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Cloth diapers (again)...using disposable wipes

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Thanks for bearing with me with my questions. I'm *this* close to purchasing the whole kit and kaboodle (I really like the idea of the Bumgenuis). Okay...wipes. I think I've decided to use disposable wipes, even if I go with cloth diapering. So, what do you do with the disposable wipes if you don't have a diaper to throw them in?


Thanks guys!!

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In my country we have special receptacles for trash.

(Couldn't help myself).

But seriously - if you're out and there isn't one handy I just throw it in the plastic bag I'm storing the diaper in and deal with it at home. And even if one gets washed - no big deal, just more lint for the dryer.


If you enjoy cloth half as much as I did, you will love it.

I felt good knowing what was on my dd's bottom. (The gel in the disposables is yucky!) The only time I ever had a problem was when a friend washed them for me with bleach. Gave dd a rash.


Interesting tidbit - when dd ate watermelon - it would stain her plastic cover. One can never get that pink-red stain out!

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I use cloth wipes too. But the few times I've been out and forgotten to refill the diaper bag with wipes, I've just used the disposable (borrowed!) wipes and stuck them in with the dirty diaper. They wash up well and I throw them away at that end.


I've found cloth wipes to be really easy, quite honestly. I think it'd be easier to use them and just stick them in with the diaper than to have to have a trash can near your changing station. JMO!

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But for cloth wipes... what do you do about the poop that gets on them? Do you have to rinse them out before throwing them in the diaper pail? Also, how do the poop stains come out of the diapers/wipes in the wash? I know my children's underwear poop stains don't come out all the way. Hmmm.

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I've found cloth wipes to be really easy, quite honestly. I think it'd be easier to use them and just stick them in with the diaper than to have to have a trash can near your changing station. JMO!


ITA with this. I always just got myself a plastic bowl of warm water and dipped cloth wipes into it, then tossed them into the diaper pail to wash with the diapers. I really liked being able to control the amount of wetness in each wipe. I still have them all, actually--they make lovely cleaning cloths!


But IIRC, I used Huggies wipes off and on for awhile (a bag had been gifted to us, so I used in emergencies, or in the car, or whatever) and they are (were?) so plush that I could usually toss those in the diaper bag as well and get one more use out of them that way.

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But for cloth wipes... what do you do about the poop that gets on them? Do you have to rinse them out before throwing them in the diaper pail? Also, how do the poop stains come out of the diapers/wipes in the wash? I know my children's underwear poop stains don't come out all the way. Hmmm.


Honestly, poop stains never bothered me. I was worried about sanitizing them. As long as that was done, I didn't mind. But some people add a few Tbsp of bleach to their diaper wash. That could help. Also, if you're using bGs, the suedecloth is supposed to be good for releasing stains. I definitely have one or two that have faint stains, but nothing horrible--then again, DD2 was older when I started using them. But really, I think most CD users sun their diapers to get the stains out. This can be more difficult in winter, but I think it can still be done.

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I have never heard of cloth wipes. Do tell more - I like the thought of making my own so that those horrible chemicals aren't on the skin - and who can afford those pricey healthfood store wipes?!


Where do you get them? Did you use just water or make your own formula?

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I just used those super cheap washcloths (the really thin ones) from Walmart. You get about 12 for a couple of bucks. (I cut them in half) I kept water in my wipe warmer for a while, but then just ended up wetting a cloth at the bathroom sink and carrying it to the changing table. I just used water--some people keep water in a spray bottle on the changing table. You give the bottom a couple of squirts, then wipe with the cloth. Or spray the cloth--either way, it cuts down a lot on rashes. You can add a little natural soap to the water, but I was always very careful about that, because I didn't want soapy water on little one's bum!

As for washing, again, I washed diapers frequently, about every 2 days or so. And I did bleach, probably a quarter of the time--didn't really keep track--but I would double rinse when I bleached. I never worried about stained cloths--guess I just am easy going about that sort of thing.

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I have never heard of cloth wipes. Do tell more - I like the thought of making my own so that those horrible chemicals aren't on the skin - and who can afford those pricey healthfood store wipes?!


Where do you get them? Did you use just water or make your own formula?


I just used fresh, warm water each time. I kept a plastic bowl by the changing table and filled it when I needed it. I never had a need to introduce any other stuff (some use a few drops of TTO or lavender oil or vinegar to combat yeast, or other natural additives).


Mine were just plain flannel squares with serged edges. I got them on eBay when I was CDing my first, but if you sew and have a serger (neither of which applies to me :D), I've heard they're super easy to make. Otherwise, you can buy them from just about any cloth diaper retailer.






Or you can go to eBay or Hyenacart (an online "mall" of artisans and crafty WAHMs) and search for "cloth diaper wipes."



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I love disposable wipes! I also bought off hyena cart (small wonders wipes). I put them in the Prince Lionheart wipes warmer, available at TrU for about $20. I mix 2 C warm water, 1 T baby wash (California Baby), 2 drops of tea tree oil (antifungal properties for when the wipes are sitting in the warm water in the warmer), and 2 drops of lavendar oil. I wash them with the dipes. If you get printed wipes, you won't see the poo stains. ;)

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We love the washable wipes!! I just use those washcloths that someone else mentioned. I wet down about 10 at a time and keep them in a container. I make up more wipes every time I wash the diapers. I don't have to swish out the poop from the wipes unless there's a huge chunk. If that's the case, I just dump it and stick it in with the diapers.


Good luck and have fun!!

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from Walmart too... I mostly used warm water when we were at home, no special soap or chemicals. You can do a google, and there are some wipe formulas out there... It's so easy to just use cloth wipes, since you're washing diapers anyhow. If we were going to be out, I would dampen the wipes before we go out (just in case there wasn't a water source), then put them in a ziplock bag. I also used this spray from California Baby when we were on outings. I've also made my own flannel wipes, but the terry ones seem to work the best.

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We just wet them in the bathroom and ran one over the Dove soap as we were wetting them. Sometimes we used a piece of bath tissue paper to grab the bulk of the poo (flushable), wipe with a wet cloth, wipe with the soapy cloth, wipe with a clean rinse cloth. The wet cloth just went in with the diapers to wash.


On outings we wet cloths and put them in a zipper bag. We always had a pack of disposables in the bag just in case you had a bad situation, but for the most part just used cloth.

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We used cloth, and cloth wipes all the time.. I found that cloth wipes were more effective at clean ups too. It is just easier to throw it all in the same container for washing. I had disposable wipes too.. but I used those for hand clean ups of the older kids, highchair wipe up etc. When on an outing. I Loved this stuff!!


The foaming one in the little container. They also have one without Lavender& Tea Tree oils.


I can't wait until my little one is a bit older. I don;t like cloth in the newborn stage.. (too expensive for time used), but my little one is almost at a good size to start using the ones I have (mostly prefolds and Fuzzy Bunz) Honestly give cloth wipes a try.. you can always go and buy disposable wipes if it doesn't work for you.

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I agree with melissel. I had various cloth wipes and the ones that I liked best were ones that were flannel with serged edges. They were nice and thin to get in all those nooks and crannies. I kept a spare container of disposable wipes in the car just in case I forgot to refill my wipe container (and because my kids get carsick). It was easy and yeah, I didn't worry about staining.

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Mine were just plain flannel squares with serged edges. I got them on eBay when I was CDing my first, but if you sew and have a serger (neither of which applies to me :D), I've heard they're super easy to make. Otherwise, you can buy them from just about any cloth diaper retailer.



Yep! Those were the best. Actually, they still work great to wipe dirty hands and face after meals.


We kept ours in a wipes-warmer in a solution of water and ?? I think it was lanolin & stuff. I have a pile of this stuff to list on ebay, so I know it's around here somewhere. If I find it I'll let you know what it was...


Used wipes went with the dirty diapers into the wet pail, and neither the diapers nor the wipes ever had any stains on them. We did use a couple of Tbsp of bleach in our wash water for sanitizing, though.


A few times when I used a disposable wipe it also went in the wash. They washed up well, but not good enough to use again, so they went into the trash.

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