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Kindle vs. Others

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Can anyone compare the Kindle to other e-book readers for me? Or point me in the right direction to start some research of my own? I am starting to be tempted by this piece of technology. :) I'd like to know what differences there are in terms of readability, cost of books, availability of free books, compatibility with different formats (like PDF files), and all that other stuff. Thanks!

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I have just now joined the world of digital books. I had been using a PDA, but my husband got me an iPod touch a few days ago. I wanted one because you can get Kindle books on it, but you can also download free classic books from Project Gutenberg. I didn't want a Kindle because I wanted something backlit. You have to use a light to use a Kindle at night. I'm using Stanza on the Kindle, which works with several formats.


From what I've researched, it is difficult to read PDF files on anything smaller than a regular computer screen (if they are picture and not text-based).

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I don't think there is any comparison. The Kindle wins hands down. The readibility is awesome. The new version is even better from what I understand. It's easy to use. The new ones have an unbelievable battery life. You can download books almost anywhere. When my mom was in the hospital I downloaded one of my favorite authors. I was amazing how much this helped take my mind off things. The fact that you don't have to connect it to a computer just makes life easier.


Another thing I like is the fact that you can read a chapter or two before buying the book. It feels like visiting the bookstore. Only you can do it any time of the day or night. Amazon also has a huge committment to adding to their digital library. They have over 360,000 books available and the number continues to grow. When I bought my Kindle about a year ago there were approximately 90,000. As far as it not being backlit--buy a booklight.



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I have never seen or used a Kindle, but I am using an iPod Touch like Chanda7. We purchased a new MacBook in August and the iPod Touch was an incentive which came with the computer. I love it. Not only can you read many free books, but you can listen to great audiobooks from Librivox. Books and audiobooks which may be purchased will also load on the iPod Touch.


Hope you find the right ebook reader for you. It is so much fun!


Adrianne in IL

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I use my iPod Touch to read books (including Kindle), PDF files, etc. I've also put Stanza on there, though I haven't used it yet. I love, love, love my iPod Touch. I can read books, watch / download videos, surf the web, listen to audio--on and on and on go the options. It is such a fun gadget. I have the 8 gig and it is plenty big enough for me.

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I have an Ipod touch but I think the screen is much too small for me to enjoy reading a book.


I got my kindle several weeks ago and I love love love it!!!


My newspaper is delivered every morning (to my kindle), I get first chapters of books to see if I like them, no lugging books around anymore.


I read with it at night with no backlight and it works fine. If you want to read in the pitch dark then you will need a backlight (they cost around $10).


I heard about the other book readers that you can "share" books but when you are sharing the book then it is not available for you to read (until the sharing is over).

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I don't think there is any comparison. The Kindle wins hands down. The readibility is awesome.
Sony's e-reader and the Nook use the same screen.


If I were buying, I'd hold out a bit to see if the Nook takes off.

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I have a Sony e-reader. It is very easy to read. PDFs are very easy to read, as are Word files. I know that those are a problem for the lower-end Kindles (one reason the Sony is preferred for students and business-types). You can't zoom in with the PDFs like you can with other formats but they are still quite readable. I have tons of free books that I downloaded from the Project Gutenberg site or Google books. It can play MP3s, display pictures, and it can take a memory stick or SD card to increase your storage capacity. You can buy a new, lower-end one for much less than the kindle. I actually bought my ereader on ebay for around $100, with case, dock, cords, everything. The battery will last a really long time on a single charge and it's much lighter than the Kindle. You can borrow books from your local library, plus they have quite a lot of bargain books for $5 and under. Cons: It is a teeny bit slower with the refresh than I, personally, would like. It doesn't have wireless but that also means Sony isn't accessing your device and potentially removing books from it the way Kindle has.

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I love, love, love the Kindle. And it is not as $$ as it used to be, if you've looked at amazon.com lately. The new version is $259, I believe. I think I spent close to $400 on mine. Sigh. Anyway, you can download books right from the device itself. That is way cool. There is NO lag time between pages, so when I click "next page" it is right there. You can look up words you don't know without leaving the page you are on, and the screen is just the right amount of white so as not to strain your eyes. Another thing I like is that you can just click on footnotes instead of paging to the back of the book.


This isn't the big screen one, this is the second version....I guess it was called the Kindle 2? Not the DX.


I did see the Sony reader in airport bookstores, and I didn't like it nearly as well for readability. Have fun choosing!



Can anyone compare the Kindle to other e-book readers for me? Or point me in the right direction to start some research of my own? I am starting to be tempted by this piece of technology. :) I'd like to know what differences there are in terms of readability, cost of books, availability of free books, compatibility with different formats (like PDF files), and all that other stuff. Thanks!
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I heard about the other book readers that you can "share" books but when you are sharing the book then it is not available for you to read (until the sharing is over).


If you let a friend borrow a book, of course you wouldn't have it with you while they were reading it. I have no plans to purchase an e-book reader at this time, but I really like this feature.

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Sony's e-reader and the Nook use the same screen.


If I were buying, I'd hold out a bit to see if the Nook takes off.


I *really wanted a Kindle for Christmas...my DH was just a day or two from ordering it for me, when I received the email about the Nook. Now, I am having a very hard time deciding between going with the proven Kindle...or the cool new kid on the block!

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I can recommend the Kindle but have not compared other e-readers. I did not like the small Kindle but love the large size Kindle. The reason is that my eyesight is terrible even with corrective bifocals. I had all but given up reading real books in favor of audio books. When the Kindle large format came out I leaped on it. I am now reading aloud to the kids again, as well as reading for myself. I think of it as an aid to my "disability" and I love it! Even more exciting is the fact that most of the books I love (classics) are available for free.

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