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Female cycle question (may be TMI)

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Warning: Female content...may be TMI.







I have noticed over the past 9 months or so that my cycle has become more regular than it has ever been, and has gotten progressively lighter (though they still last the same number of days they always have). I made the switch to cloth pads after my cycles returned when my 3 year old was about 8 months old. Could that cause a change like this? What else could cause changes? Does this warrant a trip to the gyno? I am 33 years old.



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In my experience, many women say their periods become lighter and/or more regular after changing to washable pads, so it's pretty likely that's the cause.


As for consulting your gynecologist, do you have any other symptoms? Are you feeling unwell or having any kind of unusual discomfort? Does your gut instinct tell you something might be wrong? If yes to any of these, a checkup might be a good idea. Otherwise, I wouldn't worry.

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Thank you...that does make me feel a bit better. I know you should have it checked if it gets worse...but didn't know if a change that seems to be for the better could indicate anything as well.


I can't see how a change for the better would warrant a trip to the gyno...I would just celebrate it !

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Heck, if I was going in your direction, I would be bouncing off the walls with glee! LOL Unfortunately, age has sent me in the other direction. :(


Me too, unfortunately, age and the birth of my 2nd... my recent OB appt. led her to put me on birth control to try and get it to be manageable.


I'd love to hear the correlation between cloth pads too!!!

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I've read that supposedly the chemicals and bleach in commercial pads cause heavy bleeding and cramping.


Unfortunately, my cycle is so heavy that the Diva cup alone is not enough, and so heavy I wouldn't trust cloth pads, even as a backup to the cup. I use both a Diva cup and overnight pad...so I haven't experienced the lighter cycles.

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The only thing that has really affected my cycle is my weight. The heavier I am, the worse my cycle. Diet, exercise and a 20# loss, my cycle is much easier.


But, then, the only cramps I've ever had are either related to having a baby, or having just had a baby. PMS has gotten worse as I've aged, but I attribute that to a lack of sleep, and being extra tired.

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