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Any special plans for you who will be turning 40 soon?

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I turned 40 in October. No party, no cards, no nothing. I did get to spend the day with my kids and dh. We were dealing with some pretty stressful other life issues related to extended family so I was actually glad it passed without the tacky over the hill party my brother had planned.


You know, 29 was the hardest birthday on me. 40 hasn't been bad at all. I feel like 39 LOL. But I also stay busy enough with family and home and church that I haven't had time to think about it much.

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So far I'm still waiting on dh. I threw him a big party but I have heard nothing from him about my birthday. Of course he may still think that the cruise in January is my birthday present. Sorry. No. It's everyone's Christmas present. It is NOT my birthday present also.


I think my mom said something about taking me shopping, but I don't know if she is staying that long after Christmas.


I get the feeling dh will be in big trouble in about 21 days.

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I turned 40 about a month ago. My dh threw me a surprise party. He and the kids made a video clip of my entire life. It was really special. I have a wonder dh. Turning 40 seems no different, don't you know 40 is the new 30!

Edited by Jkodman
Oops 40 not 49!
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Don't know if it's just my neck of the woods or elsewhere, too, but I hear a lot these days about BIG celebrations for the fortieth for gals, most involving vacations.


Kind of like the new trend in giving mom a gift for having a baby (I mean like an expensive piece of jewelry from husband).


Is it just me, or are expectations just waaay higher than they used to be? (Not speaking of those mentioned here in this thread, just what I hear about in conversations with neighbor ladies).


I had a nice lunch with friends when I turned 40, dh was out of town due to a corporate relo and he wrangled up a bunch of gals via email to surprise me. It was very sweet of him and them.... but not a gala event!

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Is it just me, or are expectations just waaay higher than they used to be?


I think in my parents generation turning 40 was a real milestone for being "old" - lots of ribbing and teasing about that. I think nowadays people are embracing 40 more (as the poster above said - it's the new 30) and therefore are making more of a splash about it as if to say - 40 doesn't make me old and milestones don't scare me. :)


I'm not 40 yet - but my dh turned 40 this year in April. We had (what for us was) a big night out, went to a fancier than usual restaurant with good friends and just a great evening in general. And we have two little souvenirs on the way from that night....they should be here in a couple weeks. ;) I'm praying my own 40th won't be nearly as eventful. :tongue_smilie:

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For my 40th last year, my friends surprised me with a day of volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and made a donation to the soup kitchen of which I'm Vice President.


It was an amazing day. I am still glowing from the love they showered on me - 8 women volunteering an entire day in honor of me. And then we went home, showered and met even more ladies for dinner. So many tears of joy that day, from everyone. Words cannot describe the feeling. If there was any reason I considered feeling sorry for myself and my age, it disappeared that day. ;)

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If I could have my fantasy birthday (and I'll take any number, doesn't have to be 40), I'd go away alone for a few days with a couple of books and really good room service food.


As this is my fantasy birthday, I would also look good in a bikini while lying around the hotel pool, and I wouldn't burn. AND I wouldn't feel guilty about "abandoning" the family.

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When I turned 40 I wanted to zip line!! Dh helped make that come true! It was fun. I try not to think about age, not because I have any issue with it, but because it just doesn't matter to me. I want to enjoy today and today I am 40... I do have to face that I get stiff and sore and when I garden, my fingers hurt for days... But, I'm still the same ol' me.:001_smile:

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I'll be walking 22 miles in Big Sur International Marathon with 5 of my close friends. I wanted to do something that involved nature and exercise. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate. I wasn't interested in some big weekend away to Vegas or some big party. Just friends, walking in a beautiful setting (along Hwy 1 which boarders the Pacific Ocean) and lots and lots of talking (it should take us at least 5 hours).


My close friend had a group of 15 women over for drinks and appetizers (friends provided both) at her house while her hubby did a fun question answer session that involved random fun facts about her and her life. Afterward, she took the group out for pizza. It was a fun way to celebrate with her.


I also have gone with a friend (on her 40th) to a local spa for a spa day with her and another close friend. It was a great day for all of us, but pricey. I'm lucky I was able to afford it at the time.


I usually go for a hike with friends on my birthday weekend and do a family dinner on the actual day...pretty low key. I think the 40th birthday is just an opportunity to stop and take stock..it's a chance to celebrate but also a chance to look around you and let those that you care about know it. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you'll enjoy yourself. My one point of advice is to share your wishes or just to go ahead and make it happen yourself. It gets tricky when we expect others to read our minds.


Happy upcoming 40th!;) I hope you'll post what you end up deciding upon.


Julie in Monterey

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The night before my birthday he took me out to a nice restaurant and presented me with a diamond necklace and a gift certificate to a spa. The spa appointment was for 11:00 the next morning. The next morning he fixed breakfast for me, drove me to the spa, went grocery shopping while I was at the spa, and then took me home. We got home about 2:00 and he allowed me to spend the day reading, snuggling with my kids, and taking a nice autumn walk. He and my teenagers fixed a great dinner and my parents came over. I didn't do any preparation or clean up. It was a quiet perfect weekend - time alone with my husband, a little pampering, time with the Lord, time with my family, and no time spent in the kitchen. :)





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When DH turned 40 we had a lovely dinner with his close friends a few days before. We spent the actual day in Fiji and I organised a candlelit dinner for two on the beach.


I'm still pondering my 40th. It will depend to a large degree on finances. At best it will be either skiing in New Zealand or on a nice beach somewhere in Asia. At worst it will be a weekend for two in a B&B somewhere close to home.

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I have no idea what we did for my 40th birthday, which suggests perhaps alcohol was involved. :tongue_smilie: But then again, I'm 45, and perhaps it's general forgetfulness kicking in.


Honestly, when I was 28, my life really started sorting itself out, and I thought, "How could it get any better than this?" <insert snort here> Oh, how it has gotten better each and every year (even the really tough years). Because of that, there was no sense of accomplishment at reaching 30 or 40.


Also, since I handle every penny of our money, I'd actually not fnd any real joy at a lavish expenditure, and my husband knows that. So he didn't do anything major, because he knows how I feel. My 2 cents is that whatever would make you happy, communicate it clearly to your spouse. Forty is too old to be making someone else play guessing games.

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For many years I said that for my 40th birthday I wanted to raft the colorado through the Grand Canyon. It is my life long dream! I want to do it so bad I can taste it. :drool:Just before my birthday, my DH's job changed and we moved to Arkansas to a farm - huge loss of finances combined with a completely new lifestyle. I am 46 now, and I sure hope to raft the colorado for my 50th birthday. But now we don't have that kind of money so I may never get to go. I don't know. :001_unsure:


However, I am living out another dream of owning horses and raising my youngest DD as a cowgirl so that helps!


On my actual 40th, we went to dinner as usual. Nothing special but always nice.

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For many years I said that for my 40th birthday I wanted to raft the colorado through the Grand Canyon. It is my life long dream! I want to do it so bad I can taste it. :drool:Just before my birthday, my DH's job changed and we moved to Arkansas to a farm - huge loss of finances combined with a completely new lifestyle. I am 46 now, and I sure hope to raft the colorado for my 50th birthday. But now we don't have that kind of money so I may never get to go. I don't know. :001_unsure:



I did this rafting trip over 12 years ago. It was life changing. I spent three weeks sleeping under the stars and it that glorious canyon. If there is any way for you to do it. I highly recommend it! I did it before kids and one day dream of taking my children (so....expensive). For what it is worth, when I was 27 and did this trip, I was by far the youngest on the trip. I would say the average age was around 50.


What you are doing now sounds incredible. Keep a dreamin..


Julie in Monterey

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Interesting replies. I definitely don't want a party - not for any birthday. I do like the idea of just going to dinner with a few friends though.


I am more thinking of something I can do this next year of my life to make it memorable. I have thought about going to NYC seeing that I only live a few hours from it and have never been there. But big cities don't excite me much. Or of going somewhere with DH but there are so many places I would love to see and I don't know where to start besides most travel is too expensive for us. I do love the bed and breakfast idea - I have never gone to one.


I have also pondered the idea of taking up a hobby.


I am inspired by the many things I see other homeschooling moms do but yet the thought of taking anymore on seems overwhelming.


I think I need goals past just surviving each day!!

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I think in my parents generation turning 40 was a real milestone for being "old" - lots of ribbing and teasing about that. I think nowadays people are embracing 40 more (as the poster above said - it's the new 30) and therefore are making more of a splash about it as if to say - 40 doesn't make me old and milestones don't scare me. :)


I'm not 40 yet - but my dh turned 40 this year in April. We had (what for us was) a big night out, went to a fancier than usual restaurant with good friends and just a great evening in general. And we have two little souvenirs on the way from that night....they should be here in a couple weeks. ;) I'm praying my own 40th won't be nearly as eventful. :tongue_smilie:


LOL!!!!Emmy, it'll be wonderful. I had twin girls 8 years ago and it was so lovely. Whatever people said, to me the pregnancy was the very hardest. I just enjoyed them a lot as babies.

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