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Tell me I haven't ruined my kids!

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So my oldest just got home from being gone for 2 weeks translating in northern Guatemala for a woman who is writing a book. For something special to celebrate, I bought sparkling cider (at least that's what it said on the bottle:glare:). Well, we poured glasses for the kids and the oldest took a big swig out of the bottle while the younger two drank out of their glasses. A few minutes later..."Mom, are you sure this is sparkling cider?"


I looked at the bottle and it said, "contains 5%" alcohol.:001_huh: (in very small print)


LOL! I figure it's a good lesson to them. Now you've tasted it, didn't like it, and the curiosity is taken care of.


Yep, I'm the missionary who tried to get her dc drunk. Ugh.

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:lol: I really don't think your kids are ruined, lol!


Mine both know what beer and wine taste like. Not like I feed it to them or anything, but I allow a taste if its a new flavor/style. Its better not to leave it to "forbidden" lest it become the fruit, kwim?


Yeah, that was my plan with coffee. Now I've got a kid with a Starbucks habit! LOL! (Oh well, it keeps me from drinking the whole thing. I look at it as calorie/portion control! LOL!) When we went to bruch every sunday the Okinawan girls always thought it was so cute the way my then 6yo would ask for a cup of coffee. Especially when he asked for it in Japanese!

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During this most recent pregnancy, I had my usual horrible 1st trimester morning sickness. Pink lemonade often makes me feel marginally less nauseous. So we were out at this restaurant for lunch and I ordered one. I drank it and the morning sickness was completely GONE. DH encouraged me to call up the restaurant to find out the brand or recipe, which I did.


The secret ingredient.......
















VODKA! :eek:

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It'll be ok!


My parents let me start having sips of their wine and beer when I was very young.. maybe 5ish? It was always a very small sip, like a drop, and to this day I think beer is nasty, and find wine only slightly more tolerable. I probably have five or less drinks a year, and two or three a year is probably more like it. When I do have a drink, it's almost always only one drink, and I've never been drunk.

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So my oldest just got home from being gone for 2 weeks translating in northern Guatemala for a woman who is writing a book. For something special to celebrate, I bought sparkling cider (at least that's what it said on the bottle:glare:). Well, we poured glasses for the kids and the oldest took a big swig out of the bottle while the younger two drank out of their glasses. A few minutes later..."Mom, are you sure this is sparkling cider?"


I looked at the bottle and it said, "contains 5%" alcohol.:001_huh: (in very small print)


LOL! I figure it's a good lesson to them. Now you've tasted it, didn't like it, and the curiosity is taken care of.


Yep, I'm the missionary who tried to get her dc drunk. Ugh.

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Yep, I'm the missionary who tried to get her dc drunk. Ugh.




Dayle, that is hilarious!!!!!


Here's something to cheer you. One time, when I was still underage, my YWAM *leader* (who also was a former Teen Challenge student!!) brought some chocolates to me in the accounting office where I was working. He had just come back from Estonia, and brought them back to share. He stood there while I picked a chocolate and took a bite. It was FULL of some kind of liquor and I spit it out while he laughed and laughed at me. He did it on purpose! Too funny. I yelled at him. :D

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I think you did, Dayle. It's too late. You'd better just dump this batch and start over again... ;)


Really, lol, of course they'll be fine. But what a fun story to tell in later years! (I'm sure 15 years from now, the story will have grown to include them stumbling into walls and slurring their speech, if not more...) ;)


Maybe it's time to read the raspberry cordial chapter of Anne of Green Gables? :)

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Last Saturday morning, my 9ds said he needed to throw out his oatmeal because it tasted gross. I asked why and he discovered that what he thought was a maple syrup bottle was the brandy bottle that we had left sitting on the counter from the night before. oops! :001_huh: It did not taste good!!

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I was a student in university when, after having skipped breakfast as usual, I bought myself one of those chocolate bars on the way to class. I ate the whole bar - chocolate is chocolate, no? and showed up in 8AM math class *drunk* ! I was sitting front seat in the auditorium, and laughed all the way through class! Was it calculus? I'm not sure anymore.. Oh my.. drunk at 8am...

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Last Saturday morning, my 9ds said he needed to throw out his oatmeal because it tasted gross. I asked why and he discovered that what he thought was a maple syrup bottle was the brandy bottle that we had left sitting on the counter from the night before. oops! :001_huh: It did not taste good!!


:lol: That sounds like something that happened to me as a kid.

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