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Hi all!


I'd found the old boards ages ago, but they never moved.... :glare: Now I know why!


Anyway. I'm DaLynn, wife to Bill who works nights as a baker, and we've been homeschooling the kiddos for 2 years now. They're all boys; our oldest will be 9 on Easter, the middle one will be 5 in May, and our youngest is 3 with an August birthday. I read WTM this past summer and have been moving towards a more classical education ever since. We use a very eclectic approach to accomplish those classical goals. ;)


Nice to be here, and can't wait to get to know you all here! It seems like a pretty busy board; fun to see what all is going on tonight. Anyone else a night owl? We're in Texas (CST)and I'm seldom in bed before 3am!

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Welcome to the hen house, I mean, the bee hive. :D

I am a bit of a night owl, but have been in bed by 11 lately (DH's prompting). He's still at work now though, (we're on the west coast) so I'm here tonight.

Are your boys night owls too? My oldest is, she's 13yo.

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Welcome! I'm also in TX and would love to stay up till 3, but the baby gets up at 6, so no can do!


My oldest is nine, too. Plus, I share a birthday with yours!


It's a great board and you will get a lot out of it. I think you'll find that very few people here aren't even just a little bit eclectic in their homeschooling approach (and most other things for that matter :) ), so you'll fit right in.


It's good to have you join in!

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Hi all!


I'd found the old boards ages ago, but they never moved.... :glare: Now I know why!


Anyway. I'm DaLynn, wife to Bill who works nights as a baker, and we've been homeschooling the kiddos for 2 years now. They're all boys; our oldest will be 9 on Easter, the middle one will be 5 in May, and our youngest is 3 with an August birthday. I read WTM this past summer and have been moving towards a more classical education ever since. We use a very eclectic approach to accomplish those classical goals. ;)


Nice to be here, and can't wait to get to know you all here! It seems like a pretty busy board; fun to see what all is going on tonight. Anyone else a night owl? We're in Texas (CST)and I'm seldom in bed before 3am!


Welcome! I'm in Hawaii (military wife, originally from Oklahoma) *and* I'm a night owl who has to get up early. I usually go to bed at 1 am which would be 6 am your time!

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LOL! Thanks for the welcome, ladies! :) Nice to know there'll be someone around to chat with at night! The other boards are all dead right about now!


Yes, the kids are still up, though I'm putting them down. Since dh works nights, we've just adjusted our schedule to best accomodate his sleep pattern. So, the kids are in bed around 1am (which is now LOL), and I'm usually in bed by 4. DH gets home from work around 6 or 7, and lays down within an hour. The kids and I get up around noon, and I fix lunch before waking dh for the afternoon. (He takes a nap in the evening, and I wake him for dinner before he heads to work around 9pm.) It's strange, but it works well for us! And it's no less sleep, just at different hours. :)


And Happy Birthday up there! Easter is so early this year! And my ds is a little concerned that we won't have time for BOTH his birthday and Easter all in one day! LOL So we've stretched his birthday celebrations out quite a bit. We started tonight; he got a Wii. It's been crazy here all evening. ;)


I'm jabbering, but it's nice to meet you all! Thanks again for the welcome!

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another night owl here too :)


I'm just north of you. Head over to the networking board and you'll find a few ladies down towards Austin.


I'll be heading to San Antonio for the FEAST convention, and wanna try to make CHEACT also. Maybe we can do a meet up sometime during those!


So what are you using for classical eclectic? I don't do a classical thing per se, but I've been encouraged and motivated to stay accountable to whatever my goals are. I've implemented a few things here and there and finally bought my own copy of WTM since i never found it at the thrift stores. i'll be reading thru it myself, but i already know I'm not a classical kinda gal. i'll take what i like and let others have the rest ;)


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...and read through and see the variety of people we have :)


see ya around some late nights!

my computer time is usually 10 am to 2am. sometimes later tho.

feel free to PM any of us if you need any help navigating the boards!

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Hi all!


I'd found the old boards ages ago, but they never moved.... :glare: Now I know why!


Anyway. I'm DaLynn, wife to Bill who works nights as a baker, and we've been homeschooling the kiddos for 2 years now. They're all boys; our oldest will be 9 on Easter, the middle one will be 5 in May, and our youngest is 3 with an August birthday. I read WTM this past summer and have been moving towards a more classical education ever since. We use a very eclectic approach to accomplish those classical goals. ;)




Welcome DaLynn, I too have all boys who are; an almost 9 year old a 4yo that will be 5 in July and a 3 year old that will be 4 in June, (those last 2 are 11 months apart). So all of our kids are about that same age neat. :)

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Thanks ladies! Nice to meet you all! And yes, when I clicked "new posts" this evening, there are like 19 pages worth...! LOL Never boring around here I'm sure; something to fill a good and quiet hour after the kids go to sleep for certain. :D


Megan - how cool! Think I'll PM ya to say hi. :)


And I'm going to go back and re-read what it was about classically eclectic and write another post and/or PM that poster whose name I don't remember! LOL (Forgive me, the phone rang!)

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another night owl here too :)


I'm just north of you. Head over to the networking board and you'll find a few ladies down towards Austin.


I'll be heading to San Antonio for the FEAST convention, and wanna try to make CHEACT also. Maybe we can do a meet up sometime during those!


So what are you using for classical eclectic? I don't do a classical thing per se, but I've been encouraged and motivated to stay accountable to whatever my goals are. I've implemented a few things here and there and finally bought my own copy of WTM since i never found it at the thrift stores. i'll be reading thru it myself, but i already know I'm not a classical kinda gal. i'll take what i like and let others have the rest ;)


Add an intro to the "Introductions" thread --



...and read through and see the variety of people we have :)


see ya around some late nights!

my computer time is usually 10 am to 2am. sometimes later tho.

feel free to PM any of us if you need any help navigating the boards!


I'll have to find the networking boards, thanks! My family is in Waco, and we're headed there tomorrow (and back tomorrow night) - I'll wave at ya as I go by! LOL And yep, maybe we can meet up some time for FEAST and/or CHEACT. (I'd forgotten about FEAST, need to go get info!)


As far as what I'm using for classically eclectic... well, not sure really what you mean, but - most of our educational goals are of classical outline. We just started this past fall, so I'm fudging it in quite a few places (like science), and deal with some extra issues in an area or two that prevents "trueness" I suppose, but mostly we just use a whole mish-mash of curriculums, found books, online freebies, etc to accomplish the goals we have. :)


As far as the actual curriculums, well... the little ones use a whole mesh of things. I've been given a ton of things from my grandma, who is a retired ps 1st grade teacher, and so I have an overabundance of phonics and early math things. LOL My 3rd/4th grader uses:


Language Arts: Rod & Staff (grammar)

And is about to start - Spelling Power (this fall, he's WAY ahead), Words Are Wonderful (vocab, he's a little behind with comprehension)

Math: Math-U-See


Reading: literature-based unit studies (and a book club. Recently, he's read Phantom Tollbooth, Shiloh, The Magician's Nephew [Chronicles of Narnia 1], The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe, Golden Goblet, and has started Hittite Warrior.)


Bible: Christian Liberty Press (just started, goes with our history!)


History: Mystery of History (also just started history in chronological order, and we are LOVING moh!)


Science: Considering God's Creation (also just started and he's playing catch-up from not having any good science curriculum since we started hsing. We'll follow up with the God's Design series from AiG.)


Skills: We do handwriting (copywork in D'Nealian) twice weekly, typing once weekly, and logic once weekly. He asked to study "how to solve difficult puzzles," and so we are starting with some really easy logic things as he will move into the logic stage within a year or two anyway.


Culture: We do art weekly, mostly just using cub scouts materials right now and I'm looking into some things from Grandma as well as How To Draw books. We do music weekly, piano from Albert's as well as some theory workbook sheets I found free online. (I'm a musician, there's PLENTY here for him.) And we do foreign language weekly. For now, while I'm having a hard time finding curriculum for what we need (and within our budget), we are working on sign language. Latin and Spanish are both on "the list". ;) (We're in south Texas - we NEED Spanish! LOL)



Anyway. That answer that? LOL Sorry...

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