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Looking for thoughts on Wordly Wise 3000.


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It's a workbook - not my favorite thing. I've used it for older students 6th+. I couldn't say that it provided any results. I liked Vocab. From the Classical Roots better. For the most part, when my students are little older, I have them keep a vocab. notebook where they write down new words they encounter. I also subscribe to Wordsmith, and we have a lot of fun playing with that. Also, I'm looking at the vocab. book that goes with MCT.


Anyway, it's not bad. I just haven't seen enough results to make my children do something they find boring.

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We've used WW for years. Just going through the motions of filling in the blanks won't help with long term retention, but they will pass the test. It is good SAT prep, but I suggest review, review and review. Each week I randomly pick words from previous weeks and ask ds for definitions or use in a sentence. In addition to WW we use Vocabulary Vine- doing 3 a week. It's cheap and it is awesome.

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We tried several levels and my kids HATED it. They would find possible alternative answers for many of the questions and would get frustrated trying to find the 'right' answer. I also started pre-testing them with the words and found that they already knew a lot of the words, even though we were using it a few grade levels ahead. (Not that this would apply to all other families--just an idea to pre-test first to find the best level). My kids prefer discussion-type materials and WW is very work-booky.

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We have been pushing through Wordly Wise all year now, with dd7 kicking and screaming the whole way. We really are enjoying the game Rummy Roots and Vocab from the classical roots now and we have cut back wordly wise with the intention of being done with it when we finish this book. She has such a mind block when it comes out I doubt she is getting anything from it. The games online look like they might be fun though. Thanks for sharing them.




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We've used WW K and 1, and my girls enjoyed the program. The TM provided great lesson plans and enrichment activities. The worktext were colorful and engaging. Add in the flashcards and concept cards, and vocabulary time was my girls favorite part of the day :)


Is WW 2 different from the K and 1 program?



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My daughters love it! They retain 95% of what they have learned. Personally for our family it works great! We get the worldy wise 300 2nd edition. I LOVE how all the words are on the back cover so I can test for retention! We do lapbooks with our words the first & 2nd days of the week so maybe that helps with the retention? My kids love the workbook exercises.


For our family its great! Guess it all depends on your kids!

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  • 2 months later...

I had purchased one for myself. I can't remember if it was the 3000 or not. It was an upper level, middle school or high school. I hated it, it was like busy work for the most part. I actually like workbooks, but I couldn't see retaining much using this book.


This site is fun to poke around at though. You can see word list and games that are supposed to support the workbooks. In fact imo you could use this site for most for your vocabulary work.

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