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"Balloon Boy Brfg" Charges being filed, link to CNN broadcast calling it a hoax

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ETA: they expect to file charges on 4 counts, the DA will then decide whether to accept them or not.


It is a long broadcast so I will summarize a few points that stood out to me.


They speculate that the entertainment media and the parents were working together.

They think it was planned for at least 2 weeks.

CPS has been called and requested to make an investigation. It sounds like the children are with the mother at this time.

The feel all 3 children were involved '100%' and had 'guilty knowledge'.

They are talking to the FBI and FAA regarding if federal charges are going to apply.

The sheriff eluded to a polygraph being used but due to state law, he couldn't confirm that or the results. (He spent a lot of time talking about it, if it wasn't preformed). This possibility along with interview, then interrogation was used to secure a search warrant. They seized computers and documents.

They don't have official numbers on what the hoax cost, but if charges are filed and if they go to court, they will attempt to recover the costs. Later he said the family didn't appear to have the resources to pay the costs, so it seemed unlikely that they would be able to pay restitution, unless they profit from the media on this case.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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ETA: they expect to file charges on 4 counts, the DA will then decide whether to accept them or not.


It is a long broadcast so I will summarize a few points that stood out to me.


They speculate that the entertainment media and the parents were working together.



Ok, I haven't read everything at the link yet, but in the main story I'm not seeing where the media was a part of the lies? Honestly, if that's the case, then I think the MEDIA folks better be arrested as well! THEIR part in such a thing would be almost worse to me....I know better than to trust the media, but there is a part of us all that want to believe them and this just makes me want to never watch the news again.

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Is anyone else finding this story pretty depressing? At first, I was sort of looking forward to hearing whether or not this was a hoax, just to see if my gut feeling was right... but now that we know that it was, I'm just feeling even worse for these children. :( A situation which first seemed terrifying, then a relief, has now become really sad.

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Ok, I haven't read everything at the link yet, but in the main story I'm not seeing where the media was a part of the lies? Honestly, if that's the case, then I think the MEDIA folks better be arrested as well! THEIR part in such a thing would be almost worse to me....I know better than to trust the media, but there is a part of us all that want to believe them and this just makes me want to never watch the news again.


Interesting point....


Lets say that a new network ZZZ, was making a new show called BB (Balloon Boy), just to make sure no one network get slandered here.


If ZZZ were co-conspirators with the parents to create and film this scenario and then used the video footage on BB, then could they be liable along with the parents.


I guess it would depend on whether the plot was assisted by ZZZ in anyway. Financing, filming, participation, planning, or any other involvement that affected the outcome of the actual event.



But if they just agreed to offer them compensation for the attention and resulting hoopla and videos....I don't know. Can ZZZ be tried as a co-conspirator if they knew about it, didn't participate, but also didn't report a crime was going to happen? If a person from ZZZ was in cahoots with the parents, would they be personally liable or the company ZZZ?


I guess in my mind it is like saying if a thief knows a certain customer likes rubies, then if they steal rubies, they have a guaranteed customer. Is the customer responsible for the theft in the first place? Not really. But without the market for the stolen item, there wouldn't have been a theft...hmmm.

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Is anyone else finding this story pretty depressing? At first, I was sort of looking forward to hearing whether or not this was a hoax, just to see if my gut feeling was right... but now that we know that it was, I'm just feeling even worse for these children. :( A situation which first seemed terrifying, then a relief, has now become really sad.


Absolutely. It is sad when you see a family in chaos. I hope that all this attention brings some kind of postive resolution for the family in the long run. The older boys seem to have been pretty much left alone in all of this, I hope it remains that way. Little Falcon on the other hand, will invariable carry it with him forever. Especially if the family does face serious consequences, he may blame himself/be blamed by the family for his actions. Based on the Wife Swap episode parts I saw on YouTube, it doesn't seem like they are very supportive, kind parents, the parts they showed on the Internet made them appear to be aggressive and disparaging.:(

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Interesting point....


Lets say that a new network ZZZ, was making a new show called BB (Balloon Boy), just to make sure no one network get slandered here.


If ZZZ were co-conspirators with the parents to create and film this scenario and then used the video footage on BB, then could they be liable along with the parents.


I guess it would depend on whether the plot was assisted by ZZZ in anyway. Financing, filming, participation, planning, or any other involvement that affected the outcome of the actual event.



But if they just agreed to offer them compensation for the attention and resulting hoopla and videos....I don't know. Can ZZZ be tried as a co-conspirator if they knew about it, didn't participate, but also didn't report a crime was going to happen? If a person from ZZZ was in cahoots with the parents, would they be personally liable or the company ZZZ?


I guess in my mind it is like saying if a thief knows a certain customer likes rubies, then if they steal rubies, they have a guaranteed customer. Is the customer responsible for the theft in the first place? Not really. But without the market for the stolen item, there wouldn't have been a theft...hmmm.


Ok, what I took that sentence to mean (and I'm still listening to and reading this link) was that for the past 2 weeks the media and the family were planning this.....THAT is what I would be want the media person arrested for.....not for the media doing their normal over-blown job. It would be the advance knowledge that it was going to happen that would be criminal, not just feeding this family's ego after the fact. In fact, in some ways it's the media's insatiable attention that brought the truth to light.....had the media simply reported that the kid was found safe and moved on we'd have never known....it was the family going on all these TV shows that opened that box.


Of course, that's also very typical.....many criminals are eventually caught because of their own inability to just let it be......how many murderers were turned in by someone that they bragged about it to who had the decency to call the police. Or, like happened here, have retold the story so many times and their ego keeps pumping them up to where they start slipping and forgetting the story that they are supposed to be telling. Police procedures are very good at getting people to talk in interviews.....in this case they let the media do it for them first.....and then I'll wager that in that several hour long interview with the Dad at the Sheriff's office they continued their "we believe you" stance and let Dad spin a bigger and bigger web of lies. People watching the dozens of different news clips were already catching the Dad in some questionable details.....things that normally you could let go until the bigger question starts you going back and rewatching those previous stories and seeing the discrepancy in a brighter light. Dad would have gotten away with it all had he simply asked the media to give his family some privacy to be with his son and go through the emotions of finding him safe. That's what most people do after a missing child is found....not give interviews, lol. Me....I'd need an hour or two of just holding that child close before I could even begin to speak clearly. As it was unfolding and they didn't find the boy in the balloon and discussion was that he may have fallen out just the image of that horrific death for anyone, but especially for a small child, made me need to get a hug from my kids. To some extent that's the reaction I typically have when I hear about a child being hurt or missing....I want reassurance that my kids are ok.


This is a very sad situation for those boys....no one should have to watch their parents being arrested (which actually they haven't even had to watch yet, but will tomorrow or Tuesday) and having all the lies play out so publicly. But, it could also be the turning point in their young lives to learning about honesty, as it sure doesn't sound like they've learned much about it previously.

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Ok, I haven't read everything at the link yet, but in the main story I'm not seeing where the media was a part of the lies?


It is in the interview. The he talks about it and then it is mentioned a few more times as the news media ask questions. It is the entertainment media that is suspected of being involved, no 'legitimate' news organizations.

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It is in the interview. The he talks about it and then it is mentioned a few more times as the news media ask questions. It is the entertainment media that is suspected of being involved, no 'legitimate' news organizations.


I guess I'll have to go back and listen more carefully (right now the kids and friends are in the room and very noisy, lol), because I missed that I guess. Are they saying they knew before the balloon even went up that this was going to happen? That's criminal, in the same way that the family knew. But if it's that the media played into the ego of the family and blew the story up into more dramatic than it should have been, well, sadly, that's normal news for some of these stations.

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Is anyone else finding this story pretty depressing? At first, I was sort of looking forward to hearing whether or not this was a hoax, just to see if my gut feeling was right... but now that we know that it was, I'm just feeling even worse for these children. :( A situation which first seemed terrifying, then a relief, has now become really sad.


Yes, I feel extremely sorry for the children, especially Falcon. His truth-telling may earn him a number of years without his parents. (Penalty for one of the charges is up to 6 years.) He's obviously a sensitive kid (ie the vomiting). I hope sentencing, etc. will be just and that there will be a good plan for the children (like loving stable relatives) if the parents do jail time.


Given interviews I've read with former friends/associates, I wonder if the dad is on a manic bipolar phase.

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Given interviews I've read with former friends/associates, I wonder if the dad is on a manic bipolar phase.


Sounds like the Sheriff asked the wife if she wanted to go into a safe house... as there have been past reports of domestic battery. The man sounds like he has issues or is mentally unstable? I also read that they pitched the idea to TLC... no surprise. Gosselins inspired Octo-mom and now these yahoos. Really sad. :glare:

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Yes, I feel extremely sorry for the children, especially Falcon. His truth-telling may earn him a number of years without his parents. (Penalty for one of the charges is up to 6 years.) He's obviously a sensitive kid (ie the vomiting). I hope sentencing, etc. will be just and that there will be a good plan for the children (like loving stable relatives) if the parents do jail time.


Given interviews I've read with former friends/associates, I wonder if the dad is on a manic bipolar phase.


I feel sorry for all those children. When I was watching the morning interviews it seemed very odd that all the children seemed very drowsy. When Falcon vomited, I found his parents reaction extremely odd. Neither seemed to even be surprised. It occurred to me that perhaps they expected it? I wonder if those kids were dosed up on Benedryl or something? I feel bad for having those thoughts but every time I see the parents, their behavior seems off kilter to me. From what I've read and seen, the father appears to be textbook narcissistic and the mother comes across as being imbecilic. She seems unable to complete a thought. But that may be because Balloon Dad told nobody else to speak. Apparently bad things happen when the kids are allowed to talk these days. ;) Maybe this will be a reality check for the mom?

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