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How young for a Nano/iTouch?

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So, dh and I are still deciding what to get the boys for Christmas. We have been debating whether or not to get them all an individual iPod or one iPod for them all to share or ... we can't decide! It's the youngest that is holding up our decision - we don't really have a problem with an 8 1/2 year old and 6 year old having that kind of technology. The purpose of the iPod or iTouch would be mostly educational - books on CD, videos (we have the They Might Be Giants' Here Comes Science CD/DVD they love on my iTouch), and either the ability to take videos with the Nano or the ability to have applications for learning and some entertainment on the iTouch. But, the 3 year old. I want a peaceful Christmas morning, and I can guarantee that it doesn't matter what we got him instead; if his brothers get an iPod Nano or an iTouch, he will flip a gasket! So, it's either everyone gets their own, or we get just one for them to share (they all sleep in the same room, so they could take turns selecting a book on CD to listen to before bed), or none at all. I'm curious how young, if money was not an obstacle (not saying it isn't here, but it would be their one main gift from us), would you get a 3 1/2 year old an iPod to have for listening to books and watching videos like They Might Be Giants, etc.?

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We have the Wii already (which the 3 year old loves!). Your idea is a good one; I'll have to run that past dh (in terms of something kind of "big" but something different for them all to have different options to play with). I was thinking maybe an iPod for the older two and then maybe a Leapster for the youngest; he could still play games and watch the videos on my iTouch. We're hoping to stay away from the DS. For some reason the iPod seems able to be more educational whereas the DS seems just mindless. (Maybe I just drift more towards music and books on CD myself. ;) )


Oh, and there would be ground rules on the iPod(s) no matter who has them - they don't leave the house (unless we are going on a long car trip and mom/dad say it is okay), they are only available for use after hs'ing and chores are done, and they do not come out when we are doing things together (reading, playing games), and they do not come out when company is over.

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I would not let the 3 yo have an iPod. My 7 year old is getting a shuffle for Christmas, but this is the first year I have considered it for him, because he hasn't always cared well for his things in the past. I also didn't want him using the earbuds til now.


Have you seen these?


I have no idea whether this product is any good, but it is a more durable option.

Edited by Penelope
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I seriously considered an itouch for my DD and DS (who is 4 in January) but we decided on Leapsters instead. I have an iphone they can share anyway. I mostly decided on the Leapsters because they are so durable and more education orientated. Little DD is thankfully just small enough that she isn't going to mind not having a Leapster just yet and by the time she is old enough older DD should be ready to move on. We will have similar rules to you in respect to use.

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Ummmm.....2 years old? LOL.


We are getting DD2 and DD5 and iTouch each. They don't need anymore My Little Ponies, Littlest Pet Shops, stuffed animals, and stuff like that. So I decided to go with something bigger. They both LOVE playing my iPhone. And I get tired of giving it up to them LOL! So I loaded each iTouch with things they will like.


For my DD2 I loaded it up with preschool games, photos of our October Disney trip, a few home videos, some of her little songs about Jesus that she likes, the movie Dumbo (Up will also be added after she gets it for Christmas from my parents), and some TV shows that she enjoys like Martha Speaks, Go Diego Go, Max & Ruby, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.


For my DD5 I loaded it up with kids Jesus songs, some Laurie Berkner songs, some Disney songs, games that she enjoys (plus some new ones that I found I think she will like), lots of photos of Disney and birthday parties and cousins, TV shows like Scooby Doo and Martha Speaks, home videos, as well as the Dumbo movie (and she will get Up on hers as well).


I think they will really like it!! I just know that the first thing they are going to as is going to be "Is this a phone?????" Heck no LOL. I also got them each a nice thick rubber cover to go over it, plus a screen protector. DD5's cover is purple since that's her favorite. DD2's cover is pink. This way they will know which is which.


Also, this will not be an item that they can do as they please. I'll be keeping it when it is not in use. It will not be taken outside to play and stuff like that either.


Like you, I knew my two year old would flip out if she saw her sister get an iTouch and she didn't. She's very mature for two years old....she thinks that she is five. :D

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Personally I wouldn't get a 3yo an ipod because I wouldn't trust them to understand the care that would need to be taken with it. I could imagine it getting lost or broken quite quickly.

I'm sure there are some 3yo exceptions to that. But certainly MY 3yo's would not have been capable of it.

What age? 7 or so I think.

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Last year I got my then 7yo and 9yo Sansa clips. I got lucky and picked up the 2g size for $25 each. I wanted to see whether they could take care of them before investing in something more expensive. They turned out to be a wonderful purchase because unlike an Ipod, they can get FM radio, record their voices, and record off the radio. They loved them! They still have them but I just replaced each of them with a 4g Sansa Fuze. $48 at Walmart. Now they'll have a larger one for audiobooks and the old one for fooling around.



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Last year I got my then 7yo and 9yo Sansa clips. I got lucky and picked up the 2g size for $25 each. I wanted to see whether they could take care of them before investing in something more expensive. They turned out to be a wonderful purchase because unlike an Ipod, they can get FM radio, record their voices, and record off the radio. They loved them! They still have them but I just replaced each of them with a 4g Sansa Fuze. $48 at Walmart. Now they'll have a larger one for audiobooks and the old one for fooling around.




That's a great idea, Barb! I was thinking that if you get a 3 yr old an ipod touch, what in the world would you give them when they're 4,5,,6 etc? And I worry about my little guy turning the volume way up and damaging his hearing. I do let ds5 play with my Touch when we're in waiting rooms, and he thinks that's really special.

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I was thinking that if you get a 3 yr old an ipod touch, what in the world would you give them when they're 4,5,,6 etc?

Though I do get what you are saying here, for us (dh and I), this is not a factor in getting something for the boys for their birthday or Christmas. For instance, ds#1 got a new 20" Gary Fisher bike when he turned seven. It was a costly bike, and he knew it was a big deal. But, it did not set a precedent for his 8th birthday (IIRC, he got a Lego set and a Nerf gun from us). Ds#2 got almost the same exact bike this year for his 6th birthday. They got those "big ticket items" the year they needed them/were ready for them. But, never did we think, "If we do this now, what will they expect from us next year? What will we have to get them to top this next time?" I guess I don't think about having to top a gift the following year; it's just not a factor.


And as an update, I do think we are going to get the 3 year old a Nano like his brothers. We have thought long and hard (and all night last night, dh kept asking if there were more replies to consider from here! :lol:). We have no issue with the older two getting theirs - they will be well loved. Ds#1 LOVES listening to longer books on CD, especially SOTW. Ds#2 LOVES listening to music (mostly, Jonas Brothers and my friend's CD). And though my youngest could just play with my iTouch, I don't always want to give it up, as I tend to play music and/or podcasts when I'm doing things like folding laundry (the never ending job). He's probably a bit too young, but at the same time, I just don't feel right getting two. And, I know the purpose of getting it for him (mostly videos - he LOVES They Might Be Giants, and we're going to load not only the science ones but all the Here Come the 1, 2, 3s).


Thank you for letting me think about his out loud here and thank you everyone for your input. It gave dh and I a lot of food for thought and perspectives to look at that we might have not seen otherwise. :D

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I'm curious how young, if money was not an obstacle (not saying it isn't here, but it would be their one main gift from us), would you get a 3 1/2 year old an iPod to have for listening to books and watching videos like They Might Be Giants, etc.?


I would not get a 3 year old an iPod. I doubt a 3 year old could care for one properly.


I also would not get a child a gift simply because I was afraid there would be a tantrum if said child didn't get it. That's a dangerous precedent to set.


Were it me, I would get the kids I thought were old enough iPods and get something else for the 3 year old. If he threw a fit, I would say, "You can have one when you're older."



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I also think it is too young. We bought our kids the sansa shake. It was on sale at toys r us recently for $10 (normally 40 or 50 at amazon). You don't have to have headphones because it has its own speaker and its super easy to use.


Another consideration--look in the free apps available on the ipod. Tons of them are pornographic. Most 8 or 9 year olds would be curious about all the free apps. I would have a lots of reservations about giving that to an 8 or 9 year old.

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Though I do get what you are saying here, for us (dh and I), this is not a factor in getting something for the boys for their birthday or Christmas. For instance, ds#1 got a new 20" Gary Fisher bike when he turned seven. It was a costly bike, and he knew it was a big deal.


LOL. Dh and I both have higher-end bikes, but when the boys needed larger bikes we bought decent but not top of the line bikes, so they'd really appreciate the difference when they do upgrade. (Not criticizing you at all, just noticing how different families do things differently! :D)

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My mother is getting my 4.5 yr old and 7 yr old MP3 players (comparable to the Nano) for Christmas, at my request. I know the kids will be over the moon excited by this! And I would hope they'll take good care of them; if not, there will be natural consequences which will help ensure they take care of their next beloved treasure. Besides, I'm 35 and I broke my beloved MP3 player -- it happens whatever the age.


As for the earbuds (which I dislike for anyone, much less kids) and volume control issues, you can purchase headsets that have volume control built in so that they're kid-friendly. If I recall correctly, the ones I saw were around $15.

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I had no idea you were over here on WTM! (It's Brit. :D) And thanks for the heads-up on the headsets that have a volume control built in to them. That is very cool. :)


Oh, and to address issues with internet brought up by a few - we definitely are a censoring family when it comes to on-line stuff (no computers in bedrooms, etc.). The only iTouch in the house right now (and probably for a while - if this is what we do, all three get a Nano) is mine and they don't know it even accesses the internet, let alone how to do it. Now I know kids are creative and would figure it out, but we also plan on having steps in place to help prevent that.


And yes, I have been rather disgusted by some of the app's in the App Store. I think Apple needs to do something about that. But, again like the internet, dh and I would not allow random browsing knowing the risks. Those two issues ('net and app's) are not on my radar in terms of why I wouldn't let my kids have an iTouch or to play with my iTouch.

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What I've decided over the years, is as the kids get older and older, it is harder to find good gifts, that they really want and need. So, I try to keep stuff like that saved for when they are older and can really appreciate it. Like although my 9 yo dd would love a digital camera, there are sooooo many other things she'd like now, and when she's like 13 or 14, that list might be a lot shorter. My advice is go with the little kid gifts when they are little so that your options remain open as they get older. :-) Just my humble opinion.

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I'm curious how young, if money was not an obstacle (not saying it isn't here, but it would be their one main gift from us), would you get a 3 1/2 year old an iPod to have for listening to books and watching videos like They Might Be Giants, etc.?


My newly 4 year old is "old enough" to use an iPod, and she can manuever my iPhone better than I'm able to. She uses my iPod and iPhone to play music, but I don't download any applications or videos for her - she knows how to add them, but I don't keep them on there because I don't like having all that junk on there. My iPhone is heavily underutilized LOL.


But I have no intention of purchasing one for her, even though my finances would comfortably allow for the purchase. I'm more of the mindset that big-ticket, techno-items are family property -- even if we have multiples of them (like iPods, computers). They all belong to all of us. We have a "house iPod" that docks in our living areas and was originally mine; a "car iPod" that stays in the car and was originally DH's; a "school iTouch" that we inherited from DH when he switched to the iPhone that is either docked in the living room or charging in the mudroom.


To me it's an entitlement issue, and a sharing issue. I prefer to discourage the former, encourage the latter -- in my home, we do both by keeping most big-ticket items "family" items.

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I have no problem giving an iPod to a 3yo, based on the family situation you described. However, I would not be giving the earplugs. I would never allow a 3yo to wear earplugs.

When our kids got their iPods (age 11 and 8) they also got an iHome for their room. In the car, we got the gadget that puts the iPod in the car stereo system. Every room in the house -almost- has a base for an iPod. Then we have portable speakers. The latest ones we got cost 5$ at the pharmacy. The kids don't want earplugs now! ;-)


Also, I would request that the 3yo turns in his Nano to mommy when he's done with it. He would not be allowed to keep it in his room at all times. The Nano gets to sleep in mommy's room, where mommy can make sure it doesn't get lost. If you control his access to the Nano (not so much for time usage, but to avoid losing the iPod), he should be ok.

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My advice is go with the little kid gifts when they are little so that your options remain open as they get older. :-) Just my humble opinion.


I can see the logic in this, but on the other hand, there will no longer be an iPod nano when that child turns 13. It will be something else. With technology, there's always something else for when the kids get older.

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What I've decided over the years, is as the kids get older and older, it is harder to find good gifts, that they really want and need. So, I try to keep stuff like that saved for when they are older and can really appreciate it. Like although my 9 yo dd would love a digital camera, there are sooooo many other things she'd like now, and when she's like 13 or 14, that list might be a lot shorter. My advice is go with the little kid gifts when they are little so that your options remain open as they get older. :-) Just my humble opinion.



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I can see the logic in this, but on the other hand, there will no longer be an iPod nano when that child turns 13. It will be something else. With technology, there's always something else for when the kids get older.


True, but the child will not have missed anything by not having a nano (or a touch or . . .) at 2 or 3 or 8. My teen is getting a touch. My boys are getting toys while they still want them. Not that they wouldn't love a touch, they play with mine all of the time, but that's okay, it can be a family thing.

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