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Warning for those who avoid Splena.

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They don't always advertise it on the front of the product anymore.

You have to read the ingredients.

Splenda is SUCRALOSE.


Sounds like sucrose which is totally natural.


I guess they were getting bad publicity and so no longer proudly display their tradmark on the front of the product.


That stuff is REALLY bad for kids. Shrinks the thymus gland. The thymus makes T-cells. What do really sick people with HIV have? Low T-cell count.

Wonder if prematurely shrinking a kid's thymus gland will lower their T-cells.

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You mean Splenda, right? We have avoided it forever despite my teen girl's protestations. A recent study with rats showed that the ones fed sugar substitutes gained weight compared to the control group -- yet another reason to avoid it!


You can modify the title by clicking on "edit" and then "go advanced". It used to correct the title only within the thread, but I think recently that has been changed so it also corrects the title that displays on the board.

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is NOT good for you! Okay, don't blast me...this is just my very strong, NSHO! If you want to sweeten things, go with honey or Stevia. Both are 100% natural. Sugar is okay in small quantities. Okay, going back under the table so as NOT to get my pretty shirt stained w/ tomatoes as they come flying my way. :D

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To this day my son wants me to buy it so he can recreate the effect. :001_huh:



Actually, it leaves me writhing on the ground with stomach cramps. I always wondered why I got sick after I ate my SIL's desserts; then her husband pointed out she always uses Splenda. It's really, really annoying because SIL is an excellent cook, but I have to be wary of whatever she makes just in case it has Splenda.

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Actually, it leaves me writhing on the ground with stomach cramps. I always wondered why I got sick after I ate my SIL's desserts; then her husband pointed out she always uses Splenda. It's really, really annoying because SIL is an excellent cook, but I have to be wary of whatever she makes just in case it has Splenda.


DS is really sensitive to Splenda. I accidentally gave him a yogurt once with it in it and he was miserable all day. Now anytime he gets some sort of stomachache he'll ask if someone put Splenda in his food. ;) My MIL once gave the poor kid sugar-free ice cream with sugar alcohols in it (she's a big believer in fat free and sugar free being MORE healthy :tongue_smilie:) and that really did a number on him.

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