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Science for 3rd to 5th grades?


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I am looking for science resources for my DD6's. We will be finishing up what would be third grade science in the next few months, they eat up science material. :) My DD9 is working on middle school science so I am looking for resources to use to fill the gaps between the two. My only request is that it be secular materials.

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RS4K is neutral, and definitely not religious. Their chemistry is the best of the three for the grades 4-6 levels, although we bought the entire set. I have one who doesn't care much for science, and RS4K has been more enjoyable for her. However, my eldest, who likes science, liked the RS4K Chem 2 even though by the time we got around to it it was too easy for her (she was already 14, and it's for grades 7-9). The Chem 2 even has students design their own experiments.

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We like REAL Science Odyssey. We are using it for 2nd (Earth & Space) and it is very hands on. You would probably want to beef it up with extra reading - that's what I have done to slow ds5 down and make the curriculum last. We do the labs and reading included in the material (which isn't much reading) and work on any new vocabulary once a week and he checks out books on related topics at the library each week.

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Another you might like that I thought was so so was Singapore My Pals Are Here. I used the older version, maybe the newer version is better. I thought the workbook was great and challenged one to think. However, I didn't care for the lack of hands on stuff. I could have added more, but I just never found it all that easy to.



I just received MPH for 3-4. We won't start it until next year, but I'm impressed with it from looking through the material. I think we'll have enough hands-on experiments for my comfort. I did buy everything though... There are extra things to do listed in the Teacher's Guide and an extra experiment for each main section (so roughly 2 per book) in the More Notes book. No extras in HOTS or Tests, but I like how it looks like they'll require extra and deeper thought. Looking forward to getting started with it! (Although I've got equipment to buy...)

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I like NOEO. Even if you go with level 1 (grade 1-3) it can be made rigorous enough (although they do have level 2 as well). I use it a lot like SOTW. It is our spine, but we add in more reading and more hands on stuff. I like how everything is ready to go. When I go to the library with my history reading list I also look for science books to go with the upcoming science topics. I have had good luck finding more to add. And many science books for kids include hands on activities so we use some of those. I have never had to look high and low to add more activities.


I have used RS4K. I don't care for it simply because we buzz through it in less than 2 months.


Another you might like that I thought was so so was Singapore My Pals Are Here. I used the older version, maybe the newer version is better. I thought the workbook was great and challenged one to think. However, I didn't care for the lack of hands on stuff. I could have added more, but I just never found it all that easy to.


One I saw recently (but have never used) is this:




I'm seriously considering that one after we finish NOEO.


I am really torn between NOEO and MPH for next term and beyond. DD loves science, and has had lots of wonderful opportunities for hands-on learning through the natural history museum and our co-op. Now I'm starting to look for something more structured and consistent to do at home. Do you think it would be overkill to do both? FWIW, I'm not sure dd would consider any amount of science overkill, but I don't want to wear myself out.:D

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I am really torn between NOEO and MPH for next term and beyond. DD loves science, and has had lots of wonderful opportunities for hands-on learning through the natural history museum and our co-op. Now I'm starting to look for something more structured and consistent to do at home. Do you think it would be overkill to do both? FWIW, I'm not sure dd would consider any amount of science overkill, but I don't want to wear myself out.:D


We found NOEO too Charlotte Mason-y for our learning and teaching styles. I bought it because I could buy all the books, etc, and the science kit already made up for me, but then still had to supply some things that we don't actually normally keep in our house even if most people do. We just didn't end up getting around to it. I don't know about MPH.

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One I saw recently (but have never used) is this:




I'm seriously considering that one after we finish NOEO.


This looks really interesting but I wish that they sold subject area specific books instead of having chemistry, physics, and biology all together. The biology is written from a YEC viewpoint, which I personally do not share.

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This looks really interesting but I wish that they sold subject area specific books instead of having chemistry, physics, and biology all together. The biology is written from a YEC viewpoint, which I personally do not share.


I was thinking the same thing. I did email and ask more about the lab materials, but I noticed in the sample even the labs mention religious beliefs.

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I am creating my own science curriculum....we are studying the solar system using various books, videos and experiments/activities. We just got bored with various programs, either it was too slow or just not fun. I am following my children's interests at this point and just moving along with that. I don't know what level/grade or even if we are within the "during this grade kids need to be doing/learning this" but I do know that we can't be too off. I would encourage you to dive into what your children are interested in:)

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I am creating my own science curriculum....we are studying the solar system using various books, videos and experiments/activities. We just got bored with various programs, either it was too slow or just not fun. I am following my children's interests at this point and just moving along with that. I don't know what level/grade or even if we are within the "during this grade kids need to be doing/learning this" but I do know that we can't be too off. I would encourage you to dive into what your children are interested in:)


I think this is the conclusion I am coming to. My DD9 is doing so well with her materials I think I am just going to adapt some of the experiments and use various materials to cover what we want/need to cover for the younger ones. :) They are always tagging along and absorbing so much.


They have decided physics is where we are going next, they want to build circuits, so I am just going to put together some of the experiments I have from the RS4K Level 1 teacher manual and run with it. I'm going to combine RS4K pre-level and level 1 reading and lots of other stuff I put together from science a-z and the library. We will continue with the life science because they are working parallel to my DD9 but I think a science experiment day for all of them in physics or chemistry would be a great idea, especially with the cold weather coming. They are sad, all the butterflies and moths are dying. Ah, the circle of life.


We read the coolest book on the big bang, I used it with prehistory. It is a series written from the point of view of the universe. I'll have to see if I can find the title, maybe some others would enjoy it too...

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We read the coolest book on the big bang, I used it with prehistory. It is a series written from the point of view of the universe. I'll have to see if I can find the title, maybe some others would enjoy it too...


We would love to have the title! Ds just went to a class about 'the galaxy' (they talked about astronomy in general, constellations, space exploration, etc) at the local science and industry museum, and now he wants to learn more about space outside our solar system. We are already doing planet studies as part of our science curriculum, too.

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Really? I'm not totally familiar with CM. NOEO is very WTMish IMO. Is CM anything like WTM?


There is an overlap between CM & WTM. But we have had to modify WTM a great deal for us anyway due to our dc's learning styles, etc. For eg, my dd's were not at all suited to rote learning during the rote ages and it was nothing but a lesson in frustration to teach them that way. My ds, OTOH, does much better with that and is the first to do copywork on a regular, ongoing basis, for example. He thrived with FLL for the first 2 grades, but that approach would not have worked for my dd's. Also, for my teaching and personality, I do not sit and write down my dc's stories. Lots of people love NOEO, but we hardly ever used it. Also, for my middle dd, taking one science all year was a huge bust as she's not into science, although we certainly do history the WTM way, among other things. My eldest has done that, but we did it WTM way without NOEO. Now that she's in high school, though, we're doing 6 out of 9 classes semester style a. because she finds working in more depth on fewer subjects works better for her and b. for the experience. So we're combining 2 approaches.

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MPH - My Pals Are Here (Singapore Science)


EPGY - Educational Program for Gifted Youth (Stanford University online program)


WWE- Writing With EASE? (I don't know of a science curric with those intitials)


NOEO - Is the name of a science program, not sure if it's an abbreviation.


Noeo is a word, not an abbrevation. It's a Greek word, I think (perhaps Koine Greek, but I'm really not sure.)

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