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My year so far (needing a boost)

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February: Grandma is diagnosed with breast cancer. After surgery given a clean bill of health.

April: Dad diagnosed with bladder cancer.

April: Dog walks down the block toward neighbor's house and vanishes.

May: Grandma has emergency gall bladder surgery.

June: Daughter diagnosed with Mono and spends 6 weeks very, very ill.

June: Dad's bladder cancer fairly developed, must have bladder removed.

July: Dad develops VRS sepsis after surgery and almost dies twice over the next month.

August: Grandma diagnosed with inoperable bile duct cancer.

September: Grandma diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer.

September: Discover Aunt (dad's sister) is dying from ovarian cancer

October: Daughter rolls van...totals it.

October: Daughter's (trusted and beloved by my children) boyfriend wigs out when she breaks up with him..trashes her room and knocks her around necessitating restraining order.

October: Grandma dies (yesterday).

October: 5 children now down with H1N1


You know, I'm holding up well under the circumstances but I'm honestly becoming afraid to get out of bed in the mornings. I feel like I robbed Tut's tomb. Each time we get a little bit more bad news I just think, "Sure...why not?"




On the upside, however my new van was delivered yesterday and I love it. We also acquired an orphaned 4 week old kitten white kitten with blue eyes. We named him Milo and he's providing a welcome distraction.

Edited by Barb F. PA in AZ
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I'm so sorry for all of the stress and heartache. {{Barb}}


That much stress takes a toll on you -- both mentally and physically. Please remember to take care of yourself -- be sure to eat well, rest as much as you can, and take vitamins and probiotics to support *your* immune system.



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