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There is an article in Cure magazine this quarter on gardasil that does mention that fainting is a common side effect and thus docs should keep kids in the office for 15 minutes to monitor them for reactions.

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Can anyone tell me about this? Our new pediatrician offered it for dd12. I declined as I do not know about it.



Well, no one seems to know enough about it, in my opinion. I do know my daughter, though, and have opted out. Besides, it's not a single shot. It's a series of shots, and no one knows the side effects, and its benefits are quite limited. We have opted out.

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In addition, to my understanding (I've read this somewhere..I'll have to dig it up. But it's 1am here so I could be thinking of something else. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please):

- it does not cover all strains.

- of those it does cover, the % of those strains causing cancer is VERY low.

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- it does not cover all strains.

True. It covers only 4 strains.


- of those it does cover, the % of those strains causing cancer is VERY low.
Of the four strains, two are responsible for about 70% of the cases of cervical cancer and the other two are responsible for the vast majority of genital warts cases (90% or greater IIRC).
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I got it for myself. IMO the benefits far outweight the risks. So much so that it was fast tracked through testing because it was considered unethical to keep such a beneficial drug away from the populace.


If your doc recommended it, then I would follow their recommendation.

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Is it for sexu@lly active women? Or for all women regardless? My dd is not in any way active.


one doesn't need to be sexually active to contract something via a rape or sexual assault.


however, I want to see more years of testing. That something is beneficial to the woman does not prove it will not have an adverse effect on her reproductive system or future offspring. We've already seen how that can happen.


I'll wait.

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Can anyone tell me about this? Our new pediatrician offered it for dd12. I declined as I do not know about it.


The research I've done shows that cervical cancer is virtually unknown in celibate women, and among women who are in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship. We did not think the vaccine was necessary for EK. Besides, I think more testing needs to be done, and we also need more knowledge of the long-term effects of the vaccine.

Edited by ereks mom
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What do you mean?


There are plenty of drugs out there that have wonderful benefits for the woman, but negative effects on the reproductive system or child in utero.


I have seen no research that shows the long term effects of gardasil on a woman's reproductive system . Are there any studies done in this department?


etA: I should clarify that "drugs" should really include all sorts of medical interventions, including vaccines.

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There are plenty of drugs out there that have wonderful benefits for the woman, but negative effects on the reproductive system or child in utero.


I have seen no research that shows the long term effects of gardasil on a woman's reproductive system . Are there any studies done in this department?


etA: I should clarify that "drugs" should really include all sorts of medical interventions, including vaccines.



Your right that there may be long term unforseen side-effects. However it does reduce the chances of cervical cacer by a very large percentage. The side-effects of cervical cancer are known and are quite devestating. I would rather risk some unknowns then some very bad knowns.


But to each their own. I think the OP really needs to think about how their family feels about things like vaccines. Ask your dr for more resources maybe. You can even read the published studies if you want, or the medical associations stand on it. Inform yourself and decide for your family whats best for your family. You won't find a concensus here, while I know that would be easiest, alas it is to personal an issue for that,. Best of luck with your decision.

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Your right that there may be long term unforseen side-effects. However it does reduce the chances of cervical cacer by a very large percentage. The side-effects of cervical cancer are known and are quite devestating. I would rather risk some unknowns then some very bad knowns.



if it's MY reproductive future, then it is my risk. I wouldn't set my dd up for such a risk tho.


at this point, we don't even have known long term risks for the user either.

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