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Prayers needed, please

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My 5 yo is sick with the swine flu. She has been on Tamiflu since Monday. She was doing great, the fever went away, was getting better. She just woke up, threw up and has a high fever again. We are waiting for a nurse to call back. I am trying not to be scared, but I am a little.

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Thank you all so much for your prayers. We took her to the doctor's this morning and she has bronchitis, so now she still has to finish her Tamiflu and is also on antibiotics. Let's hope this is the end of it!


Thank you again, I appreciate your support.

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Thank you all so much for your prayers. We took her to the doctor's this morning and she has bronchitis, so now she still has to finish her Tamiflu and is also on antibiotics. Let's hope this is the end of it!


Thank you again, I appreciate your support.


Thanks for the update -- continued prayers for a quick recovery and rest for you!:grouphug:

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How is your dc doing today? My 7 dd is on Tamiflu right now for H1N1. She takes it twice a day for 5 days only, but it sounds like your dc might have a 10-day dose? I will have to watch my dd carefully, too. She's had very high fevers, but not since the Tamiflu kicked in. Her symptoms first presented on Tuesday (in a mild way), got horrid on Wed., and started Tamiflu on Thursday. Today is Saturday and we've even stopped the fever reducers completely (temp. has gone from 105 all day Wed. to 100 on Friday!).


Praying for a complete recovery for both our dc!



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How is your dc doing today? My 7 dd is on Tamiflu right now for H1N1. She takes it twice a day for 5 days only, but it sounds like your dc might have a 10-day dose? I will have to watch my dd carefully, too. She's had very high fevers, but not since the Tamiflu kicked in. Her symptoms first presented on Tuesday (in a mild way), got horrid on Wed., and started Tamiflu on Thursday. Today is Saturday and we've even stopped the fever reducers completely (temp. has gone from 105 all day Wed. to 100 on Friday!).


Praying for a complete recovery for both our dc!




She is finishing her Tamiflu today. It was only a 5 day supply.


The 10 day supply is for the antibiotic she is taking for the bronchitis that developped after the flu.


She is doing so much better, but I think I will be cautious before saying she is completely fine. Health wishes for everyone!

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I have read that a side effect of Tamiflu could be bronchitis and excess phlegm. My dd has a bronchial cough with loose phlegm, but her temp. has only gotten up to 99.9 today with no fever reducers. She had a nose bleed this a.m. and she had stomach pain yesterday. I was surprised that the covering doctor today actually told me to stop the Tamiflu (we are exactly 1/2 way through). Hopefully, this will work out well for her.


I pray that your dc completely recovers!



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I was glad to see this post. My three boys started with this on Tuesday - one last Mon. They were doing much, much better - no fevers - by Thurs. and very good yesterday. Now, my oldest seems to have more cold symptoms this afternoon - very congested and coughing more!! No fever, though - so I'll be keeping a close eye on him. Hoping it's not going to bronchitis...


Interesting thing I wanted to pass along - my oldest had some leg pain yesterday when he woke up - we just figured he slept weird. Then, the other two woke up with it today - the middle ds bad! I googled to see if it had something to do with H1N1 and apparently, it's not uncommon. This is a weird flu!!

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