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I got an early New Year gift today

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I was absolutely, absolutely sure I was "done", for years. We never planned a lot of children, one or a few maybe, though three was always our secret number, even at times we dated and had none :D; but the second one surprised us VERY early after the first one (they're not even a full year apart, it gets crazy when every year for few weeks they're same age).


We didn't actually actively want children after the second one (which doesn't mean that we wouldn't have gladly accepted another one, that third one we always had somewhere in the back of our minds - it was only the lack of active desire for another child, though had we been "surprised", of course that we would have the child and adore it), for various reasons... First it was them being very small and us being exhausted; then it was stress over moving and work while having so very small children; after that it was changing the continent and going into the completely unknown with two just-past-toddlers and uncertainty over how everything is going to work out, and tons of legal issues to handle; after that, and the huge initial stress and everything, it was "wait, how about schooling them at home while we're here for the next few years, we're going back soon anyway, and let's make sure we don't get an extra child here, but we have that third child somehow in the air, maybe it surprises us back home"; after that, it was "wait, how about not returning to Italy so soon?" and taking birth control less seriously, on and off, but without any serious attempts to get an extra child, and even though we got ourselves a relatively stable life, and relatively decent circumstances to raise a child or two more.

We always kinda had that extra child somewhere "in the air", like an unfulfilled promise, but the girls were getting big, taking time and attention and fulfilling us, so we got peaceful with no more children, and were totally mentally positive no more children would come (though we had no grounds to be that sure).


So guess what?

I saw a doctor today, after weeks of just "knowing" it, and got it officially confirmed. We WILL be getting that third child, and I'm happy beyond expression. :D

The girls still have no idea :D, they're spending holidays away, and I know there will be a huge age gap between the kids (they'll be 13 and 12 when this one is born), and that many many changes will come to our home, but so far I can only think about feeling so full and happy, what an amazing New Year gift.

(On a side note, we're atheists, but if I was ever really close to believing there's "something", it was this morning.)


Sorry for posting the whole topic about it, just thought I'd share. :D

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Oh how wonderful!


If it helps, I am 12 years older than my youngest brother, and he was my cute little buddy when he was little, and now that he's married and in medical school and expecting child #2 he still calls me just to chat sometimes and we have a good adult sibling relationship. His wife is fun, though it took her awhile to adjust to me as a sibling in law at first because I'm the same age as her aunt. Now we just laugh about it. :)

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