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Sugar detox!

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I'm going cold turkey today! I've have got to get the sugar out of my system. I figure I'll start working on the other foods after my body goes through it's withdrawals. I'm also trying to avoid lots of carbs (processed carbs), although this will not be long term, I just think that I need to really stick to protein and whole foods while I detox. I know this sounds a little overboard but really I have a sugar problem!!!! ;)


Anyone have any tips? Any foods that help detox your body? Well I mean besides the obvious like water.


I guess I'm a little late for a New Years Resolution but something has got to give. I guess I could give it up for lent but I think that my motives are all wrong!


I've given up sugar in the past (9mos) and have had great results. I eat nothing with sugar in the first 3 ingredients. Since that fist time I did it I haven't been able to successfully do it again. Any advice?



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Meli - Do you use Splenda? I just went through this and have some favorite splenda foods if you use a sugar substitute.



Actually last time I did it I just found it better to not replace the food with something else. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners. I can get carried away with any kind of sweet food!:tongue_smilie: Thanks for your reply!



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Read labels because sugar is in so many things!! It is totally unbelievable what they stick it in. Things it really doesn't even need to be added too. It's hidden under the -ose words. Any form of these words are sugar. Fructose, dextrose and on and on. Manufacturers know we like sugar so they hide it in everything to get you to keep buying that delicious product.


Good luck!

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Plan your meals or at least make sure you have plenty of appropriate foods in the house that you can reach for at a moment's notice when you are craving. Thats the key for me with any diet approach- to be prepared for the times I feel desperate! Making sure I have several breakfast alternatives planned, and then lunches and dinners- making sure I go shopping enough to have fresh foods in the house- are key for me. Fresh raw nuts are important for me.

Also, when you slip- don't give yourself a hard time- just go back to it as soon as you can. Dont try and make up for it by eating just lettuce. Just eat healthily.

I have been pretty much sugar free since two Septembers ago. It hasnt seemed hard. Nowadays I have no attraction at all to cakes, biscuits, candy bars etc. I eat very little processed foods at all. I will make my own sweet treats at times, usually what I call "bliss balls" which are a mixture of dried fruits and nuts- with perhaps some honey or agave syrup in them- but often as not they sit there any no one eats them, even me! Too sweet! And I have been making my own raw chocolate lately with agave syrup- for the kids of course :)- and it is actually healthy and fairly unporocessed, with raw ingredients- so I am not strictly sweet free. But I do feel great not to be binging on all the processed sugary foods out there.

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