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woohoo!! GothicGirl is worth *THREE* --count 'em-- 3! Rep POINTS

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Ok so where are you seeing this Peek??????



the board is messing up for me right now, so I'm confused...




They explain how it works.

I PM'd the mods to double check that an extra square doesn't show up for 1000 posts, only for rep ratings. But the rep power is still three even though you only have two squares.


So anyone who has 1000+ posts has an extra rep point power. each square is worth one point, every thousand points is worth another.


If someone has onE square and 3000+ posts, their rep power would be worth 4 points.


I can add :)

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Do you know where/how the spelling originated? Does it have a difference connotation at all than spelling it in a non-goth way?


Are there other 'goth' words? ... for that matter, if you have the time, would you be willing to give me a brief summary of what 'goth' is? It is one of those things I've only encountered in online references, and I'm probably making some incorrect assumptions/deductions from the clues I've gotten...

(I embarrassed myself on an LJ by completely misunderstanding the term 'slash ':o so I am more aware of my own ignorance.)

Goth in its simplest form, is a subculture. A group of people who feel comfortable within each others company. There is no specific thing that defines what you need to do or be to fit into the goth scene (except of course the implied black clothing). People in the goth scene all have different musical tastes, follow different religions, have different occupations, hobbies, and fashion sense.


However, just because one does all of these things doesn't mean they are goth, likewise, one can be goth without doing these things. There are just as many Christian Goths as there are Atheist Goths as there are Satanist Goths, as there are Pagan Goths, etc...and on and on. Likewise, you can be none of those things but just like the music and that doesn't make you goth either.


Wearing a trenchcoat or black--doesn't make you goth, but we wear them :)

Flinging glow sticks doesn't make you goth, but we fling them.


etc..etc... it's better for you to list your "assumptions" and me debunk them (:D) than for me to go all the way down the list.


For me its a social scene, the music, the dress (I usually wear more of a victorian or new romantic look when I go clubbing), the dressing up, the escape. Doesn't make me goth either :) but I am probably more goth than some who claim.

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Do you know where/how the spelling originated? Does it have a difference connotation at all than spelling it in a non-goth way?


Are there other 'goth' words? ... for that matter, if you have the time, would you be willing to give me a brief summary of what 'goth' is? It is one of those things I've only encountered in online references, and I'm probably making some incorrect assumptions/deductions from the clues I've gotten...

(I embarrassed myself on an LJ by completely misunderstanding the term 'slash ':o so I am more aware of my own ignorance.)


If it helps any, I have also embarrassed myself by misunderstanding the term "slash." :eek: I was soooooo wrong on that one.

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So is is a style? Or a flavor that tinges a variety of lifestyles?


Both and yet neither.. how's that? There are tinges of varieties of lifestyles in it (gay, bi, trans, etc..) but those don't make anyone goth, but neither do they make them not goth.. EG: being gay is just that--gay. It doesn't make them goth. However, there are gays who frequent the goth scene and are part of that scene. So they would be both gay and goth. Make sense? Probably not, because it's easier to show than tell. Style? Style is a bit of everything--jeans/tshirts or full on club wear (think hot topic) to nothing at all. :D


There are also people who dress like vampires and live like them (think Interview with a Vampire), there is a whole section of the culture that like playing like that (I do but not recently, no money). I have fangs, the dress and I have fun at the "balls". But that's it for me.


But again, just because someone pretends to be a vamp, doesn't make them goth and vice versa. It's just one big mix of anti-establishment, some anarchy yet total control, nihilism, fun, and dancing. It really is very hard for me to accurately say. No one website has it totally right. They've all got a smidgen of it correct and a whole lot of opinion thrown in. :D


Are there any worldview strands which run through goth culture? (Is there *a* goth culture?)

I'm not sure what you mean by worldview strands but I can tell you this: we are an open minded, non-judgemental, and accepting of everyone, bunch of people. We are also republicans, democrats, libertarians, atheists, christians, jews, black, white, asian, etc... each and every one of us brings a strand of "flavor" to the culture (so yes there is a culture)...


Is goth directly connected to "Gothic", indirectly, or not all? (Or to the Goths of invader fame?)
Directly connected, not sure. But I do know the culture was sort of born out of the industrial german synthpop music of the early years. The majority of the culture lies in the European, Asian parts of the world.


How did it originate? Or did it kind of come about organically and simultaneously in a number of places?


That's a long story that I don't even know how to begin. It's a bit of all of the above with smidgens of none of the above. It really is an ecclectic mix cultures/ideals/beliefs that it is hard to pinpoint it accurately to one.


And, probably another stupid question, what is 'clubbing'?


Umm, going to the club? :D and dancing my arse off. :D


I don't know if this helped you any, but that's what it is.

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And you have to keep in mind that terms like Goth, Emo, Punk, Mod, etc change with time. What kids today call Punk, I call boring top-40. I think it's as much an individual tag as it is a group identity.


OK, sorry for the interruption. Old Mod/Punk going back to her tea.


ROFLOL Boring top 40! :iagree:


And when I see Emo I think of this! :D

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Whoops! Does lifestyle mean s*xual orientation too? It would not have occurred to me to think that would be relevant - thank you for not being offended if that is what you thought I thought.


Club wear is what one wears to go clubbing and clubs are places to hang out?


The Goth subculture basically includes any and everyone who has ever been "cast aside" by general society. Some of us are Lobbyists, some of us are Members of some local Senate, some of us just plain normal folk. But all of us have the "we don't fit in, we've been chastised and cast out by normal society" attitude. It includes sexual orientation as well--like I said, gay, straight, bi, lesbian, transgendered, transvestite, transwhatever, no gender :D what ever you call yourself--if you've been shoved aside for any reason and don't feel like you fit in--we take you. :D And yes, club wear is what one wears when you go clubbing. We call them clubs here, they might be dance halls or studios, or discoteques someplace else.


Is the vampire aspect at all like the some of the roleplaying/costume stuff in SCA-type circles? (The only vampire book I've read was "Sunshine" by Robin McKinley - is Interview with a Vampire very graphically violent (or, I should ask, s*xually explicit?). If it isn't, perhaps I should look at it.


For me, it's all about role-playing. RenFaire's, SCA's, sword fights, yep--that type circle. There are some who go the whole 9 and actually believe they are vampires (but not the bram stoker kind--they believe in what's called "energy vamps"--people who basically "suck" the life out of you--we all know real people like that), and yes, there are some who do the whole "bloodletting" thing, but I just call them crazy and ask who their tailor is (some of the outfits OMG make me jealous). Is Interview graphically violent or sexual? Not that I can remember. If you've seen the movie, that's pretty much it. It's violent, but more campy over the top than realisitic. There is some sexual innuendo in it most assuradly, but nothing explicit.


I deduce that a club is a public place to hang out with people (like minded people? Are there private clubs?), but my only association with the term is the kind of clubs guys used to have in England... Are they like pubs or bars?


Yes, it is helpful... I am just the tiniest bit less horribly ignorant, and I have a slightly greater awareness of the depth and variety of this culture...


Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions - and for being so kind and patient with my blundering ignorance.


Yes, there are private "vamp" clubs but I don't go to them (can't afford to).. the one I go to is strictly a goth/industrial/ebm/synthpop club. That's the type of music they play. Pubs and Bars are a bit different though. They are mainly just that-- a place to hang out, shoot pool and drink. A club is an entire life in one room--we do all of that, but we network, we dance, we reach out, etc...


And you have to keep in mind that terms like Goth, Emo, Punk, Mod, etc change with time. What kids today call Punk, I call boring top-40. I think it's as much an individual tag as it is a group identity.


Yes, genre is subjective. The Goth/emo/punk/mod of NOW, was MY Souxsie/Bauhaus/Cure of the 80's. The synthpop then (duran, flock of seagulls, bowie, etc) is this new techno stuff of today.


Top 40 then was my mother's music. Top 40 now is Justin Timberlake and the like.


The thing to remember is this: just because you see some punk kid dressed up in black, chains, wearing fangs, has blood red hair, tattoos, piercings, etc.. does not mean they are "goth". Most of the time it's just some kid bent on pissing his parents off :D. The "true goth" ones don't advertise. We just don't want the attention. Then again, it doesn't mean that kid isn't a "true goth" either. It also doesn't mean I am one. It just means that you could be in a room with 40 of us and you will get 40 different opinions on what "goth" is.


And no--I am so not offended. I like talking about it (but not advertising it). :tongue_smilie:

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She's trying to get to 1,000, so she can be worth more rep points. Mindy, when you do, don't forget the little people that helped you get there!


I'm getting left in the dust! I just don't have enough to say to join the big leagues.


14.gif I fling good rep left and right, and just randomly for good or helpful posts. It seems to me like you can rep about 10 people a day, and the same person only about every 6-7 days. That means you need about 70 people a week to rep, if you want to use it all up. I try to, but that may be why my post count is so low!

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Arrrrrrr, and here I thought I was all alone for a minute. LOL.

DH is actually on his way home now that it's almost midnight. Thanks for the buddy :D

I told DH last night that when we move into a place where we can paint the walls, I want to paint them (in one room) gray (I can never remember if U.S. spelling of gray is gray or grey, LOL) and then paint the bottom of my feetsies black and walk all over them. He suggested we make a cast of one of my feet, then make a rubber stamp with it and use one foot. THEN, use a broom handle or a dowel and make peg leg prints. :D Doesn't that sound like fun? I have NO idea why I'm typing about this. It's late, I've had enough time this evening to get a good buz (thank you Corona) and lose same buz completely. <sigh>.

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Where's your husband? On a business trip?


I'm trying to envision dh-off-on-trips-for-work... one of the positions my dh's considering is a telecommute position - he'd need to go in just a few days a year, and those in about two blocks.... The catch? The company is in *Amsterdam*! So, I 'm trying the idea on for size.


He's consciously avoided positions involving travel up until now... but we no longer have little tiny ones and it wouldn't be for very long or very often, and others here have dhs who are deployed or working 80 hour weeks or traveling all the time for business.... I now it is silly of me to mind the idea so much, and if it is an exciting position with good projects to work on, he should take it... but I'm still struggling with it.


We've almost never slept apart in all the years we've been together - one of the times I was in the hospital and my mother was coming to be with the kids but hadn't gotten here yet... and when I went back East for my grandmother's funeral.


When our car broke down and we were car-less for a few days while it was in the shop, I got to thinking about how many of the luxuries in my life I take for granted, and, worse than that, have on some level redefined as necessities. Perhaps this is another one of them...


Anyway... I am babbling at you!


Your gray walls with black footprints made me giggle! Would it be a bedroom, or out where everyone who visits gets to see it?


Your moving date is soon, isn't it? ...oh, is that where your dh is? Off in the new city? Have you found your new place? (Perhaps you've already told us and I missed it - you would think, given how often I drop in here throughout the day these days that I wouldn't miss so much! Perhaps I should type less and read more...


Can I buy you a drink? I'll have mint tea, what would you like? Could I persuade you to take a few Hamentaschen with that? I think my eldest got carried away - it was her first year doing them all by herself!


Cheers, Jenn! :cheers2:


DH was just working late tonight, he had to go to another base due to "equipment problems" (not allowed to discuss that).

He should have been home for dinner, but just got home at midnight.

He usually deploys for 6+ months at a time though, so we're used to that. Honestly, it's easier for us when he's either here or gone- all those little work up cruises to get ready for the long deployment drive me nuts- he's here, he's gone, he's here long enough to tease us and then he's asleep and then he leaves again-grrrrr. (they go on 2-3-4 week cruises to practice their military stuff before a 6 month cruise, oh, and he's in the Navy LOL). When we move (last week of June) he's going back to shore duty, so no deployments for 3 years YAY!

The footprints on the walls would be in a "public" room, LOL- a family room or den or something. Or maybe a bathroom, :D

We won't have a new place until we get to the new state, yikes. I'll take whatever you're offering mint tea and Hamenshtaken (LOL- can't pronounce it so I can't spell it either, LOL) sound yummy.

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