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On prednisone and higher than a kite

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My MD ordered a short 5 day course of Prednisone for my asthma/bronchitis. This is the end of the second day and I am a maniac. I knew it could give me problems with insomnia, so I took the pred. this am and took a sleeping pill (Ambien) at bedtime. I slept 4 hours and now am up and can not stop moving. I am in the basement now, cleaning and decluttering-chores I have put off for months. They seem doable now. I also have the urge to shampoo carpets now so that they will be dry by morning, but that is not such a good idea with everyone else sound asleep.

Is this normal? Has it happened to you?


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I have no reaction to it, but some people do. Actually, the giddiness that some experience has made the last couple of days of life of people dying of emphysema more tolerable, or, as I said to one daughter who said this giddiness was "not my father": "it's call high dose prednisone, and we should count our blessings". Her dad sat up all night, right before lapsing into a coma, watching comedy on TV and blowing bubbles on the hospice ward. We should all be so lucky. His obit in the paper got to truthfully say he was laughing until he "fell into a peaceful sleep".


But I digress. Yes it is normal, and some people become grouchy, but many people don't notice anything but some puffy fingers from fluid retention.

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I also have asthma and have taken the short course of prednisone when I have been very ill. I, too, experience mania but not quite as early in the course or as severe as what you are describing. I also take advantage of the mania to clean, but I have found my mania to be manageable. You might want to call your doctor to check in, especially about taking anything to help you sleep at night. It might help you to structure your day/night during your mania. Schedule breaks for yourself where you are resting but reading or perhaps being online (but beware of online shopping while manic!).


Also be aware that you might find you are more short tempered/irritable with others while taking this medication. This is another common side effect. If you are fully aware of the symptoms it is easier to manage them until the medication is done. The mania should end shortly after the treatment is done.


Adrianne in IL

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My MD ordered a short 5 day course of Prednisone for my asthma/bronchitis. This is the end of the second day and I am a maniac. I knew it could give me problems with insomnia, so I took the pred. this am and took a sleeping pill (Ambien) at bedtime. I slept 4 hours and now am up and can not stop moving. I am in the basement now, cleaning and decluttering-chores I have put off for months. They seem doable now. I also have the urge to shampoo carpets now so that they will be dry by morning, but that is not such a good idea with everyone else sound asleep.

Is this normal? Has it happened to you?



My dh can't sleep when he's on prednisone, but he's also so tired that he can't get anything done. He hates it, but he has a severe allergy to poison ivy, so he has to take it every time he has a reaction. Of course, he avoids poison ivy as much as possible but he has a occasional brush with it.


My oldest dd used to sometimes need prednisone for her asthma and it made her extremely hyper and moody. Thank goodness she hasn't needed it in years.

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Guest Cindie2dds
My MD ordered a short 5 day course of Prednisone for my asthma/bronchitis. This is the end of the second day and I am a maniac. I knew it could give me problems with insomnia, so I took the pred. this am and took a sleeping pill (Ambien) at bedtime. I slept 4 hours and now am up and can not stop moving. I am in the basement now, cleaning and decluttering-chores I have put off for months. They seem doable now. I also have the urge to shampoo carpets now so that they will be dry by morning, but that is not such a good idea with everyone else sound asleep.

Is this normal? Has it happened to you?



My husband was prescribed Prednisone for the first time last week when he went into the ER with asthma. He hated it. He stayed up until 2 or 3 am, then crashed then woke up at 10am and was hungry all the time. He took Benedryl with it the second day hoping to get some sleep, it didn't help much. His sleep was at most about 4 hours at a time. I think that's what was so difficult, not getting 6 or 7 hours at one time. Thank goodness he works at home on the computer. He would be absolutely useless if he had to go to work somewhere. I'm hoping he doesn't have to take another round of it. He's at the doctor's right now for a check up.

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Yep, sounds about right. My son takes 5 days of high dose dexamethasone (different steroid) every month, and he can't sleep, he is moody, and he eats like it is his job. Those things are harsh, but the good news is that about 12 hours after his last pill he sleeps for 12-13 hours. :001_smile: Hopefully your asthma is better and you can get some sleep soon!

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My mom has the same crazy-can't-sleep-must-clean everything-can't focus on any one task-energy reaction.


Hope you're asthma/bronchitis is better.


My MD ordered a short 5 day course of Prednisone for my asthma/bronchitis. This is the end of the second day and I am a maniac. I knew it could give me problems with insomnia, so I took the pred. this am and took a sleeping pill (Ambien) at bedtime. I slept 4 hours and now am up and can not stop moving. I am in the basement now, cleaning and decluttering-chores I have put off for months. They seem doable now. I also have the urge to shampoo carpets now so that they will be dry by morning, but that is not such a good idea with everyone else sound asleep.

Is this normal? Has it happened to you?


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I know this may sound crazy, but seriously watch who you're talking to and interacting with while you're feeling like this.


I've had several experiences with friends and family members who made some crazy statements or confessions while taking prednisone.


One actually just happened a few days ago--and I can't imagine how mortified this 'typically very normal person' must be about what she told me--it was something she'd NEVER confess in her right mind, but the prednisone just takes away inhibition for some people.


Another is a relative who has to take it a LOT for a chronic medical condition. I've been afraid someone might call the police or homeland security because of some of the things he will say--stuff he'd never say aloud under normal circumstances.


May not be affecting you in this way, but wanted to save someone else some embarrassment if I could!!

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Thanks, all. I am getting SO much done! I did do some online Christmas shopping in the middle of the night and my husband says he's never heard me talk so much. I fell asleep at 4 this am and was up by 7. It's almost 8 here and I am going to try and sleep now. If not, I will scrub the floors and fold laundry!


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My doctor told me to warn my dh that I might be cranky and miserable when taking prednisone. I told him it was Holy Week and I wouldn't see him anyway. :tongue_smilie: (Anglican Priest) He then told me to warn my kids. (He did look at me like I was a little crazy. ) But, I never felt better. The rash from the medication reaction went away, my knees didn't hurt, I was so happy...

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