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Worst Migraine EVER

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I've had migraines as long as I can remember.


The one I had last night scared the heck out of me. I've had some bad ones since developing RSD, but this...this was something else.


First, keep in mind I'm on pretty heavy narcotics to start with, with a short term 'emergency' narcotic to take when the pain is beyond coping with.


So, for a migraine to get through my 'normal' meds is pretty harsh.


For it not to respond to my fast acting meds...that's even worse.


This was so incredibly bad that not only could I not move my head because my neck muscles completely seized up, but I also vomited x2. Normally, if I'm sleeping during the day (this hit at about 1215 pm...I woke dh from a nap at 130, and was in bed shortly after) I wear ear plugs and use a shirt rolled up over my eyes as a sort of sleep mask.


I couldn't use the ear plugs. They hurt like I was putting hot drill bits in my ears.


I couldn't use the shirt. It felt like I was trying to gouge out my eyes with my thumbs. Even unrolling and draping the shirt over my eyes was too much to bear. I pushed it aside, but it was still touching the top of my head, making me feel like something was trying to crush the top of my skull.


Even laying on my side, the pressure of my hand under my pillow was too much. Rolling over made me feel like my head was going to fall off.


Normally, with a migraine, I have my hand/arm over my eyes. Going up the stairs to bed, I couldn't figure out where to hold...my eyes, forehead, top of skull or back because it all hurt so badly, and felt like my skull was going to shatter.


The light and sound sensitivity was beyond incredible.


Today, I still feel very nauseated, and my neck muscles are still tight...not as bad as last night. I have pressure in the back of my skull, creeping up the right side, and beginning to make my right eye water as the pain/pressure starts up again.


I called my Dr, he's on vacation.


Called the health link, nurse says to go to a walk in clinic.


My gf, that had an aneurysm a few years ago is demanding I go into the ER, because what I had last night is EXACTLY how she felt a few days before she ended up in the hospital...after hers had ruptured, she was still walking around for a few days.


Wolf is at work. Unless the pain amps up, I'm waiting til he's home to do anything.

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Well, while that sounds like a fairly normal migraine for me (except I also have trouble talking w/o slurring) it does not sound like it is normal for you. Any migraine that is so much more severe than normal really does need to be checked out. You should at least go to the clinic. I understand wanting to wait until Wolf gets home.......if it's not too long, then maybe, but get in soon. Hope you feel better soon.




Oh - I got rid of almost all of my migraines by switching to natural and/or homemade body and home care products. Don't know if that interests you, or if that is the cause of your migraines, but I tell everyone because it is such a relief to me! I used to have two or three a month; since I switched over a year ago, I've had one.

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So sorry for you my dd17 had really bad migraines since she was 10. The Dr put her on Topamax and after 18 months on it all the migraines are now gone. She has been off of it for almost a year now. Might want to think about it for long term treatment. As for the attack if this is way out of the norm for you I agree with your friend that you should get to the Dr now. If he is out go to the ER. You can never be to careful about these things. I hope you feel better.

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So sorry to hear you were in so much pain. Migraines are horrible. I started suffering from them when I was in high school. I always experienced the visual disturbances with mine & almost always vomited as well. Fortunately, I've seem to outgrown them (as my doctor said many adolescents do).


I hope you are feeling better today. :grouphug:

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I get bad migraines and get similar symptoms but never to the degree you're describing. It sounds really bad even by migraine standards. I think your friend is right-get to a dr. Even if it seems better now, it might be a good idea for a quick check just to rule out any other problems. Post how you are doing when you get a chance and I hope you feel better soon.

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I hate to say this, but I think that one might warrant an MRI. If you haven't had one recently of your brain, I would get one. My fear would be that you have an impending blockage somewhere that could cause an aneurysm if not treated. Please, have an MRI. That is not a normal migraine for you. *hugs*

Thats why my gf wants me to go to the ER instead of the walk in clinic.

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Thats why my gf wants me to go to the ER instead of the walk in clinic.


I had one migraine in 25 years that took me to the ER (and for a good portion of that time, I would have a migraine at least 2X/month) -- I think you should go. You know when the pain is somehow 'different' and beyond a level you've experienced in the past. Don't mess with this -- :grouphug: -- and let us know how it turns out.

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Looks like Wolf isn't home early...he'd be home by now.


He's not going to be happy about me taking off for the ER. It scares the crap out of him, which shows by grumbling and general ticked off behaviour. *sigh*


Also means that he's on his own for dinner again tonight, because there's just no way I'm getting in and out of the ER quickly. Unheard of.

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I've had migraines as long as I can remember.


The one I had last night scared the heck out of me. I've had some bad ones since developing RSD, but this...this was something else.


First, keep in mind I'm on pretty heavy narcotics to start with, with a short term 'emergency' narcotic to take when the pain is beyond coping with.


So, for a migraine to get through my 'normal' meds is pretty harsh.


For it not to respond to my fast acting meds...that's even worse.


This was so incredibly bad that not only could I not move my head because my neck muscles completely seized up, but I also vomited x2. Normally, if I'm sleeping during the day (this hit at about 1215 pm...I woke dh from a nap at 130, and was in bed shortly after) I wear ear plugs and use a shirt rolled up over my eyes as a sort of sleep mask.


I couldn't use the ear plugs. They hurt like I was putting hot drill bits in my ears.


I couldn't use the shirt. It felt like I was trying to gouge out my eyes with my thumbs. Even unrolling and draping the shirt over my eyes was too much to bear. I pushed it aside, but it was still touching the top of my head, making me feel like something was trying to crush the top of my skull.


Even laying on my side, the pressure of my hand under my pillow was too much. Rolling over made me feel like my head was going to fall off.


Normally, with a migraine, I have my hand/arm over my eyes. Going up the stairs to bed, I couldn't figure out where to hold...my eyes, forehead, top of skull or back because it all hurt so badly, and felt like my skull was going to shatter.


The light and sound sensitivity was beyond incredible.


Today, I still feel very nauseated, and my neck muscles are still tight...not as bad as last night. I have pressure in the back of my skull, creeping up the right side, and beginning to make my right eye water as the pain/pressure starts up again.


I called my Dr, he's on vacation.


Called the health link, nurse says to go to a walk in clinic.


My gf, that had an aneurysm a few years ago is demanding I go into the ER, because what I had last night is EXACTLY how she felt a few days before she ended up in the hospital...after hers had ruptured, she was still walking around for a few days.


Wolf is at work. Unless the pain amps up, I'm waiting til he's home to do anything.


Get to the ER. Many people who describe a headache as "the worst I've ever had" have an aneurysm.


My mom died of an aneurysm. She said "oh my God!" put her head on her desk and died.

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That's what my gf who has had an aneurysm said. She was still on her feet for four days after it ruptured.


Also why she wants me to the ER instead of a walk in clinic.


My worry is that since its not full blown (yet?) that they may just let me sit there for hours on end before dismissing me as 'you had a migraine, we're not giving you drugs, go home.' :glare: Serious issues with drug seeking at our ERs...two of the ERs flat out won't dispense them at all, for any reason, and the third its solely up to the Dr's discretion.

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You can demand to have an MRI and dont take no for an answer. You know your body better than anyone. With the ER being flooded with flu symptoms they seem to be pushing everyone through as quick as they can. Hang in there and do what you think is best. Good luck and let us know!

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I hate to say this, but I think that one might warrant an MRI. If you haven't had one recently of your brain, I would get one. My fear would be that you have an impending blockage somewhere that could cause an aneurysm if not treated. Please, have an MRI. That is not a normal migraine for you. *hugs*




My aunt's best friend died of an aneurysm. She went to the doc with the worst headache she'd ever had and he sent her home and told her to take some tylenol.


She took a nap with her son and he woke up to her making some strange noises as she died. You really can't mess with this.

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I'll go to the ER when Wolf gets home. Promise.


I'm still regretting not going last night when it was in full force, but frankly, I was hurting far too badly to think that clearly. I'm worried they'll just say it was a migraine and shrug without any investigation, or view me as an attempted drug seeker. :glare:

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I'll go to the ER when Wolf gets home. Promise.


I'm still regretting not going last night when it was in full force, but frankly, I was hurting far too badly to think that clearly. I'm worried they'll just say it was a migraine and shrug without any investigation, or view me as an attempted drug seeker. :glare:


Tell them you don't want anything, you just want to make sure it isn't an aneurysm.

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:grouphug: So sorry you are having a migraine. I've only had one that was truly bad...it hurt so bad I couldn't even get up to get a pain killer. I can't imagine what you've been through.


DH is home today with a migraine. Fortunately he has Midrin on hand at all times to take when he feels one coming on.


Hope you are able to find some relief.

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oh, I hear you. I've had miserable migraines, then I've had migraines where I felt like I was dying, then I had migraines where I WANTED to die. I somehow think your narcotics are related to the migraine. I was on codeine after something..... I think it was after childbirth? I don't remember. Anyway, codeine gave me migraines and headaches. Could your narcotics cause it?

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