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Stephanie Plum - first book

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At our last book club I looked at my scribbled notes and read Stephanie Plum - fun. The girls were keen to go with that and now I'm trying to locate the book. So, from what I can see this is actually a series, not the title of a book. Is the first book in the series One For the Money ?


Is this a good book or would you suggest another from the series (if you didn't read the first one of course)?

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At our last book club I looked at my scribbled notes and read Stephanie Plum - fun. The girls were keen to go with that and now I'm trying to locate the book. So, from what I can see this is actually a series, not the title of a book. Is the first book in the series One For the Money ?


Is this a good book or would you suggest another from the series (if you didn't read the first one of course)?


Yes, that is the 1st book. Yes, it is a series. Yes, you should start with the 1st so you can get to know the characters.


And yes, it is certainly (Ok, I'm missing my eph key here - I'm sorry) phun, phrivolous and highly enjoyable! :D

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Yes "One for the Money" is the first in the series of Stephanie Plum books, and not one of my favorites at all! I read this a few weeks back and almost didn't finish as it had some very graphic and disturbing behavior by one of the characters in the book.


I much prefer the Metro girl series by the same author!





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You'll LOVE Stephanie books! They are just so much fun to read!


But then later you'll have to decide if you are a Cupcake or a Babe. ;)


They are really quick reads. I've done some in one night.


There are 15 in the series, with the 16th due out in June of next year. As far as I know that may be the last one. There hasn't been any talk about any future contracts for Plum books. So we are holding out for a HEA for a cupcake ending around here! LOL!


There are also a a few between the numbers books (they don't have numbers in their titles, all the rest do). They involve all the same major characters, but they also have Desiel. He only shows up in the between the number books. You can take them or leave them, they don't really affect the how the Plum world runs if you don't read them. I don't mind them, but like regular Plum world better. JE is using them to kick off another series just about Desiel. (But there aren't supposed to be any Plum people in the Desiel series.) I can't remember when that is supposed to come out.


JE is also supposedly putting together a graphic novel. She's doing it with her daughter. Not sure sure how that's going to go.

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Yes "One for the Money" is the first in the series of Stephanie Plum books, and not one of my favorites at all! I read this a few weeks back and almost didn't finish as it had some very graphic and disturbing behavior by one of the characters in the book.


I much prefer the Metro girl series by the same author!






Hmm, I can't think of anything graphic or disturbing in that book. You'll have to PM and tell what it was. I don't even have my copy here, I lent it out over the weekend.


The Metro Girl books were good. I liked the two main characters. Got a little tired of hearing about the "little man in the boat" or whatever the line was. And it did sort of reuse/recycle some of the Plum stuff. I wish she'd done more with these or that there had been more than just the two.


I believe the graphic comic is supposed to be based on the Metro Girl books.

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Yes, start with One for the Money. They're fun though the series suffered towards the end from too much zaniness. There's a tipping point where it goes from comedy into absurd farce & Steph was veering into the TSTL territory (too stupid to live: a common character fault in heroines of certain genres)


Oh & I am a Ranger BABE. :001_tt1:


I even have my Bulgari Green tea cologne .....

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Yes "One for the Money" is the first in the series of Stephanie Plum books, and not one of my favorites at all! I read this a few weeks back and almost didn't finish as it had some very graphic and disturbing behavior by one of the characters in the book.


I much prefer the Metro girl series by the same author!






Yeah, I was disappointed in it, too. I'd heard such rave reviews from others about it. I'll have to try the Metro girl series. What's it called?

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Oh god! I'm surrounded by Babes!


There has got to be some Cupcake love on this board somewhere!!


Yes Stephanie has certainly had her TSTL moments! JE has definately gotten lazy the last few years. Her 'senior moments' as she calls them are certainly proof of that. She's doing it more for money than love of writing these characters now I think. (We've had this conversation many times over on my book board.) Probably why no mention of a contract past

16. Hence everyone's hoping for the HEA in that one and to wrap up what's been going on. Of course we are all hoping for a cupcake ending.


Maybe we should start a new poll. Are you a Cupcake or a Babe???

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I think my favorites were books 8 and 9, or 8 and 10? I can't remember exactly, but that is when things really got interesting and it seemed Stephanie was headed into a decision about Joe or Ranger....but then it all started dragging....and dragging.....


I quit in the middle of 14 and didn't read 15. Blah.


I am SO wanting her to go with Ranger. Joe is blah. He doesn't appreciate her. Takes her for granted. Treats her like she's nothing special (except in bed). Ranger OTOH never underestimates her, but is still pleasantly surprised by her; just the way a good romance should be


BABE here!

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Another Babe fan here. I thought the first few books in the series were a little slow moving for me as I got to know the characters but I love the series as a whole. I have not been happy about the last few books only because I am a Babe fan and Stephanie keeps going back to Joe. Blah! I have never laughed out loud at books the way I do the Plum books though I do think they are starting to run their course.

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