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Resource for standarized testing doing only the 3 R's


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I don't "have" to standardize test kiddo until he is 8. I've done the last two years, but each time it seems the "social studies" and science are veering further and further from what we are doing.


Is there a test that isn't "nationally recognized" that is limited to LA and math? I'm talking more along the lines of a booklet I get on Amazon, rather than one I pay 40 dollars for and have to send it. I like the idea of yearly testing to inure kiddo to it. "Oh, its June, another test" rather than "Oh my goodness, what is this big fat scary booklet about".

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You could download the TAKS tests used in previous years for the subjects you want to test here:




These are the Texas NCLB tests given in public schools. They wouldn't count for legally mandated testing, but they're a freebie you could use for your own peace of mind.


Unfortunately, although they say 2-8, it starts with "3", unless you would give 3 to a rising third grader. I'm also unclear the difference between TAK and TAK-M


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You can give the TAKS to a rising 3rd grader. I gave the 3rd grade portion to DS when he was in Kindergarten and he passed with flying colors. :tongue_smilie: That is not saying my DS is brilliant, but saying that the TAKS exams are so horribly dumbed down it is an embarrassment to the state! But, then, we are rated something like 48th or 49th. :glare: So I wouldn't take the TAKS exam seriously. (One of the 5th grade science question asks what a bike needs to coast down a hill. The answer? A front tire. Seriously. I lost all respect for our state's exam at that point.)


You can give the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and not do the Social Studies portion, that is optional. They give you a couple options of how to take it and have it graded.

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I'm so glad you asked this question! I was just wondering about my dd's "social studies" education since we don't study it! I guess it will come later when we study more modern history, but right now she wouldn't pass that portion either. Glad to know Iowa has options for the test.



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You can give the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and not do the Social Studies portion, that is optional. They give you a couple options of how to take it and have it graded.


How do you do that? Do you have to write a note saying to only grade certain sections or just not fill in answers for the sections you don't want graded? I normally order from BJU. I have been wondering if we could skip some of the sections and just take the math and language arts sections.

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How do you do that? Do you have to write a note saying to only grade certain sections or just not fill in answers for the sections you don't want graded? I normally order from BJU. I have been wondering if we could skip some of the sections and just take the math and language arts sections.
We ordered from BJU, too. It was over a year ago, but if memory serves me there was a "bubble" to fill in along with the student info. You have to select what grade/month to have the child scored at - think it was right there on the form.

I just pulled out DS's scores from last year. They also give the results two ways. "Core," which just includes math and language, and "Composite," which includes social studies and science.

So you can have the child take the whole test, but take their composite score "lightly."

When our son took the test last year, I was a bit worried about that part of the test, but I wanted to see his science score so I had him take the whole thing. I was pleasantly surprised at his "social studies" portion, since we hadn't formally studied it. He scored above grade, but we have gone to a lot of museums and I think he has picked up more than I realized.

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I was just thinking about this since my state requires standardized testing.... Of course DS bombed the test when he took it in school (it was on the computer and they told him he could go outside to play when he finished so he answered "A" for EVERYTHING) so he can't do any worse than he did last year! LOL!

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