deeply purple under the eyes and puffy. He's always been a pale kids but he's getting paler but he doesn't have any other signs of health problems. He's even recently had a well-child visit. The exam was very thorough but we won't be going back to that pediatrician (a horror story for another day).


He did have to get an updated tetnus a couple of weeks ago because he stepped on a rusty nail and it punctured his foot (though he had winter boots on so thankfully, not deep). At about the same time, the insomnia started. Has anyone ever heard of a vaccine causing a sleep disturbance?


I'm going to take away the audio book tonight, rub lavender on his feet, and put a stress reliever aromatherapy blend on his pillow (apparently it has bergamont and geranium in it). He will squawk because he doesn't think it is manly to smell like flowers. I am wondering about starting him on a vitamin D supplement. I think we are all running low anyway and the winter here was icy not snowy with bitter temps so he didn't get to play out much. I'd go plunk him in the sunshine if it weren't raining here.


Does anyone have suggestions, Been there done that wisdom?


Faith (staying home from church three Sundays in a row with a child that doesn't feel well but thankful that dh doesn't have to work today for the first Sunday in four weeks and finally get there himself. Thank heavens that we have a talented young college student who willing subs for me at the piano with little notice!)

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I'd look into melatonin. It's supposed to be safe for kids, and it has helped my terrible insomnia immensely. Also, I recommend a sleep hygiene regime: no t.v. before bed, no reading in bed, same wakeup time daily and same bed time. My 7 yo has started to have trouble falling asleep, so we have begun to wake him at 7 am every morning--it's hard the first few days, but now he's quite tired at night and falling asleep is easier.

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The poor guy. We've battled sleep insomnia issues here and winter always seems to be the most difficult time of the year. Older boys are a little different than the littles to help. (Melatonin can cause nightmares and we choose to avoid it.ymmv) You may be correct that the audio books are stimulating his mind, and might a different regular book. My ds needs good things to read that he can put down. kwim? Not an easy balance to find.


Things that have helped here are:


1. Good diet, backed by a daily vitamin and plenty of milk

2. Sunshine when ever possible, I live in a dreary winter place too:confused:. I open all the windows (drapes and blinds if its too cold) and turn the lights on during the day, then make his room super dark at night.

3. Any type of exercise you can get during the day, but not right before bed.

4. Shower before bed along with a good wind down routine. We choose reading.

5. Agreed plan for what he can do if he wakes or can't get to sleep. We again chose reading in bed.


:grouphug: We've come to expect and accept that some people have sleep issues around here. :grouphug:

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DS 11 has recently started having trouble staying asleep. He does not appear to be dreaming or having night-terrors. He just can't stay to sleep for very long. I hear him up walking in the halls, etc. We've tried new pillows, getting to sleep on the counch instead of in bed, etc. He likes to fall to sleep to audio books but now we are wondering if that could be giving him to much to think about and his subconscious wakes him up from "working" on some theme of the story.


Anyway, this has been going on for a couple of weeks. He's getting deeply purple under the eyes and puffy. He's always been a pale kids but he's getting paler but he doesn't have any other signs of health problems. He's even recently had a well-child visit. The exam was very thorough but we won't be going back to that pediatrician (a horror story for another day).


He did have to get an updated tetnus a couple of weeks ago because he stepped on a rusty nail and it punctured his foot (though he had winter boots on so thankfully, not deep). At about the same time, the insomnia started. Has anyone ever heard of a vaccine causing a sleep disturbance?


I'm going to take away the audio book tonight, rub lavender on his feet, and put a stress reliever aromatherapy blend on his pillow (apparently it has bergamont and geranium in it). He will squawk because he doesn't think it is manly to smell like flowers. I am wondering about starting him on a vitamin D supplement. I think we are all running low anyway and the winter here was icy not snowy with bitter temps so he didn't get to play out much. I'd go plunk him in the sunshine if it weren't raining here.


Does anyone have suggestions, Been there done that wisdom?


Faith (staying home from church three Sundays in a row with a child that doesn't feel well but thankful that dh doesn't have to work today for the first Sunday in four weeks and finally get there himself. Thank heavens that we have a talented young college student who willing subs for me at the piano with little notice!)





My almost 11 yo dd takes 5 mg melatonin each night. I take Bioron homeopathic......Ignacia Amara...spelling? I take 3-6 pellets each night and works well too.

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Things that have helped DS12 (and me) with bouts of insomnia: 1.5 mg melatonin; a magnesium capsule before bed or a warm epsom salt bath (the magnesium is better absorbed through the skin); any OTC herbal sleep capsule that includes valerian; lavender oil on a wheat pillow (warmed in the microwave, then a few drops of oil added).



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He get's quite a bit of exercise. More than an hour per day probably. Especially with the Wii fit because he is kind of self-competitive, always wanting to up his personal scores. He likes the yoga and strength training too.


I do think we have a lack of sunshine and fresh air issue here. Our winter was nasty, icy with cold wind chills so none of the children played out like they would have in previous years. We were getting a break and have had some beautiful days so we were kicking the boys out to the yard a lot. But, the last three days have been rain and high winds. So, about the time we thought we might be making headway....we are back to gloomy skies and no playing out. Sigh....this too will pass.


I hestitate on melatonin. Some kids do not have the nightmare issues and some do. I would hate for him to be one of the "do's" and then compound the problem.


I think we will do vitamin D (I don't live anywhere near a Whole Foods so we will order the Rainbow brand), plus calcium and magnesium. I also appreciate the suggestions for getting to sleep. We'll take the audio books away and try reading some funny but not particularly imaginative works. I also just discovered that he hasn't been turning his "turtle" light out every night so if he wakes up, I am sure that the light doesn't help him get back to sleep. We may need to even move the turtle out of his room.




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DS 11 has recently started having trouble staying asleep. He does not appear to be dreaming or having night-terrors. He just can't stay to sleep for very long. I hear him up walking in the halls, etc. We've tried new pillows, getting to sleep on the counch instead of in bed, etc. He likes to fall to sleep to audio books but now we are wondering if that could be giving him to much to think about and his subconscious wakes him up from "working" on some theme of the story.


Anyway, this has been going on for a couple of weeks. He's getting deeply purple under the eyes and puffy. He's always been a pale kids but he's getting paler but he doesn't have any other signs of health problems. He's even recently had a well-child visit. The exam was very thorough but we won't be going back to that pediatrician (a horror story for another day).


He did have to get an updated tetnus a couple of weeks ago because he stepped on a rusty nail and it punctured his foot (though he had winter boots on so thankfully, not deep). At about the same time, the insomnia started. Has anyone ever heard of a vaccine causing a sleep disturbance?


I'm going to take away the audio book tonight, rub lavender on his feet, and put a stress reliever aromatherapy blend on his pillow (apparently it has bergamont and geranium in it). He will squawk because he doesn't think it is manly to smell like flowers. I am wondering about starting him on a vitamin D supplement. I think we are all running low anyway and the winter here was icy not snowy with bitter temps so he didn't get to play out much. I'd go plunk him in the sunshine if it weren't raining here.


Does anyone have suggestions, Been there done that wisdom?


Faith (staying home from church three Sundays in a row with a child that doesn't feel well but thankful that dh doesn't have to work today for the first Sunday in four weeks and finally get there himself. Thank heavens that we have a talented young college student who willing subs for me at the piano with little notice!)




Melatonin works for my 12yods. He uses 1 or 2 mg each night, sublingual tablets (mint flavored, dissolved under the tongue). It works wonders!

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