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Standardized tests: who's doing it? what are you doing? where are you?

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We test with a group since it's required by the National Honor Society. This year they will all take the IOWA.


I did the test at home last year and it was easy to do. I tested all 3 together at the kitchen table. The only year I could do them all together. The directions and timing for each test were exactly the same for all of them (8th, 6th, and 3rd). {2nd grade is partially read out load. 9th grade changes something.}


I ordered them from Piedmont Education Services. They sent the tests out about a week before I wanted to test and then the results were back fairly quickly.

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We could do group testing with our co-op, but I'm beginning to think that we'll do it at home because of family uncertainties. I don't want to be locked into a particular date, and it's fine by my state's laws for me to test.


In fact I probably should order them very soon...

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It's a long story, but my DD took the 2nd grade CAT-E from Seton last month and currently is about halfway done with the 3rd grade ITBS/CogAt from BJU. Next year if we test at all (it's not required in CA & the results are just for us), I'll probably go with the ITBS because it provides much more detailed information. The downsides are that it costs quite a bit more and takes way longer to administer.

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We usually do the IOWA and up until this year, I have ordered them thru Piedmont. However, this year, they are not available thru them. I found another resource thru the Hive...Triangle Education Assessments. I just ordered the test prep for the IOWA today. I have always tested even when kids were small...always get nervous and sick with fear that they won't test well. So far, we have been blessed with amazingly good scores without using test prep. That being said, for some reason this year, I decided to order a test prep from BJU and we have been working thru it and yikes...we are not doing so great! I don't understand why as we have had a great school year and lessons are good. I ordered this one today to see if it helps give them even a little more practice. I'm sort of stressed though thinking about it. They are in 7th and 8th and my husband wants to consider a private Christian school when they are in 9th and 10th and I want their test scores in middle school to stay high as previous tests. Anyway, sorry for the rant but check out Triangle Education Assessments website. We usually test second week in May.

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I do the IOWA and order thru BJU. It takes a long time for them to score it and return the results. I don't like to test until our school year is over, so that usually means waiting until the second week of June--I end up begging for mercy from our homeschooling division as I'm supposed to have scores in by Aug 1, and it's pushing it to get them back that fast.


I did the CAT with my high schooler--didn't like--it was the same test for 2 years. THE SAME, EXACT test.

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After researching, I decided on the Stanford. I also selected to take the OLSAT along with it. I just got approved to be an administrator of the Stanford test thru BJU, so that I can give it myself at home. We are in PA and have to test in 3rd grade, but can pretty much select any test.

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I'm not sure about the Stanford but with the Iowa, you have something like 50 days from when you ordered the test to have it back to BJU. I ordered my test on 2/23 and have to postmark the materials by 4/20. It was a fairly quick turnaround from placing my order to receiving it, maybe 4-5 days.

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While I don't believe there is any test that can really measure my kids capabilities or knowledge base, we do these every year so I have some baseline on the basics.


I do not allow the schools to see them, they are for me alone.


I have always taken their results with a huge grain of salt though as my kids scores are through the roof. I know my kids are smart but I also have seen over the years how the test have gotten more and more dumbed down.


Still, strange though it may be, my kids enjoy the annual ritual. :)

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I'm not sure about the Stanford but with the Iowa, you have something like 50 days from when you ordered the test to have it back to BJU. I ordered my test on 2/23 and have to postmark the materials by 4/20. It was a fairly quick turnaround from placing my order to receiving it, maybe 4-5 days.


When you have the test back is based on when you receive the test (which is based on your testing date), not when you order. During the Spring you should order 6 weeks ahead, because it's the busy season.

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I administer the ITBS for our home school group, and this happens to be our testing week. The kids seem to look forward to it every year -- it's just so *novel* compared to our daily home schooling! All those kids, the classroom atmosphere, the running around on the playground and snack-swapping during breaks... It ends up being a lot of fun. :)


I find testing helpful for a few reasons. The scores are a nice objective "snapshot" of how the kids are doing to compare with what I know of their work. Testing like this when they're young means that they have positive associations for testing and means they have practice and no anxiety going into higher stakes tests when they're older.

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