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If you eat raw garlic...

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How much and how often do you take it as a preventative?


My dh and I cut a little section of the clove in half and swallowed it like a pill last night. We let my 10 y/o do it too. My 6 year old just ate some minced raw garlic in bread. I was thinking once a week - or is that not enough. As far as I know, you can eat as much garlic as you want, right?

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How much and how often do you take it as a preventative?


My dh and I cut a little section of the clove in half and swallowed it like a pill last night. We let my 10 y/o do it too. My 6 year old just ate some minced raw garlic in bread. I was thinking once a week - or is that not enough. As far as I know, you can eat as much garlic as you want, right?


Or, as much as your friends will tolerate. ;) If they stop calling you to get together, you may want to cut back a bit on the garlic intake. :D


Everyone in my family eats raw garlic every day. It's been that way around my home pretty much all my life. Dh and I don't go a day without garlic, and I'm pretty sure my parents ate it in every meal. :001_huh: I put it in our salads, or add it at the very end to our soups- sometimes I just put the chopped up raw garlic on a plate and everyone scoops up a bit to garnish their spaghetti sauce/stew/soup or whatever we're eating for dinner with. I think of it as Cilantro with a kick. :tongue_smilie: Again, I use it because I enjoy the taste (and the health benefits) so I probably use more than most. We eat about one clove (not the bulb ;)) each per day, including all the littles (though they get the smaller cloves from the bulbs).


I'm no garlic expert- I love the taste mysef, but I thought the benefits were greater if you chop it up or press it. I thought I read that here on the boards again recently, but I can't find the post now. If the taste is too much for you at first, try "hiding" it in a loaf of fresh bread with butter. Yuuum.. Garlic bread is my favorite! :drool5:

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Well, we take garlic tablets here. One, which is the recommended daily dosage for just "good health" is supposedly equivalent to 4 cloves. So, when we use it as an antibiotic, the kids will get 2; one in the morning and one in the eve. I have taken 2 also for that purpose, and sometimes 3 if its something like a UTI or some such problem. Raw garlic can cause stomach upset in children, so be sure to let them know to tell you if thier tummy hurts, and then just dose less.



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Well, we don't eat raw garlic daily, but as soon as someone in the house starts to feel like they are getting sick, we all eat a clove or two a day for a few days. I chop it fine, or use a garlic press, and sprinkle it on pizza (the kids' favorite way to eat raw garlic), or put it on toast, french bread, or mix it in with vegetables.

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we take garlic capsules when fighting an illness, otherwise just add minced garlic to my cooking whenever culinarily (did I just create a new word?) appropriate -- pretty much anything Italian (homemade marinara sauce, garlic cheese bread, alfredo sauce) and especially chicken soup which I make whenever anyone is sick.

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Besides cooking it with veggies, meat, rice, pasta, whatever, we also eat crushed garlic in grilled cheese sandwiches or spread on toast and sliced very thinly in salads. My dh eats whole cloves chewing them - not swallowing whole.


We're not extremely social people so aren't too worried about friends dropping us, and intimacy is still great. ;)

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There are some villages in China where people eat as many as 6-8 cloves of garlic per day, so once or twice a week would probably be fine.


However, garlic thins the blood, so you wouldn't want to eat too much if you're on a blood-thinning agent or are about to go in for surgery.


A few articles from Dr. Weil:






I try to eat several cloves per week usually crushed on bread with a bit of butter or cheese. If you're worried about your breath, you could eat a little parsley.

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Well, not something to eat everyday, but I like to hide crushed garlic in guacamole. I can do about 3 cloves per avocado...I've tried 5 cloves per avocado but that gets to be too overpowering I think. I also put finely chopped raw onion, lime juice, salt, and a little cayenne pepper in the guacamole. Sooo good.

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Well, not something to eat everyday, but I like to hide crushed garlic in guacamole. I can do about 3 cloves per avocado...I've tried 5 cloves per avocado but that gets to be too overpowering I think. I also put finely chopped raw onion, lime juice, salt, and a little cayenne pepper in the guacamole. Sooo good.


Oh yum. That does sound good. Now I'm hungry. :001_huh:

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