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HELP! facial swelling in ds6

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my ds6 woke up this morning with his face very swollen, he can hardly see out of one eye, his nose is very large, his forehead is huge. he has temperature. he had 3 ticks on his head 2 days ago. but we get ticks often , and they have never caused swelling like this before.

we have made a doctor's appointment,. and are waiting , but now his nose has started bleeding. we are getting pretty worried about him. any ideas on what it might be?

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I was very worried that you might be waiting till tomorrow -- then I saw that you're on the other side of the world! I hope your appt is very, very soon. Benedryl might help, if it's an allergic reaction, though if you can get him in very quickly, I might wait to give it because I'd want the doctor to see what it looks like. Alternately, I'd give him Benedryl (diphenhydramine) and start taking photos to document what this looked like.


I'd keep a really close eye on his breathing. If he starts to choke or wheeze, give him twice the kid-dose of Benedryl and go STRAIGHT to the emergency room.

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