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please pray for my kitty

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I think she is part goat. She eats anything and everything. A few months ago we paid money we really didn't have to waste to have a nerf bullet removed from her intestines. All nerf guns and bullets were rounded up and thrown away. But she still eats the dumbest stuff - erasers, marker caps, bread twisty ties, you name it.


And this morning she is pooing bright red blood, I'm thinking lower intestinal.. no brown, just blood. She is playful and eating/drinking okay so far. but that's not good. zero funds for another vet trip.


so. I need my kitty to be better soon.:crying:

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Our cat is the same!


My son has nerf bullets, but has to count them before play, and again as they get stowed away. Our cat LOVES to chew/eat them. In fact, if it's rubbery/soft plastic (think the little caps on bookshelf pegs and doorstop covers!! Yes, he can take those off!) It is so bad that when we were studying binomial nomenclature in science a few years ago I said that our cat's classification would be Eatus Plasticus. That changed, however, when we realized that he also ate twist ties, shoestrings, etc. We then changed his classification to Eatus Everythingus.


Mostly, we think he prefers the plastic/rubber stuff, as it 'squeaks' as he chews.... maybe he thinks it's a mouse?


I do hope your kity will be OK. We've been lucky so far with ours (he just turned 7 years old), but we are oh so vigilant!!



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The yellow lab we had was that way -- she would eat anything! We have a photo of her trying to gnaw on a can of tuna!




My mom once came home and found that her black lab had eaten a large section of the red carpeting she'd just had installed on her back porch. He lived but he never chewed on carpeting again. My cat leaves the carpet alone but he likes thinks like rubber bands and ribbon, including long 2 foot sections of ribbon if he can find it. :rolleyes:


I second the cat grass idea, but think it would be a good idea to put a call through to the vet even if you can't afford a visit.

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Well I think she is going to be okay..

still alive and spry, so that's good.


Last night we were int eh kitchen and the she went to use the liter box in the bathroom off the kitchen and we heard a rather horrid scream of agony and ran in there to see her umm..


well apparently she pooped about FOUR FEET of some kind of orange plastic netting with wire along the two sides like what you get in bendable ribbon!:ack2::eek::svengo:


She was trying to run away from her poop and ended up bent over her belly hobbling from the liter box tot he washer and dryer before she was done (heaven I PRAY she was done!) and then she just look at me like, "OH Thank you God!", cleaned herself, and started begging for treats. (which she didn't get. give those innerards a rest!)


None of us have any idea what that stuff was or what it was from and how she got it.:confused:


Dumb cat. Good thing she's pretty and we love her.:)

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the vet calls one of our cats Plastic Boy and he (the wet) says that he has a plastic boy too. Our Indy is always pooping out plastic. We try and get rid of all plastic, but he stills manages to find it. We have even found places where he has hidden it, I guess to feast on later. Dd says that he is an addict.


Oh, I just remembered. another cat that we had years ago, pooped out one of those long wrapping ribbon with the wires, sorta like what you described. He was fine afterwards and never ate anything like that again.

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LOL - I'm glad the intestinal drama is over!


There are some animals who are poster pets for veterinary insurance.


I don't have insurance on my guys - just their own bank account & a clean credit card & I've given them strict instructions to not get sick or do anything stupid like blow a cruciate - but if I had a "serial ingester", I think I'd go the insurance route.

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Dd says that he is an addict.



My dh calls it Kitty Crack. She will claw into dresser drawers, dig in the toy box, you name it.. Dh calls her a Kitty Crack bloodhound.


I think I'd go the insurance route.


Yes, well when the human in this house have health insurance, we'll worry about getting it for the pets.:)

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