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What are some fun games for a family with special needs dc to play TOGETHER?

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We would like to get some games to give this family for Christmas. They have 3 dc: 13yob, 9yog, 4yob. The two older dc have developmental delays; the 13yob has some mild emotional/social/behavioral issues, and the 9yog has cognitive delays (she isn't reading yet & is at least a year below grade level in all subjects). The 4yob is the only one who is developing normally as far as I can tell.


The 9yog has asked for Connect 4, and we plan to get that one. I think it would be a great game for the entire family, although they couldn't all play at one time. We would also like to get one or two additional games that the whole family can play together. (I've seen the new Connect 4x4, and it says it's for up to 4 players, but I think it might be too advanced for the younger kids.)


Here are two I'm considering:


Doodle Dice


Rock Paper Scissors Card Game


If you have any of these games, please give me your opinions on the suitability of them, and also suggest some others! I would love to include a FUN game that would help the 9yog with her reading/decoding skills.

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An oldie but goody is also Candy Land. One that my kids used to really enjoy is Guess Who. There are 2 game boards that have little tiles with pictures of people/characters and on each turn you eliminate-flip down--all those people who have a certain trait (black hair or wearing glasses or a hat) until you end up with one character left! It doesn't have to be competitive at all and is for 2 players, but you can do 2 teams of 2 which is what we do.

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