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Anyone use an online backup service for your computer?

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I do. I'm a photographer and take LOTS of photos. There is no way that I can back them up to DVD's all the time. Plus, they say you are supposed to switch DVD's every 5 years because they can become corrupt. That would take me FOREVER. I use Carbonite. I don't have to worry about a thing. My hard drive has never failed so I've never had to download all my photos from their online back up (which would probably take forever....but at least I would have them). I've been happy with Carbonite. It runs in the background and backs up all my photos. I even have it back up any documents, videos, and scrapbook pages that I create. You can designate which folders you want it to back up.

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We have used Carbonite online backup service for several years. It backs up files automatically. Something happened to one of our computers and we had to get a new hard drive. It wasn't a problem because we just restored everything from hard drive. My husband used to sell data storage and back up systems (not Carbonite) so he sees the value. I'm glad to have it because all my pictures are on one computer. I would recommend Carbonite.


Good luck with whatever you decide.

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I've used Carbonite for several months now and am very impressed. It backs up automatically, doesn't interefere with anything and shows you exactly what it's doing (when you want to see). I've transferred files to different computers with Carbonite and it works. This is a huge improvement from backup systems I used a few years ago which were more of a pain than anything!

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I tried Mozy and it tanked on me after a few months of using it. It wouldn't back up! Their customer service is terrible. They couldn't fix the problem, told me to contact someone at Microsoft. I did that (DH works for MS!) and he sent them everything to prove it was their code that was blowing my system. They basically told me that they didn't have a solution.


I'm a digital scrapbooker and this topic comes up often. Many people had the same issue I had with Mozy! If you choose them, make sure that it is really backing up! I went months paying and not knowing that it wasn't working properly.


Carbonite doesn't back up external hard drives.


I ended up going with BackBlaze. No problems with them yet.

Edited by jannylynn
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