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Spelling for a child gifted in spelling


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I have a child, dd13, who has been a precocious speller for years (as well as an advanced reader.) I have been using Sequential Spelling. But she is unsatisfied with it because it is too easy. She used to attend ps and wants the traditional "easy"/short leading to progressively "harder"/longer words, grade-leveled spelling program. I like that Sequential Spelling has the focus on learning patterns that will make you a more natural speller for life.


So what to do? She probably spells at at least a 10th grade level already. Do I stop even using a spelling program once I am sure she is at a 12th grade level? She enjoys being challenged with words, but also gets aggravated at correction. Do I continue with SS or try a more traditional approach? What other programs out there would someone reccomend for a child such as I described?



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Hi everyone


Following on from a response here, can I ask about vocab programmes, please? I'm wanting to do some vocab with my kids and don't really know where to start. Any ideas?


We're afterschoolers and Australian - hence my spelling of programme - but something that uses US spelling is fine with us; we'll just adapt it as needed.




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M.K. Henry's Words combines spelling with word study and is for older children.




I also like Spelling Plus, most of it would be too easy, but it teaches the most commonly misspelled words, those should be helpful, and it has nice short targeted lessons and you could also use the beginning easy part with your younger children.



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The schools usually quit teaching spelling after 6th grade. In WTM they recommend switching to vocabulary at this time.


Or she could work on preparing for the spelling bee, if she's into that kind of thing.


Slightly O/T. . .


What do folks use/recommend for vocab study in high school after spelling is done?


I'd at least like to do a year or two of SAT prep vocab in 10th/11th grade.

DD should be done with spelling after 8th grade. DS will be done after 7th grade. Are there any programs so great they are worth doing for more than a year or two? (FWIW, dc have very wide vocabs already, so this isn't a super high priority.)


Any favorite programs?



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I see the logic in switching to vocab. She already can correctly spell most of the most frequently mispelled words-even some I can't. She is too shy to try the spelling bee (I've already made that suggestion.) She would probably faint at the state level. Seriously.


Well, maybe I will finish out the Sequential Spelling and then offer her the option of a vocab program or spelling bee. Maybe to satisfy her spelling tooth I can print off spelling quizzes from the internet or something, which she can just do on her own whenever the bug strikes.





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I know an older boy who sounds like your daughter. He got ahold of a list of words to study that was put out by the Scripps National Spelling Bee. You might be able to find some good lists by doing a Google search. I typed in "spelling bee word list" with no quotation marks and got a few good sites. This was the first one:




The boy I mentioned also uses an etymology dictionary, so you might want to have one of those on hand if you don't have one already.


Good luck to your little speller!

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