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Ladies night out at church-Would a Service Project work?!?! HEEELLLPP!

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I am in charge of planning a Ladies Night out at church and we have done all sorts of craft and game nights, dinner and movie nights,etc. I was planning on doing a cookie exchange (we have never done that), but have to scrap that since when I told the person who is planning the following month, they told me they were thinking about doing that, (I wish they would of kept it to themselves, but oh well).


SO, I need a totally new idea, we have never done a service project for our night out and thought that would be something different. So, does anyone have any good ideas? We have visited nursing homes before, but I Think this would be too late in the evening for that. I thought about maybe doing something for new moms in the hospital??? But I don't know what?? Can anyone help me? Or what is another good idea?? Please help me!!

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Bring homemade cookies and individually wrapped candies to make goodie baskets for the shut ins that are unable to attend church or activities. Have families bring cards (thinking of you, general well wishes, etc) and add them to the baskets. Maybe add some holiday type items since it is almost Thanksgiving. You can assemble the baskets together and maybe another person or 2 will help you deliver the next day. Or better yet, each person can take at least one goodie bag/basket to a person over the weekend.


You could also set up a time for all to pray for anyone on the church prayer list and then sign cards and notes of encouragement that you send out the next day.

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I am in charge of planning a Ladies Night out at church and we have done all sorts of craft and game nights, dinner and movie nights,etc. I was planning on doing a cookie exchange (we have never done that), but have to scrap that since when I told the person who is planning the following month, they told me they were thinking about doing that, (I wish they would of kept it to themselves, but oh well).


SO, I need a totally new idea, we have never done a service project for our night out and thought that would be something different. So, does anyone have any good ideas? We have visited nursing homes before, but I Think this would be too late in the evening for that. I thought about maybe doing something for new moms in the hospital??? But I don't know what?? Can anyone help me? Or what is another good idea?? Please help me!!


Our group gets together and make blankets to donate to our local neonatal unit. It is 1 yard of fleece(everyone brings a yard or more or donate $5), then cut the ends and tie them. they look like this. http://www.allkindsofbabystuff.com/ 1 yard is the perfect size for those tiny babies in the neonatal unit.


We also collected and donated children's books to local urgent care, clinics, er's waiting rooms.

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Yes! We have done several over the years. Each Valentine's a group will get together and make Valentine's bags for widows, widowers, and shut ins. They will decorate white paper sack with stickers and words of encouragement then fill them with fruit, nuts and candies.


Last year a lady had us all fill clear Christmas ornaments with various things that matched a poem we attached.


This year they all brought an ingrediant and assembled gifts in a jar for a local program that clothes people for Christmas.


Service project Ladies' Nights are always some of the best.

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I just don't know what to do! It has to be something that can be done in about a 2 hour time period. UGhhhhhhhh.....


The tied blankets are easily done in 2 hours - the kids @ 4-H were able to get them done *and* have their business meeting w/in 2 hours - esp. if you do the neo-natal sized ones like Lynn suggested.

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Going shopping at a local dollar store to fill up shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child through Samaritain's Purse? You could go shopping for the stuff and then go back to someone's house or the church to wrap up the boxes, put them together, and have a fellowship time with a Christmas cookie exchange or something like that.


I also like the idea of the fleece blankets!

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You could make cards for Love Letters. The cards are sent to children with long term illness. You could find a few different templates through craft mags at the library, esp Pack O Fun magazine.


Be sure though to read the guidelines for submitting cards. Here's a link to the Love Letters site http://www.loveletterscares.com/ and a link to the guidelines http://www.loveletterscares.com/id2.html


I think I remember your other post and the timing for a cookie exchange sounded perfect...sorry that didn't work out for you!

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I hate to be a wet blanket, but if the pattern for these events is a fun, relaxing, night-away-from-yet-more-work night, then I'd be a little :glare: at showing up for the purpose of a service project.


Don't misunderstand; I'm ALL for service projects, I just don't fit them under the title of "mom's night out". I'd find it misleading. I'd call them "Service Night" or something.


Anyway, other ideas: show a Christian comedy dvd by Anita Renfroe or Chonda Pierce. I find both to be enjoyable and uplifting. You could serve some snacks, have a coffee (decaf!) bar and have a good time. I just recently watched Anita Renfroe's "Total Momsense" dvd and loved it!

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I hate to be a wet blanket, but if the pattern for these events is a fun, relaxing, night-away-from-yet-more-work night, then I'd be a little :glare: at showing up for the purpose of a service project.


Don't misunderstand; I'm ALL for service projects, I just don't fit them under the title of "mom's night out". I'd find it misleading. I'd call them "Service Night" or something.


Anyway, other ideas: show a Christian comedy dvd by Anita Renfroe or Chonda Pierce. I find both to be enjoyable and uplifting. You could serve some snacks, have a coffee (decaf!) bar and have a good time. I just recently watched Anita Renfroe's "Total Momsense" dvd and loved it!


I think a service project is a great idea. To avoid moms feeling it was a bait-and-switch operation (as above) all you have to do is tell ahead of time what the activity is going to be. Our spouse socials are varied-going out to eat, doing a lesson, doing a craft, etc. But it's always announced at the time the information is put out. So, as long as you say "this month our mom's night out group is doing a service project," and explain what it is, then it shouldn't be a problem.

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