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What's a good age to allow a responsible child to mow the lawn?

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We based this decision on safety. I read a few articles that indicated one major consideration is height. The person's elbow height should be above the top of the push mower, if their arms are hanging straight down. I don't remember the exact reason but it had to do with the ability to push the mower safely. Minimum age in most of the articles was 12, along with the height. Our oldest started at 13 as he was not tall enough when he was younger. Even with safer mowers today, there are still a lot of mower injuries that make it to the emergency room.

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We based this decision on safety. I read a few articles that indicated one major consideration is height. The person's elbow height should be above the top of the push mower, if their arms are hanging straight down. I don't remember the exact reason but it had to do with the ability to push the mower safely. Minimum age in most of the articles was 12, along with the height. Our oldest started at 13 as he was not tall enough when he was younger. Even with safer mowers today, there are still a lot of mower injuries that make it to the emergency room.


Which is why our eleven and a half year old has not started yet..too short.

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My DS is 10 and just started with the push mower. He will do the push mower for awhile before he starts on a riding mower. He may have done it a bit younger but we just got a big yard:) He does a great job and it is HARD work. I think 9-10 is a fine age to start. My almost 7 year old is nowhere near ready to start.

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I have two boys who are built very differently. Our twelve year old, tall for his age and fairly strong, has been push mowing since he was about 10 -- the first summer with much instruction, supervision and small sections of the yard. This summer he was able to do it all on his own. Our nine year old, while he is responsible enough, is small for his age and not as strong -- he will most likely wait until he is able to physically handle the job, maybe a couple years, depending on his growth. I think it is important that responsibility, ability, and supervision all work together.

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Good points. I was surprised when I read that people let their 8 year old children mow. My son is almost 8 but he barely weighs 50 pounds (and is particularly short). I can't imagine him being able to safely handle a lawn mower.


My 8yo is 4'9" and 85 pounds, but he can't mow because he isn't mature enough (very impulsive and doesn't pay attention.)

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Our neighbors have been letting their ds mow the lawn since he was about 8-9yo, which seems young to me but has worked out well for them (he's 11 now). At what age did you let your child mow the lawn, and how did you decide?


For us, it was size and strength more than age. Most kids are stronger than adults, pound for pound, but height really makes a big difference in one's ability to handle a roaring mower.


We are a fairly petite family. By the time the kids were big enough to really handle our mower, they were 10yo or so.



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There's SUCH a variety in ages. That's because it's not about age. It's about height and weight/strength, responsibility, and maturity. Our oldest did the push mower on and off (with supervision) when he was 8 and started the ride-on mower (with supervision) when he was 10. We waited until we were sure that all of the above characteristics were present *to our satisfaction.* As always, YMMV! :D

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