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I want to Supplement Singapore Math. Which programs?


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I personally went thru Singapore Primary Math as a child in Singapore. Positive note, I did great in my SATs. Interesting fact: these are the same edition (the non US version) I took during my primary school days in the 80s.

We're back in Spore as Dh got a job there. My kids are doing a newer edition year 2000 (1 textbook and 1or2 workbooks). There are several titles/versions. Is pretty cheap less than $30 Singapore dollars a book- big plus more me. There's tons of Assessment books (for extra practice) available either topical or based on local exams (etc mid yr, end of yr). I'm planning to get another math program to do after school which is not similar to Singapore. I dont want himto get bored with the same type of learning. I'm thinking of Right start? Any other recomendations?

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I'm switching from RS to Singapore after my DD finishes RS C (probably Monday or Tuesday). They are pretty similar in their approach, so I think it would be overkill to do both. I would recommend getting the RS game set but not the actual curriculum.


For supplementing Singapore, I'm personally going with MEP.

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I personally went thru Singapore Primary Math as a child in Singapore. Positive note, I did great in my SATs. Interesting fact: these are the same edition (the non US version) I took during my primary school days in the 80s.



Wow, that is so cool! So tell us about your experience. Did math instruction consist solely of the Primary Math workbooks, or was there drill added in?

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Hmmm. . .this is giving me food for thought. We're doing RS A for dd's kindergarten this year, but dh (whom I saddle with the responsibility of figuring out which math and science curriculum to use) wants to add in Singapore next year WITH RS. It sounds like this might not be the best idea, huh?


Maybe this needs its own thread. . .

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Hmmm. . .this is giving me food for thought. We're doing RS A for dd's kindergarten this year, but dh (whom I saddle with the responsibility of figuring out which math and science curriculum to use) wants to add in Singapore next year WITH RS. It sounds like this might not be the best idea, huh?


Maybe this needs its own thread. . .


I just wanted to share that we're doing RightStart Level B supplemented with Singapore Primary Math 1A/1B this year and we've found them to work grrreat together!


HTH! ;)

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We're doing RS A for dd's kindergarten this year, but dh (whom I saddle with the responsibility of figuring out which math and science curriculum to use) wants to add in Singapore next year WITH RS. It sounds like this might not be the best idea, huh?


I personally think it would be overkill to do both RS and the full Singapore program. You could certainly use some of the supplemental Singapore books like CWP (they're supposed to be coming out with a new series sometime this year). If you want to do a full program, I would use one that takes a different approach to math like MEP or Miquon.

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What level? At about grades 4 or 5 we started doing the Key to books. Sometimes it is helpful for them to see math explained in a different way. I would also consider using various math board games. Games reinforce schoolwork without feeling like more "work". Presto-chango, monopoly, fraction pizza, muggins, frapper deck... pull a board game out after the dinner table is cleare in the evening.

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We're going to start supplementing Singapre with Right Start games. My son is only 7 and I don't want him to feel overwhelmed with worksheets right now, so I think this should help with getting the facts down without too many drill sheets. Iif I feel he needs more help in one particular area, I think I will try MEP, as it's free. Otherwise I will switch to Horizon as a supplement, which my youngest loves.

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I would suggest Miquon Math as well. It has a hands on approach. A dear companion of mine purchased it and her children are enjoying it. I just started my ds on Singapore and I will be purchasing Miquon as a suppliment.


Do get the three teachers books (Notes to Teachers, First Grade Diary, and Lab Annotations) as all 3 are very worthwhile.


Best wishes!



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