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"K" Adoption Update - I'm BACK...

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I really enjoyed reading about your journey to adopt Katya. :grouphug: I sat and read your blog for awhile, after your previous post and it often moved me to tears. :) I have to tell you, that reading about your adoption, placed the idea in my heart. I have no idea if it will go anywhere, but after gathering up the courage, I even mentioned it to my DH. :D

At first, his reaction (to this coming out of nowhere from his perspective) was like WHAT?? LOL, but then later that night, he said, sooo boys...... what would think of having a baby sister? I about fell over! ;)


Best wishes on all of your journey, and congratulations!

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Oh, Gals, I am so thankful for your support and encouragement. And jazzyfizzle, your post brought tears to my eyes. If I could encourage even one person to seriously consider caring for one of the "least of these" by adoption, sponsorship, visiting, ANYTHING, I would be so honored. You will be in my prayers as you and your husband consider this possibility.

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Hope your day was wonderful!

Thank you for your encouragement, you know, I am so very, very blessed to have three beautiful, amazing sons. For medical reasons, I can never have any more kids, and would have always loved to have a daughter too. :001_smile: Maybe this is a way to make that little dream a reality.

I dont' want to hijack the thread, but wanted to mention that I started reading about fostering to adopt. :) Thank you for your wonderful chronical of your adventure to bring Kayta home, what a story of love. :001_wub: I hope the rest of your journey goes perfectly. :grouphug:

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