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ANNOYED w/ 7 yr. old DS--Schoolwork related

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So, it has taken him over an hour to write his spelling words 2X. . over an hour, and he's not done, and he's sitting there whining about how it's the worst thing in the world. He has to write them or he won't learn them.


And, now I had to post-pone a playdate for him and my 3 year year old, due to DS's annoying behavior. He still has nearly *all* his other schoolwork left to do.

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Ideas for mixing it up next time.


Write them out with shaving cream.

Write them on the sidewalk with chalk.

Write them on a white board.

Use colorful markers, gel pens, glitter glue pens, etc.

Write them on black paper with chalk.



We have to mix it up around here because writing is so much torture for my 7yo boy.

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Thanks for the suggestions. . .you offered some good ideas. I don't think i'm too horrible about it. He only has to write the words 2X twice a week. I have let him use Spellingcity.com and letter tiles the other days to practice.


He also has very sloppy handwriting and kind of needs the practice, to be honest.


At least our day of homeschooling is done now. I'm relieved.

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I'd go on the playdate, and make him continue his work there.




I would never let a 7 year-old hold up the day like that. I'd give him the work, tell him how long he has to do it, take it away after the designated amount of time, and move on.


Of course, his after-school day doesn't start until his schoolwork is done, so after you have gone through your homeschooling day, he continues to work on his "homework" until it is done (even if that means taking it with him somewhere else).


I'd probably also add that it's clear that, since he's unable to focus on his work, he's overtired and not getting enough sleep, so he'll be going to bed and hour early until he has caught up on his sleep.


Make it his problem, not yours.



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Ideas for mixing it up next time.


Write them out with shaving cream.

Write them on the sidewalk with chalk.

Write them on a white board.

Use colorful markers, gel pens, glitter glue pens, etc.

Write them on black paper with chalk.



We have to mix it up around here because writing is so much torture for my 7yo boy.




Yep. More damage is done when we force developmentally inappropriate practices on unready small children. There are many ways to mastery.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Thanks for the suggestions. . .you offered some good ideas. I don't think i'm too horrible about it. He only has to write the words 2X twice a week. I have let him use Spellingcity.com and letter tiles the other days to practice.


He also has very sloppy handwriting and kind of needs the practice, to be honest.


At least our day of homeschooling is done now. I'm relieved.


7 year old boys vary widely on the readiness for formal academics. Short (sometimes VERY short), frequent lessons are often the best for boys (and some girls ;)) that age.


I've homeschooled a few and supervised the "homework" of many that age. I truly believe he's better of listening to the chapter of a great book than writing another spelling word. At 7, he'll completely know those words with or without practice when he's 9.

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