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Nervous about driving 4 hours to a college visit

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Radford is having an Open House; it's about 4 hours away, and I'm the only one available to drive ds18. I'm nervous! I'm a good driver, but not used to driving that long, and ds can't help (new driver, no perm license yet).


Should I go? I can't spend the night anywhere. I'm just so nervous I'll be too tired or whatever.

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Mate, if I can drive 6-14 hours a day, for a week and a half, with a baby and a toddler in the back, you can do this!!


You really can. It's not that long, especially if you are starting that early. You'll be there before you even feel like the day has started. Caffiene and conversation are your friends :)


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We drive 4 hour trips regularly so we are used to them now. If you get really tired stop for a while, put your head down on the table or take a little nap in a safe place. We mostly get fresh air and walk around for a while. Have something to drink in the car. I always have a water bottle besides any other drinks. Stop often. Most helpful is now coming your way. :) Get a good story on cd. Time goes so fast listening to a good book!!! Have fun!

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Chris, I get driving fatigue very easily, so I can totally relate. My friends who find driving easy or even relaxing do not understand me at all. I also get easily flustered in traffic.


If I were taking this trip I would try to find the route that would make me most comfortable and get up extra early to leave so I could have a break when I needed it.


(((Chris))) I really get where you are coming from here. If someone does not have an issue with driving they cannot appreciate how challenging it can be.

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(((Chris))) I really get where you are coming from here. If someone does not have an issue with driving they cannot appreciate how challenging it can be.


I used to be worse, actually. I'd freak out having to drive anywhere further than 20mins from my house! It was a matter of practice, in my case.


Anyway, as we said before, caffeine is good for you!



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You can do it! Have faith. Believe in yourself! My motto in life is "Never let fear stop me from doing what I want to do. Never." So, this drive is actually good for you as far as I am concerned. I would acknowlge my fears, but tell myself that I can do this even if I'm afraid. Being afraid doesn't make me unable.


I did it the other week when I wanted to take my girls on a horse camping trip. I had to drive my manual transmission pickup truck, pulling a heavy steel horse trailer with two horses in it, about 50 miles up and down steep, windy mountain roads with no side rails and drop off cliffs all along. I was PETRIFIED. I was so afraid, I went to my DH the night before and told him I didn't think I could do it. He said, "Yes....you can." So, I did. It was either do it, or let the girls and I miss out on a fun weekend with friends. So, we went and I white knuckled it the whole way, talking to myself, setting up in my mind any possible action I might take in an emergency, reassuring myself that we would be okay, all the way there. And you know what? We made it, we had a blast the whole weekend and two days later, I drove us back the same way, with a smile on my face and singing to the radio. I still feel powerful from that experience. Whooohoooo!


If I can do that...you can do this! No problem.

Edited by katemary63
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I have the same issue of driving fatigue! I get very tired after 1 hr. I've been forced by family illnesses and other reasons to drive longer alone or with my non-driving kids. Here's what I do:


Take an ambien the night before and get plenty of sleep. Sorry, I know that offends some, but I get so nervous I can't sleep the night before due to my anxiety.


Mint has been shown to keep people awake, so I bring Mentos and mint gum. Mentos gives you a little sugar rush and I use the gum for when I get sugar overload.


Keep well hydrated, being dehydrated makes you tired. Bring water bottles.


Bring some new music or audiobook.


Best wishes, I know how you feel!

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If it helps any, I've made the drive to Radford from the Fredericksburg area and it's not a bad drive at all! Not too many treacherous mountain passes! (The drive to James Madison in Harrisonburg was another story!! I was literally freaking when I realized how high up in the mountains we were and how sheer of a drop-off there was on several sides of the road!)


You can do it!!!

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Does your kid have a driving permit or new license? Either way, it gives you a good chance to supervise ds driving!!!!


I am going with my 18-yr-old for a second visit/sit-in-classes at Illinois Wesleyan in a couple weeks - we have to leave so early (3 hour drive) that it will still be dark - I have poor night vision so ds has to use his permit and do at least half the driving each way.


Look at it as a chance to get your dd some more behind the wheel experience with you. Just keep chugging caffeine to stay away ;)

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