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breech baby....

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Hi everyone. Well, I just came back from the Dr.s' office and our baby is breech still at the beginning of 38 weeks. I have been doing special exercises to encourage baby to flip, but it seems he prefers to be sitting up. We will be waiting a few more days, but then a C-section will be scheduled with an attempt at external version before, just in case. Just wondering about others experience in this area.... an d of coarse you prayers. I hope he decides to flip as I have never had a c-section before. Thanks all.



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:grouphug: C-section is no fun.


I think it's rather a rather pathetic commentary on our health system that OB/GYN's are so ill-educated that most won't even attempt vaginal breech delivery, and just jump to surgery instead. I'd still insist on waiting until you go into labor naturally for the C-sec, rather than having it pre-emptively scheduled. Baby might flip at the last minute, plus both your body and the baby's get hormone boosts readying you for the birth when you start labor.

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I had an external version with my first. It was successful for us, but I understand honestly the success rate is not all that high on the average. It was unusual around here too. It was done by a very elderly physician with a roomful of gawkers .... ah, students and younger physicians ... who had never seen it performed before. Literally there were probably 20 observers in the room. :glare: For us, we avoided a C-section, which is what I wanted. I do not by the way think, C-sections are evil, but I wanted to avoid an abdominal surgery if at all possible. I was monitored before, during and after for several hours to make sure baby was perfectly okay, and there was an OR ready if he was in distress in order to do C-section.


He stayed in a couple more weeks and was born vaginally. I joke he was stubborn then and is still stubborn to this day and tries to do everything backwards. :lol:


Edited: I have since learned that many believe acupuncture can be very very effective in encouraging turning a breech. If I had known then what I know now, I would have tried it before the version as that has very very low risk obviously.

Edited by WeeBeaks
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Hi everyone. Well, I just came back from the Dr.s' office and our baby is breech still at the beginning of 38 weeks. I have been doing special exercises to encourage baby to flip, but it seems he prefers to be sitting up. We will be waiting a few more days, but then a C-section will be scheduled with an attempt at external version before, just in case. Just wondering about others experience in this area.... an d of coarse you prayers. I hope he decides to flip as I have never had a c-section before. Thanks all.




You may be able to find a care provider who is experienced in vaginal breech births. I wouldn't consider a c-section based on breech positioning alone. Check out the Mothering.com and ICAN forums for providers who will attend breech births.

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I would attempt a breech before volunteering for a C section. I had a midwife turn a transverse baby while I was in labor. It wasn't pleasant but she delivered fine. She had liquid in her lungs when she was born but it is my understanding that that is also not uncommon in C-section babies either. Anyhow, she spent a week in NCIU and has been perfectly healthy ever since.


If you want to attemp a breech delivery, try to find someone who actually has experience with it.

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:grouphug: C-section is no fun.


I think it's rather a rather pathetic commentary on our health system that OB/GYN's are so ill-educated that most won't even attempt vaginal breech delivery, and just jump to surgery instead. I'd still insist on waiting until you go into labor naturally for the C-sec, rather than having it pre-emptively scheduled. Baby might flip at the last minute, plus both your body and the baby's get hormone boosts readying you for the birth when you start labor.


I would tend to agree about the "pathetic commentary on our health system" however, my reasoning is that most OB's will not attempt a breech vag delivery due to malpractice lawsuits. OB's in particular are sued very often and the high cost of their malpractice insurance is driving many of them out of practice or accross certain state lines.

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Find a chiropractor who does the Webster Technique. It has an 82% success rate. :)




It also cured my symphysis pubis dysfunction, for that pregnancy and the next! All I could think was, "You mean I've gone through 5 pregnancies with that pain, and it was as simple as that??????"

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Thanks everyone, I plan on looking at all our options. My OBGYN really does not want o do a c-sec. He has also decide we should look in to the other option ad has a "lets try it all" additude. My only concern is that it has been a tough pregnancy all along, Placenta Previa, hematoma, bed rest, and at this point dh is very nervous. Our OBGYN has expressed that he feels comfortale waiting til I go in to labor, but discussed scheduling a c-sec if I choose to do te external version, in order to have everyone ready if a c-sec is needed. As long as an emergency c-sec is not neccesary, he has expressed that waiting it out could be the best option. I guess we'll see..


Off to try some hand stands in a pool.:auto:



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Have you tried a chiropractor? I went to one certified in the Webster technique, and my baby turned (posterior to anterior) in 2 sessions. Doesn't hurt, no risk. Also I've heard of babies turning with a slant board, which is where you lie upside down.

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Thanks everyone, I plan on looking at all our options. My OBGYN really does not want o do a c-sec. He has also decide we should look in to the other option ad has a "lets try it all" additude. My only concern is that it has been a tough pregnancy all along, Placenta Previa, hematoma, bed rest, and at this point dh is very nervous. Our OBGYN has expressed that he feels comfortale waiting til I go in to labor, but discussed scheduling a c-sec if I choose to do te external version, in order to have everyone ready if a c-sec is needed. As long as an emergency c-sec is not neccesary, he has expressed that waiting it out could be the best option. I guess we'll see..


Off to try some hand stands in a pool.:auto:




Placenta previa would change my opinion on the wisdom of trying external version but if you have an OB you trust and he is willing and able to do an emergency C if neccessary then I think that is great.

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Woah...you didn't mention the previa before. ;)


Did it resolve? Is it still fairly close to the cervix?


There is the possibility that if it's close to the cervix, the baby knows and won't stay vertex. Sometimes you have to trust the baby. They know the safest way that they need to be born.

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Placenta previa would change my opinion on the wisdom of trying external version but if you have an OB you trust and he is willing and able to do an emergency C if neccessary then I think that is great.


I wouldn't risk a version if I'd had placenta previa. One of the risks of the version is disturbing the placenta. I would just opt for the c-section if it were me.



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