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S/O In the NEXT decade I wish to...

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~Find peace with my childhood/parents

~Learn how to accept without judging

~Finish my Masters degree

~Become financially stable

~Continue homeshooling but do it with more fun and less stress

~Be the mom my kiddos deserve instead of the frazzled stressed out one I always am!


~Landscape my yard to feel like I am somewhere pretty instead of the sagebrush desert!

~Finish our home remodel

~Travel back East to view all the cool historic sites/attractions

~Rent a cabin in the Minnesota woods and just be

~Relax and enjoy life!


What about you??

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In the next decade I want to

...continue homeschooling and graduate 2 of my kids

...finish my bachelor's degree and begin my Ed after degree

...survive having 3 teens and preteen (well closer to the end of the decade)

...buy a home(or at least be financially stable to be able to rent anywhere I want)

...remarry(who knows, I have been single for 8 years maybe it will change in the next 10)

...become a much healthier me (physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally)

...be fully loving life on the Island and spending many summers on the beach

...see my oldest 2 kids enter adulthood prepared as strong individuals with great morals, work ethic and determination to do anything.

...turn 40 with more enthusiam than what I showed for turning 30 ;)

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Live in Central Asia for most of the 10 years

Send my oldest two children on a religious mission

Pay off all our student loans

Write a book about traditional bone games in Central Asia

Learn Tajik and Uzbek

Homeschool and parent effectively so my children are ready for whatever they want to do

Enjoy my boys

Not move quite as often as we did this decade

Live by the ocean for a little while

Travel around China by train

Go to Siberia

Buy a bit of land in Idaho

Read, read, read, read

Edited by Amira
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Be better about saving money.

Homeschool the kids.

Keep my weight stable.

Get some more college under my belt

Write a book (or at least give it a real try!)

Declutter the attic, basement, shed, and closets (it might just take 10 years--gulp.)

Devote more time to developing my friendships (relationships with people are so important, and yet are the first things to go when we're busy--why is that??)

Call my parents more

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In the next 10 years I want to...

watch my dd grow into a wonderful young woman.

help my little guy go from a Pre-K to a teen.

encourage my dh to follow his heart.

spend as much time with my mom as I possibly can enjoying travel and fun with her.

lose weight.

laugh a lot.

turn 40 and embrace that these will be wonderful years of my life.

put a screened porch on the back of our house.

travel to see new places and also to see old faces that we miss.

watch my oldest marry and hopefully become a daddy.

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In the next 10 years I hope to (in no particular order)...


watch my kids grow into sweet teens and young adults

finally decorate our home

discover who my youngest son really is (he has spent most of his life under the influence of chemo drugs and pain)

enjoy our homeschooling life

pay off all of our debt and finally be financially free!

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In the next decade I want to:

~Get enough sleep than anything further down the list can happen

~Continue with my self education plan. This year that involves grammar and literary analysis. Once I've finished up with English grammar, I'll start with Latin. As the kiddies grow up, I should have a bit more time for such things so will add maths and logic.

~Start homeschooling :D

~Go back to being that cheery Mamma I used to be before the sleep deprivation of baby #2.

~Take back the responsibility for food prep

~Buy our own home

~Get our life into a daily, weekly, yearly rhythm

~Learn to garden! One can only accomplish so much in a drought without topsoil.

~Get a handle on dressmaking. I'm not very good at it :)

~Train my children to be industrious.


Thank goodness a decade is ten years long...



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Good grief -- in 10 years I'll be facing my 60th birthday!! That just gives me pause.


In the next decade I hope to...


figure out what post-homeschooling life is like as my youngest only has 2 more years of high school

make the time to exercise to keep my bones strong through old age (to prevent, as my dh describes it, "bird bones")

learn to cook for enjoyment rather than the necessity of feeding kiddos

see both kids graduate from college and start their lives and maybe, just maybe, become a mil and grandmother

continue playing and teaching violin

continue cherishing life and family

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- to become debt free and stay that way forever.

- to move to a house with land and privacy.

- to continue to homeschool successfully and watch my boys continue to thrive.

- to find peace with issues within my family (mom & sisters).

- to find peace with friendships.

- to grow deeper in my Christian faith.

- to lose weight, become healthier, and to keep the weight off.

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