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Do not EVER....

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go camping with 6 children (under 11) without your dh when it is expected to be 40 degrees. Even if the space shuttle is *supposed* to take off and you will have a perfect vantage point. Because, when you crawl out of your tent at 4:30am (stiff and sore from the cold and the hard ground), manage to pick 200 more sand spurs out of your clothes, and go to your vantage point, they will call it off due to wind.:glare:


Oh yes, I forgot to mention the wind.:001_huh: I am glad everyone piled into the larger tent because the wind blew the smaller tent down. And when it is cold, the wind makes it much, much worse.


I am glad that we had fun last night BEFORE the actual sleeping in a very cold tent thing or I would think we wasted our time!:tongue_smilie:


It may take me a week to recover!:lol:

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I only go camping in the cold with one child, but for 6 nights in a row. Our innovation this year is an in-tent potty--aka a bucket with a bag and some kitty litter. No more treks to the portapotties at 4 AM!!! At least since last year, DD has stopped crying just because it's cold in the morning. And our tent got knocked over last year--not by the storm directly, but by a carport tent, which someone failed to stake down properly, that went blowing through our encampment like a giant, scary tumbleweed.


Bummer about missing the shuttle launch. I hope you still get to see it, there won't be too many more chances.

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I think idiotic might be a better description...:lol:


My idea of camping is in the summer at a camp ground within feet of a bathroom with flushing toilets, showers, and running water. That's "roughing it" in my book. I say you're brave. Okay.....maybe a little bit crazy, but still brave :D

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I only go camping in the cold with one child, but for 6 nights in a row. Our innovation this year is an in-tent potty--aka a bucket with a bag and some kitty litter. No more treks to the portapotties at 4 AM!!! At least since last year, DD has stopped crying just because it's cold in the morning. And our tent got knocked over last year--not by the storm directly, but by a carport tent, which someone failed to stake down properly, that went blowing through our encampment like a giant, scary tumbleweed.


Bummer about missing the shuttle launch. I hope you still get to see it, there won't be too many more chances.


I like the toilet thing - we'll definitely do that in the future! The shuttle is rescheduled for tomorrow morning at 4am, so I may be down at the beach then - we just can't see it well from our house.


My idea of camping is in the summer at a camp ground within feet of a bathroom with flushing toilets, showers, and running water. That's "roughing it" in my book. I say you're brave. Okay.....maybe a little bit crazy, but still brave :D


We were at the Coast Guard station, so there was running water, flush toilets, etc. but they were across the field and they seemed to wait until the last minute to go. There was even coffee in the mess, but no cups, so next time I will take a coffee mug with me!

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Our innovation this year is an in-tent potty--aka a bucket with a bag and some kitty litter.




Oh, kitty litter! We do a bucket with a garbage bag in it, the kitty litter is a terrific idea!


Renee, my recent adventure was overnight, 3 kids (one 4yodd), no dh, two tents to be responsible for, overnight winds 20mph temp 31 degrees. We awoke to clouds, mist, and a wind chill of near 20 degrees. Not fun.... no amount of hot chocolate can warm you from the inside, and you can't stand close enough to the fire to get warm all the way around on the outside. Packing up the tents was like a bad comedy flick....


Anyway, at least we didn't have to pry off the sand burs, I hate those little stickers!


Hopefully the reschedule will be for a time that allows good viewing and will be warmer. The liftoffs are really something to see.

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I once took 6 boys camping-alone. Whoa. It was 100 degrees every day.


Yeah - gonna add THAT one to my "Do not do ever list" as well!


As long as it's not 100 degrees during the day AND 40 degrees at night...


There is no desert here, so I am safe. I also have no intentions at this point to go to Philmont either.;)


I just wasn't prepared for how cold it would really be and the WIND - oh my. I did finally get the baby to sleep by putting his carseat into the tent. He slept very well (as did my 11yo in his 0 degree sleeping bag.) The rest of us froze. When daylight came, I started the van and put everyone 7 and under in there while we broke camp.

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You know that my idea of camping is a hotel LOL!


My 11yo actually said something like, "So what will you do differently next time?" since I am so big about learning from things like this. I told him, "Stay in a hotel?":lol:


Acutally, I wonder if they would have noticed if we slept in the bathroom - there were no women assigned there so they may never have noticed!:D

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